
Dimensional Merc

Our MC is a Dimensional Merc, hired by different world to correct what they can't. Just read the first chap for the rest, you'll get the idea. Viewer discretion is advised due to 18+ content, use of strong language, Cliché parts, Graphic Violence, Sexual and cringe content. I have given all the warnings now, if you don't like these, please skip and continue on the path of life, don't waste your, as well as my time in here. . . . I do not own any character shown in this FF except the MC. Any name, face or description of any living or non-living person, animal or thing was not intended ams was purely coincidental. I also do not own the cover photo for this fanfic, don't sue me later

Lemon_Supplier · Others
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10 Chs

Chapter-6 : He He He

Yeah, so I was about to to take the kitten away as I was stopped by someone.

The 17-18 yr old girl/lady looked at me as she said "Hey mister, I was gonna take that cat with me, you can't just take him away!!"

"Well, of course I can, the little fella was out there searching for something warm, I went there and he came upto me, and snuggled like this, I have made my mind, I will keep him now." I said, sliding my warm hand over the cats head as it mewled cutely.

I knew who this girl was, she was none other than our FMC, Annie, aka starlight.

"But still...." she said weakly.

"No buts, I'm taking him with me and thats the end" I said as I started walking away.

I could feel the sadness in her heart through my haki as I said "You can come to see him if you want, I live around the corner, the house with the blue paint."

"Also, if you do come, please remember to ring the bell"

I said, walking away for real.

I went home, gave the kitten a good bath, cleaned him up as new, stimulated it's body to go in recovery mode, as he fell asleep after eating all the fish I had left in the fridge.

As a 'regular' human being, I liked animal, and with my conquerer haki, I can understand them pretty well, it's some kind of thing that ran in Garp's family.

Animals are very attracted to me unless they are mindless.

I put the little fella into a warm basket as he was sleeping, and zapped back to my old house, or the 'base'.

My base was pretty packed right now, it held everything the team could ever need.

Along with training area, it had logistics department which handled all the information input and output, a resource department which handled all the flow of laundered money and a full blown armory.

I knew that the flying cunt had see through vision, so I deliberately covered the whole building with a zinc based paint, and the top three floors were covered in zinc plating as he can't see through it.

Not like I cared about him finding out, but to keep things lowkey for now that was a good idea, many rich people in this city had already done this, all because they were afraid to lose their privacy in front of homelander, all I had to do was give a small amount of 200 thousand dollars to Vaught to keep the matter contained.

That money was chump change considered to what I now had, and I will take all that back, with interest one day.

Yes, as I said, I also had an armory, I have been developing special pistols and rifles that could be used with haki.

You see color of armament gives a strong boost to strength, power and destructiveness of the projectile, so much that a normal arrow can create effects of a cannon shot.

So to bring out full potential of haki, I had been designing multiple types of cold weapons and firearms, take these two pistols for example.

They looked just like your classic 1911 pistol, but this was chambered in .22 rounds, you see, that with the use of haki, the calibre of the bullet doesn't matter anymore, a .22 lr bullet would do same damage as a 9mm with the use of haki.

If I use basic level of armament haki with these, they do same damage as a 50 calibre round, without the same sound effects or recoil, adding their property of countering sup powers like invincibility, these two pistols were enough for my men to face any super other than speedsters and floating ones.

But the real problem would be to bring them to basic level of armament haki in just a year, they don't have MC type of luck or talent, it would take time.

Also, along with guns, I had been training them with short blades and knives, in today's day and age, full size swords were just not good enough. And these short blades were just as dangerous.

I looked at them, trying to learn the 6 arts, it wasn't as easy for them as it was for me, they sprained their legs, hurt their fingers, bruised their skins, all in hopes of learning.

It felt really nice to have a crew under you who would do all the work for you, I went into my room as I zapped back home as I had an 'intruder' there.

"It's not nice to enter someone else's house without their consent, isn't it???" I said as I came down the stairs, holding a gun in my hands.

The person just shook up and jumped back looking at me, it was none other than Starlight.

I looked at her feet where the kitten was sleeping.

"I just came to see him, you kinda looked suspicious, I was worried for him" she said, looking towards the cat, who now woke up, saw her, saw me, and came towards me with his little steps.

"But I don't think that gives you the right to illegally enter my property" I said tightening my grip onto my gun.

"As far as I know, you can be some thief or burglar that came to rob my house" I said as the cat came to my side, and tried climbing up my leg.

"I know this seems suspicious, but I only wanted to visit the cat, and I'm not some thief, I live in the house adjacent to this one. I had been visiting the cat for a few days and wanted to adopt him today, but you showed up and all of this happened" she said, trying explaining herself.

I picked up the cat in my hands as I re holstered the gun as I said "Oh, that's the case, I thought different, I am new to the city and didn't know about the area. Anyways, my name is Justin, and you??"

"I'm Annie January, I live on number 48, nice to meet you" she said as she bought her hands forward for a shake.

I smiled as I shook hands with her.

She talked a little about he she felt about the cat, how I would be in trouble if I abuse the cat, how I should take care of it, what food, what accessories I should buy and etc...

"I think it's getting a little late, my mom must be getting worried for me, thank you for taking care of the cat and not killing me" she said jokingly.

"Yeah, totally. Hey, let's meet tomorrow at that tree, you up??" I said, trying my luck, I hadn't had some coochie in a long time.

"Only if you bring the little guy together.." she said


"Okay then, let's meet tomorrow at the tree, 5 in the evening, good??"

"Yup, very good" I said as she left my house.

Having superpowers had made her sense of security different, to her, I won't be able to do anything to her, that's why she agreed to readily.

"He he, let's see how you stay away from my charm.." I said, giggling inside my mind.