
Dimensional Artificer: Forge of Creation

A charismatic and talented 3D modeler in his mid-20s, who finds himself mysteriously transported to a world of magic and power unlike anything he's ever known. Unlike the conventional magicians and warriors in this realm, Ailord discovers that his unique power lies not in traditional sorcery, but rather in the ability to manifest his creations from the digital realm into physical reality. As Ailord navigates this fantastical world filled with mythical creatures, ancient civilizations, and treacherous adversaries, he must harness his creativity and technical prowess to forge innovative tools, weapons, and constructs that defy the conventional limits of magic. With his modern military knowledge and expertise in 3D modeling, Ailord becomes a formidable force as he blazes a trail of ingenuity and innovation, reshaping the very fabric of this new world.

Jayzentz · Fantasy
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99 Chs

The War Began 4

A massive explosion occurred, throwing Ailord violently against the wall, breaking through to the back, right in front of the stairs leading down. His head was ringing and his vision was blurry. He held his head, trying to calm himself so he could get up and help the elves.

His eyes suddenly widened, realizing that he could finally move again, even much faster as if Walker was his own body. Despite still being dizzy, Ailord hurried to grab the helmet that had rolled to the railing and put it on. The system came back online, providing various information about Walker, including unrepaired damage along with new damage on the right side of the body.

He was shocked, looking there and feeling a shallow long dent in a bright red color. However, instead of feeling upset, Ailord grinned widely, noticing Walker's energy level exceeding the limit. It was at 200 percent, which he had to use immediately before Walker exploded due to overload. "What a coincidence, I want to destroy them," he said.

Ailord stretched his body, dispelling every ache and pain from being a statue for several days. He took a stance before stomping his foot. A strong vibration occurred accompanied by a thunderous sound that startled the elf residents. They didn't know what had just come out of Elder Leynar's guest room, only able to see a black silhouette shooting out at high speed through the wall.

On the screen, information appeared about the large cannons on each airship. The computer quickly calculated how many troops were now marching towards the wall, leaving Ailord quite shocked. "More than hundred thousand??" A bitter smile formed there. "They really want to annihilate Veyrain."

Ailord's eyes sharpened, staring straight at the foremost airship and landing on its deck. He looked at the large cannon, not expecting to see an electric cannon in a fantasy world like this. He quickly tore the cannon off and threw it towards the control room.

Step by step, he walked out from within the billowing smoke, finding some of them still alive, including the leader now lying on the floor, looking at him with clear fear in his eyes. Ailord approached him, kneeling in front of the Commander who didn't know what to do in the face of the iron Construct, something that should never have existed.

"Where is your leader?" he asked in a heavy robotic voice.

The Commander's heart raced so fast, knowing death had arrived at life's door, ready to take his soul. However, he steeled himself and smiled bitterly, saying, "Don't expect me to tell you."

"Oh? Alright." Ailord slammed the head onto the floor with such force, forgetting that Walker's strength had now doubled, shattering it completely. Pieces of the head scattered everywhere with blood splattering, causing those remaining to scream in terror.

Ailord glanced at them as they scrambled to their feet to flee. But Ailord did nothing, just stood and then walked toward the ship's deck. After all, they had nowhere to run. He had decided to use this ship as a weapon against the other airships.

The system began scanning, revealing parts of the ship along with the heat signatures of humans still trying to do something to stop the ship from falling. It didn't take long for the system to identify the strongest part of the ship, and Ailord quickly headed there, destroying the ship's walls without caring about those affected and arriving at the central room in the hull. Here, the ship's framework was clearly visible as this room was a large storage area.

"They could have turned it into a hangar," he remarked, walking towards the wall on the right, giving it a powerful punch that instantly created a huge hole accompanied by a strong jolt. Through the hole, he could see the remaining row of airships and grinned widely.

He grabbed the ship's framework directly above his head, then jumped down while swinging his hand forward.

Those still inside were suddenly thrown violently. Many were killed instantly by heavy objects falling on them. They could only scream loudly for help that would never come.

The commander on the neighboring ship was observing the protective magic dome of Veyrain, which was still operational despite having a large crack in the front. "We're lucky to have these cannons. Otherwise, we couldn't possibly win against them."

The sound of footsteps came from behind. His assistant appeared, drenched in sweat, holding a tablet. "C-Commander... Commander Colin's ship—"

Before he could finish his sentence, they saw the sky darken. They looked outside, stunned to see one of the airships now hovering towards them. Unable to do anything but accept their fate, both ships exploded, shocking the remaining commanders.

They quickly ordered an investigation to find out who or what could destroy their airships. It was impossible for the elves to do it with their arrows. Meanwhile, much of the elves' high-level magic had been lost, and they could only use Elven's Heart as a last defense. Those creatures could not possibly reach the altitude at which they were now.

Before receiving any information, another airship was blown apart, exploding in the air with its cannon being hurled toward the control room of another airship. Fortunately, that ship was still able to fly, but it was no longer controllable and just a matter of time before meeting the same fate as the previous airships.

"Luckily, they only have five airships. Any more, and Veyrain would be in real danger," muttered Ailord, landing on the deck of the last ship. He glanced at the still-flying ship next to him, with its crew looking panicked and clueless about what to do with the large cannon in the middle of the control room. Fire was already visible there, making him smile with satisfaction.

He then observed those in the control room right in front of him. None were close to the glass, choosing to retreat in fear, except for one person who appeared to be their leader. He was trying hard not to step back.

"At least they are leaders worthy of appreciation."

Ailord began to step forward, each heavy step sounding like the arrival of the grim reaper. He shattered the glass in front of him and stared straight at the Commander. "Where is your leader?"

Hearing the terrifying voice, the Commander was startled but tried hard to maintain his composure. "I am the remaining leader of our forces. You have killed the other four," the Commander replied with intense hatred. He couldn't comprehend how a Construct could speak or if the figure before him was truly a Construct.

"Only the five of you? Didn't your knights also attend the blessing ceremony?" Ailord asked, taking a step, causing the Commander to step back. "Who is their leader, and why are they attending the blessing?"

The Commander's hands clenched tightly. He then touched the control panel with his foot, realizing there was nowhere left to run. "Why should we tell you? You are the enemy, and don't expect us to open our mouths to lowly creatures like you!" he shouted, which was met with cheers from his subordinates.

Ailord's grin widened.

He removed his helmet, surprising them. "Lowly race? You're not wrong. We humans have many weaknesses. But..." He leaned in, whispering in the Commander's ear, "Don't compare me to those of you who will soon meet death."

He put the helmet back on, causing the Commander to seethe with anger. "WHY ARE YOU HELPING THEM!?"

"Why did you betray them?" Ailord snorted with amusement and yanked the control panel behind the Commander. "Since you refuse to answer, let's see how many of your men must die before you open your mouth."

The Commander screamed, but the control panel had already been thrown towards the middle of the wall where the exit door was. More than five crew members were crushed, their blood splattering and forming new patterns on the wall. Not giving the Commander a chance, Ailord proceeded to the next control panel and ripped it off. He waited two seconds to see if their Commander would still remain silent.

This time, eight crew members died instantly, blood pooling visibly beneath the control panel now embedded in the wall. Those who remained cowered in fear, no longer able to find a way out, and could only look towards their Commander with pleading eyes, hoping he would save them from the terrifying figure before them.

Ailord moved to another control panel, ready to rip it off while scanning for another group to sacrifice.


Hearing the Commander's shout, Ailord grinned widely and walked towards him.

The Commander paused for a moment, aware he shouldn't be doing this, but the lives of his subordinates were far more valuable. "T-their leader is Zayn. A terrifying figure who is actually the sword of Copperhaven. He should be facing the elders in the blessing area. B-but he knows nothing about this plan!" he said quickly.

"Oh? Interesting."


Before he could finish his sentence, one of his subordinates shot him with wind magic. Blood flowed clearly from his chest, seeping and staining the white uniform with a new red pattern, making Ailord glare sharply.

He observed where the Commander had been shot and sighed in relief, as it hadn't hit a vital area. However, he still needed healing magic immediately.

Ailord stood up after saying, "Wait here, don't die, or I'll send all of them with you," and walked towards the young man who was now grinning widely.

"What will you do now? You won't get any information from us, you traitor!" he shouted proudly and confidently.

A powerful punch hit his stomach, sending him crashing into the wall with blood flowing from both sides of his mouth. His vision blurred, seeing multiple images of the iron Construct now appearing more than two.

Ailord leaned in, saying, "You should be grateful to have a good Commander like him instead of stabbing them in the back." He then stepped away from the young man, glancing at the remaining crew. "Don't bother trying to save him; his internal organs are destroyed. If anyone else tries, I'll make you experience living hell before the real one."