
Dimensional Artificer: Forge of Creation

A charismatic and talented 3D modeler in his mid-20s, who finds himself mysteriously transported to a world of magic and power unlike anything he's ever known. Unlike the conventional magicians and warriors in this realm, Ailord discovers that his unique power lies not in traditional sorcery, but rather in the ability to manifest his creations from the digital realm into physical reality. As Ailord navigates this fantastical world filled with mythical creatures, ancient civilizations, and treacherous adversaries, he must harness his creativity and technical prowess to forge innovative tools, weapons, and constructs that defy the conventional limits of magic. With his modern military knowledge and expertise in 3D modeling, Ailord becomes a formidable force as he blazes a trail of ingenuity and innovation, reshaping the very fabric of this new world.

Jayzentz · Fantasy
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103 Chs

The War Began 3

The room shook violently, making Walker tremble along with Ailord, who looked out the window, observing what was actually happening outside the kingdom's walls. He could see large fireballs striking the protective magic circle of the elves, with their troops rushing up the walls to help.

He really hoped Walker wouldn't fall from these strong tremors or he wouldn't be able to get up. Not to mention he wasn't wearing a helmet. He could end up with a concussion from hitting something hard.

"F*ck, if only Walker hadn't run out of energy or I could at least move, I would help," he said angrily because he could only sit still watching the elves being attacked.

After talking with Glok and the others and hearing the elves' discussions about the Copperhaven kingdom, Ailord had decided to help face them. It was clear who the villains were here. They chose to attack when every racial leader was in the same place and planned to eliminate them all.

From the conversation with Glok, they still didn't know for sure the reason Copperhaven betrayed them. However, from the circulating information, Copperhaven decided to attack the other three kingdoms to prove that their Constructs were not useless and unworthy of respect. In less than a year, they managed to prove it by killing the leader of the heroes who were supposed to be invincible.

Ailord had already felt something was odd about their arrival here, while the human lands should be good for farming. Maybe the elders had also realized it but had no other choice.

"No, that's impossible. The elders I saw, even though they are a bit silly, are not the kind of people who would just surrender the kingdom. Something happened, something none of them expected," Ailord murmured, contemplating various possibilities.

However, that was not important now. He had to find a way to at least get out of Walker and create backup energy quickly. "Why didn't I do that from the start?" he said, annoyed with himself for always forgetting the most basic and important things.

The strong tremors were felt again. From outside the window, the screams and cries of children being comforted by their families could be heard. Hearing that, the frown on Ailord's forehead deepened. He knew how cruel a war could be. However, experiencing it firsthand truly hurt his heart.

Suddenly, the room emitted a greenish light. Not only there, but throughout the entire kingdom. Ailord's eyes widened as he observed it, not understanding what was happening. But witnessing the elf citizens outside the room, kneeling in prayer with sobs, sparked hatred in Ailord's heart.

He looked up at the wall, watching how each root enveloped the bodies of the soldiers who had completely surrendered. He still didn't understand what was happening, but the cries of the elves were enough to prove that this was a farewell.

"Damn it! Move!!"

Ailord kept trying to move his body, which was completely restrained by Walker. Let alone moving, he couldn't budge an inch.

He looked back out the window, noticing that the soldiers behind the gate had also transformed into terrifying root creatures. Their eyes glowed brightly, reflecting both their immense anger towards Copperhaven and their fiery determination to protect Veyrain from destruction.

The gate slowly opened, allowing them to exit the kingdom, no longer looking back at the elf citizens who struggled to restrain themselves from chasing after them.

The sounds of a great battle could be heard there. Screams upon screams, the sound of impacts and shattered ground. Explosions, shouts of the soldiers, and strong tremors. What was happening behind the wall was a hell. A hell of life. The final form of every living creature with death waiting behind the door, ready to take each soul.

Wherever he was, not only in this world, even on Earth, war always occurred. Something that couldn't be stopped because of human greed, their deep hatred, and their desire to have everything. A vast, endless black hole. A hole that would never close and would continue to exist as long as humans did.

None of this would have happened if they didn't have it.

The elves, who should have been able to destroy humans, chose instead to share their power to improve the welfare of other races, and this was the thanks they received: destruction, sorrow. A catastrophe.

In his previous world, he did not have the power to change any of it. But here, Ailord was determined to change things so that the same events wouldn't happen again.

Suddenly, a bright blue light appeared in front of the window.

He turned towards it, shocked to find that one of Copperhaven's attacks had managed to break through the elves' protective magic. The last thing he saw was a bright light followed by an explosion and a thick plume of smoke.

Far from there, on an flying ship, the main commander of Copperhaven's forces stood proudly with folded arms, observing how their new weapon had managed to penetrate the elves' defensive magic, which was even difficult to destroy in the dark ages. Unfortunately, the weapon in front of him had to cool down for five minutes before it could be used again, evident from its muzzle now glowing red. If not for the strengthening magic, the metal would have melted.

"Prepare the second round of ammunition immediately!" he ordered.

"Commander, the Elven's Heart are still alive," his assistant said, observing a golden tablet in hand with a blue screen. This prototype communication device had only been released recently but had already provided them with significant assistance. Especially now, as they used a small Construct as an 'eye' just ahead of the airship to see the course of the battle.

The commander glanced over, seeing the fierce gazes of the Elven's Heart, which made his heart skip a beat. He cleared his throat a few times, trying to hide the fact that he had just been frightened by them. "Keep burning them. Never deactivate the flamethrower cannons."

The assistant nodded in understanding and left to relay the command to the crew, who were busy monitoring the screens in front of them.

The commander couldn't believe he had just felt the sting of death merely through their gaze. He had suspected that the Elven's Heart were not weak. They were the elves' last line of defense, a force that could shake the dark ages. However, seeing it firsthand, he wondered how humans had managed to survive against such power up to now.

"What was I thinking? The fact that we are still here means that humans are not weak. In fact, we are much stronger than all of them. Especially now! When we finally have the chance to face them!" he shouted enthusiastically, eyeing the large iron cannon that looked different from usual cannons.

The cannon's muzzle had no opening for firing iron balls but was instead solid and densely packed with five iron rings along the muzzle, where electricity gathered energy before being fired forward. Initially, no one believed this device would be useful and it was merely laughed at. However, when they saw it able to destroy Constructs with high-level Mana Stones, everyone was stunned and speechless. Since then, the production of this cannon had been undertaken, with Copperhaven having five installed on five airships, each belonging to a commander of the kingdom.

He felt truly fortunate to be the first to try it and was immensely satisfied to see it work far better than expected. With this, Veyrain would fall soon, and the elf race would become their slaves, just like the dwarves.

"How foolish, these inferior races standing in the same place as us," he laughed loudly, stopping abruptly as he felt a strong jolt on the ship. The commander ran to the control room, shouting, "WHAT'S HAPPENING!?"

His assistant rushed in, nearly falling if not for grabbing the wall. "We are under attack!"

"The Elven's Heart!?"

The assistant shook his head, surprising the commander. "No. W-we can't see it. It moves so fast and can't be tracked by the 'Eyes'."

A strong jolt struck again, setting off the ship's alarm with red lights flashing. The crew shouted information at each other from their screens, doing their best to keep the ship from falling or they will annihilated by the Elven's Heart.

Suddenly, something landed on the ship's deck, creating a strong tremor that drew everyone's attention. What they saw was almost unbelievable. The creature grasped the main cannon, with the commander shouting not to do it. But a second later, the cannon exploded, shattering the control room's glass and sending everyone flying backward. Many were killed or severely injured. The commander struggled to stand, looking back to see a silhouette of a tall, big figure walking through the smoke. A bright orange light appeared, locking eyes with the commander, who felt as if death itself was staring directly at him.