
Diana, the girl blessed by the fairies to save the world

Diana, the little girl from an abandoned village, ran away when she was about to be sold into slavery, but not before saying goodbye to the fairies. In return, the fairies give her their blessing. This is her story from childhood to adulthood, full of joy and sorrow.

muhammad_azmee · Fantasy
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455 Chs

Chapter 346: The trial that almost end in tragedy

The judge for this serious incident is none other than the Supreme Judge, the Chief Judge of Amleth, Mr. Caprio. The old man with the white beard, usually friendly and greeting me with a smile, carries himself in a dignified manner, appropriate to his position. His clothes, with a special hat given to him by Aunt Amleth herself, signify his position as a fair judge who will not be deceived.

The usually empty courtroom, which rarely has visitors other than tourists, is now crowded left and right with Amlethians. All stand and listen to the proceedings of this case. It's been the talk of the country ever since the two dukes were found guilty of staging a coup.

Knights and guards are stationed here to make sure everything goes smoothly. Of course, I'm sure there won't be any riots, but in the heat of the moment, anything can happen, so it's better to be safe than sorry.

I thought of watching from one of the Magic Motion Orb, but given my family position, the Vars family is required to be present as well. Mr. Caprio himself has already told me that he will question me in advance, especially about my role in helping to find the proof. I'm glad that he's nice, but now that he's in his workplace, even I'm a little anxious and scared.

"You two are still minors, so the judge and the lawyer wouldn't question you too much" [Nar].

"Supposedly, however, if the defendant wants to, they will surely barrage you with question after question" [Sas].

"Just remember what you were told and you should be fine" [Khamisah].

"I may not be involved in this trial, but I will be here with you" [Ophelia].

"This is nerve-wracking" [Dana]

"Times like this, I wish I was Fie. No worries, just meow and sleep all day" [Diana].

"I can actually relate to that" [Merlin]

The Vars family is important in this case. We are the ones, along with Master Merlin, who arrested and collected the evidence, so we are also one of the hot topics among the Amlethians.

As the trial begins, all those found guilty are escorted into the courtroom. Mr. Caprio had reminded everyone to be on their best behavior, so the Amlethians just stare at them with hateful eyes. I'm just glad there's no one throwing rocks or tomatoes at them.

The nobles and knights who were caught conspiring with the dukes are all terrified. They can't even bring themselves to look at the Amlethians, let alone at us and the judges. In the foreground, the marionettes who captured the souls of the two dukes. No one. No one but those present at the Round Table of Amleth knew about it. The real bodies of the two dukes have been buried, and now the Marionettes are controlled by Master Merlin.

(Hmm?) [Diana]

(If you felt it, that's definitely the case.) [Dana]

(Is something wrong with you two?) [Nar]

(Poison...) [Diana]

(I can't quite make it out, but there's a small amount of poison in the air. Probably from all of them. My body reacted to it.) [Dana]

(My blessing has already told me all about the poison.) [Diana]

(Can you tell us?) [Khamisah]

(Sure) [Diana]

It's a bit rude to talk now, but even Dana can feel the poison they're carrying. Dana couldn't say much other than the fact that there is poison somewhere, but luckily for all of us, my blessing, especially the healing fairy Shifa, was able to locate the poison.

It's a small granule, according to Shifa, it's cardiotoxic, and once the granule is cracked open by their teeth, it's absorbed through the blood vessels under the tongue, stopping the heart in a matter of seconds.

I really don't want to think badly of them, but they don't think... Judging from the other reaction, that's definitely the case.

"Your Honor, please, before we begin, can my little sister do something" [Nar].

"Sir Nar, may I ask what is going on?" [Caprio]

"I don't want to make things worse, but all of you, all of you shouldn't take the easy way out. Take responsibility for your actions" [Nar]


"How did he..."

"Just do it now!"

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Caprio, for being rude... Water and Light Spell: Area Cleanse" [Diana]

"Young Lady Diana Vars and all of you! Order in the court" [Caprio].

Sas and Master Merlin explained what we found, and when Mr. Caprio ordered them to vomit the poison, some of them did, while others just kept cracking the granules with their teeth, hoping it would all end. Fortunately or unfortunately for them, with the help of Healing Fairy Shifa, I neutralize all those poisons so that they will be ineffective. I also strengthen her body with healing magic in case something goes wrong.

"This is a violation of the court, no, more importantly, this is a violation of your own life! You're standing here now to be judged by your actions, to be determined guilty or free. To seek repentance. And yet you throw away all these chances even before the trial begins. Have you no shame, not as a noble, not as a knight, but simply as a living being!" [Caprio]

This incident in the court, where they all tried to commit mass suicide, will surely be spread far and wide.