
Diana, the girl blessed by the fairies to save the world

Diana, the little girl from an abandoned village, ran away when she was about to be sold into slavery, but not before saying goodbye to the fairies. In return, the fairies give her their blessing. This is her story from childhood to adulthood, full of joy and sorrow.

muhammad_azmee · Fantasy
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455 Chs

Chapter 347: The whole class need to join

"It's nerve-wracking, that's for sure" [Diana].

"And I can't believe they have the guts to commit mass suicide..." [Marianne]

"It's scary how they can think of doing something so heinous. As a son of a knight, I really couldn't imagine it" [Adnan].

"Not only you. I couldn't even imagine the reasoning behind it. No matter how I look at it, there's no way they could have benefited" [Tio].

"Are you two okay, Princess Kara, Princess Mara?" [Neloufa]

"We are fine, thank you for asking" [Kara]

"Mother has been so busy with work that she hasn't had enough rest. We're trying our best to help her, it's just that there's not much we can do" [Mara].

"This is Auntie Amleth, I'm sure the two of you helping her will make her smile already" [Diana].

"I'm glad that Teacher Tiara and Ms. Myle are always helping Dear Mother, even though they look like zombies themselves" [Mara].

The trial, which almost ended in tragedy, presided over by none other than Mr. Caprio, found them all guilty. While the act of terror they intended to commit won't happen thanks to various efforts to prevent it, the crime they would commit is serious enough to warrant most of them a death sentence or life imprisonment.

Of course, they're now begging for a retrial to reduce their sentences. Most Amlethians don't want that to happen, but Mr. Caprio is giving them the retrial anyway, as he quoted the other day, it's their right to get one.

Now it's the talk of the school, students, teachers and staff. Of course, since I'm one of the family members responsible for getting them caught, I'm being swarmed left and right, but I've already been told by others not to talk more than necessary, and when I stand firm on my words, they know better than to keep pressing me.

It's Master Merlin's class, and the first thing she does, after greeting us with her usual energetic smile and greeting, is of course to bombard us with sudden information that I'm sure none of us are ready for.

"All of us?"

"I thought this was just for volunteers!"

"That's not fair!"

"I see. Well, I hope you all study really hard. Don't worry, I wouldn't deliberately make the test super duper hard to make you fail so you can join this program" [Merlin].

"That's basically blackmail" [Kara]

"How could I do that to my dearest sunshine-loving students? No, I wouldn't. Instead, I can give you all the latest Magic Motion Orb. How does that sound?" [Merlin]

Well, that's surprising. They all looked at me, their faces asking the obvious question. Can she really do that? Well, to answer their unspoken question, I asked Kara, Mara, Marianne, and Neloufa to activate their emblem given to them by our house. It's embedded with a Magic Motion Orb. I stand outside the classroom and begin to speak to them through the Magic Motion Orb.

"So it's not just that big crystal on the plaza!"

"To think there's one small enough to be carried by hands!"

"How could I never get it?" [Tio].

"Well, ask Nar and Sas. It's not up to me to decide which houses get it and which don't. Fortunately, I'm sure that Master Merlin will fulfill that side of a promise with you joining the program to connect Amleth and Emas" [Diana].

"That's actually the original reason I volunteered, and now I really have one. Not a bad deal" [Tio].

"I should have guessed" [Adnan].

According to Master Merlin, not only this class, but also Dana's class was offered the same, and they accepted it as well.

Apparently, Master Merlin couldn't get enough volunteers to join, so she promised that each student would get one as an initiative. Once the number of students was reached, she immediately closed all applications to join.

"All right, we will do it next week. Also, listen to the word of the sponsors. Of course, Little Amleth will be there, as well as our two new dukes" [Merlin].

"Two new dukes!?"


"Master Merlin..." [Diana]

"Come on now. The rumor is already spreading" [Merlin]

"So you two already know who it will be?" [Neloufa]

"I am nothing but a humble teacher at this school. How could a humble teacher like me guess who's the next two duke? Of course not. Not like I am one of those who decide it" [Merlin].

"Master Merlin is really amazing..." [Neloufa]

"My goodness, thank you Neloufa. As a gift for your praise, you'll be spared from my homework today" [Merlin]

"That's not fair..." [Diana]

"And your best friend Diana gets your share" [Merlin]

"I'm... I'm sorry! Please don't do that!!" [Neloufa]