
Diana, the girl blessed by the fairies to save the world

Diana, the little girl from an abandoned village, ran away when she was about to be sold into slavery, but not before saying goodbye to the fairies. In return, the fairies give her their blessing. This is her story from childhood to adulthood, full of joy and sorrow.

muhammad_azmee · Fantasy
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455 Chs

Chapter 345: Reconnaissance party and mysterious black creature

"An invasion?" [Diana]

"Not quite. It's more like a reconnaissance. At least by their movements and numbers" [Ophelia].

"Makes sense, they're taking advantage of the current confusion" [Khamisah].

"The sooner this is over, the better for all of us" [Nar].

"Agreed" [Sas]

"Want me to come along? I'm pretty sure I can take them down" [Dana]

"I have no doubt you can, but be careful. No, more importantly, we need to do it covertly. We don't want to add another source of stress for the people" [Nar].

"I can help, but I'm sure you wouldn't allow it" [Diana].

"That's right" [Sas].

"In that case, how about I tell Aeron and the others. I'm sure it will be less dangerous. Besides, I can always detect all of you even if you're trying to hide. That way, instead of tracking the intruder, we can track you tracking the intruder. Might be a complicated way to do it, but safer and less chance of them detecting us" [Diana].

"That actually makes sense. If the master allows it, I'll inform Ledang to accompany her" [Head Maid].

"I see no reason not to, and please inform Her Highness as well" [Nar]

I already recognize the mana and soul of all my family members and my friends, so it wouldn't be a problem for me to track them down. Whether it's Grandma Farhah or the head maid, I'm sure I can find them if I need to. This is my way of never losing them again! The fact that Tio was kidnapped back then only strengthens my resolve to perfect it.

There's movement from the Empire, or someone coming from the Empire, probably because they're planning something bad. At least that's what Sister Ophelia believes. Since her powers allow her to connect to the land of Amleth, she is able to perceive people's bad intentions as soon as they enter Amleth.

According to her, it's similar to how my blessing warns me when I'm in danger, though it's softer and she really has to concentrate super duper hard or she'll miss it.

The five of them go out together, while Fie Head Maid and I go to get Teacher Ledang first. It's a scouting party from the Empire, so I'm sure they wouldn't be much of a problem, especially against the Vars family, but they're entering the country illegally, so their purpose is nothing but bad, so we should proceed with utmost caution.

After informing Teacher Ledang and getting her to agree to come with us, we go to find Aeron. He's usually stationed at a border, and the last I heard from Jean and Liya, he's at the border between the Empire and Gastrium, which is good, because according to Sister Ophelia, that's where she sensed the Empire's scouting party.

It's night, but the street is still active. Peddlers and merchants are still selling things left and right. Even in the midst of the confusion in the country, the usual transactions are still going on, showing that they really have a lot of trust in Aunt Amleth. Of course, it helps a lot that Auntie Amleth addresses the issue as soon as possible to quell the confusion.

I activate my Invisibility and sensory Ignorance spell as usual when I need to do something in secret as usual and no one can detect us. This mirage spell has really become something I can use on a whim. When was the last time I used Fairy Queen Titania's Blessing for a mirage-related blessing?

Under the night of the sky, the four of us travel to the border where Aeron is stationed, and there, surprisingly, we find

"That creature? I thought they had been dealt with, or did Valdrid somehow take it over and use it to his advantage" [Diana].

"Young Lady Diana?!"

"Why are you here?"

"Is Sir Aeron here? I have something to tell you from my master" [Head Maid].

"So the Vars family needs to speak to the Captain, understand? I'll inform the Captain"

"In the meantime, please follow me"

"Can you three go ahead? I want to analyze this thing. I wasn't able to do that when I met that thing in Gastrium" [Diana].

"Understood. Fie, please stay with the young lady" [Ledang]

"Meow" [Fie]

It's a black, gooey monster with a scorpion's tail. Those characteristics are still there, but that's not all. Now it's head shape is like an oblong. A long oblong with a long mouth. Teeth like saw. Its arms and legs are slender with three claws each. When I look closer, I can feel souls... Is this... They are babies...


"Mirage spell: Sleep!" [Diana]

"Young lady!?"

"Are you all right?"

"I'm fine... It just surprises me... How it babies suddenly jump out of the belly and try to crush my face" [Diana]

"Meow" [Fie]

"Thank you Fie. Please, just kill it first" [Diana]

It literally scraped through the monster's abdomen and tried to jump into my face. If it wasn't for my blessing, who knows what will happen.

Sentient Medusa and now this... What is Valdrid planning right now? Besides, he even talked to the Devil King without anyone knowing about it.

"Are you ready to go?" [Aeron]

"Yes. I'll lead the way, but first, I'll cast the spell of invisibility and sensory ignorance on all of you" [Diana].

"Please do that" [Aeron]

I did just that and began to search for my other family member. On the way, I told them how different the creatures had become from when I first met them. Aeron doesn't seem surprised, as he said that there have been a lot of unidentified creatures roaming around lately, especially near the border.

He speculates that Gastrium must have released them in an attempt to fend off the Empire's ongoing reconnaissance. He also mentioned that some of his crew speculate that the creature is mutating as it eats more and more things.

"A creature that mutates and becomes different with each thing it feeds on. That's scary indeed" [Head Maid].

"Indeed. Silver lining, it's not actively looking for us... Yet" [Aeron]

"So it's just gathering strength, then" [Ledang]

"Probably" [Aeron]

"Sorry to interrupt, but I detected Dana's mana" [Diana]

"We're getting closer. Men!" [Aeron]


As soon as we spotted them, we were all on high alert. Sas' spells are really powerful, if I don't concentrate hard enough, I might miss Dana's mana. They also knew about our arrival since Sister Ophelia spotted us.

We quickly get into position and surround the Empire scout without making much noise. They're well-equipped with multiple pendants and clothing that constantly emits invisibility. I can easily spot them since it doesn't hide the soul. I'm so happy to learn witch art from Master Merlin.

Our plan is simple. Dana, Sas and I will do a very quick earth hole spell to trap them. This will catch them off guard. Those trapped inside the hole will be put to sleep by my spell, while others will be suppressed, and as soon as we are ready.

"Earth Magic: Earth Hole!" [Dana, Diana, Sas]


"Since when!?"

We continue with our plan and succeed. This surprise attack really took them by surprise. From the look on their faces, they're confident that we wouldn't be able to detect them with those invisibility cloaks. Maybe we couldn't, but thanks to Sister Ophelia's power, even those technologies are powerless.

Those who fall into the holes are quickly put to sleep by my spell. Those pendants that resist debuff don't stand a chance, especially against me. To be on the safe side, I also ask the fairy queen Titania Blessing for help.

As for the others, they didn't stand a chance. Not against my family members, nor against Aeron and his knights.

I want to say that all ends well, but I'm still worried. Gastrium and the Empire are actively doing something, and the turmoil caused by the two dukes... If Saintess Rumia is here, she will surely say I am still young to sigh.

For now, let's take them to the prison.