
Diamond Kingdoms Space Mage ( Completed )

A person from earth died and got reincarnated in Black Clover. The twist though is that he is in the diamond kingdom with space magic. ____________________________________________ Go support me on patreon to get extra chapters. patreon.com/Asceanime

Asce · Anime & Comics
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88 Chs

Chapter 27

" Sup. " Elden said as he entered the dining area where everyone from his squad was.

" Sup captain. How was the meeting? " Asked one of the members.

" Oh you know the usual. Go inside, report, listen to the royals ramble then piss them off and ignore them while giving off insults. " Elden said with a satisfied expression as he clenched his hands together while his face was in pure glee.

" You always do that to piss them off. " Olivia said.

" But still though how did you fail your mission? " Ladros asked.

" Oya? Is Ladros actually worried about me? " Elden asked.

" Fuck no! Who would care for you? " Ladros yelled.

" Oh relax. Well to put simply I lost. I fought against without magic. It was a sword fight. " Elden said.

" I see. But why did t you came back right away? " Karasuma asked.

" Oh that, I had a meeting with someone and yes it was a woman. " Elden said as he looked at the members were paying extra attention.

" Yee.... "

" But she isn't my girlfriend. "

" Ahhh.. "

" Goddammmit. "

Groans were heard from the members.

" Just when we thought we could have someone be able to control you. " One of them said.

" Oi I'm not that bad. "

" You're right. You're worse. " They chorsed.

After the bickering a party started as everyone enjoyed themselves. They knew their captain had failed his mission but that's exactly why.

In his spare time, when they failed a mission, Elden would tease them about it the next day while making them do multiple training exercises working on their mistakes.

They couldn't move for hours. So when their captain failed a mission, they promised themselves that they will throw a goddamn party to celebrate.

The party was practically chaos as everything was being trashed by drunks. Ladros somehow got his hands on some booze and became the ring leader for most of the destruction.

Elden and Karasuma were outside on of the balconies looking at the night sky while having a drink, with the chaos being beautiful back round music.

" So who did you meet with? " Karasuma asked.

" Capatin Rose. " Elden said.

" I see. What did she want? "

" She is basically on our side now. However along with her we have Fox and captain Lisanna. "

" Hmm that's quite the impressive feat. Managed to get more allies with just your failure. "

" Haha it's hilarious I know. From that one loss I got more benefits than I had the entire time I was a captain. " Elden said before laughing a bit.

" But still though currently everything is okay for now. "

" Hmm true. " Karasuma said as he smiled.

" But what's your next move? "

" Well some food. " Elden said.

" Ah what? " Karasuma asked in confusion.

" Hmm it's simple. Basically I want to spread my reach over the citizens, so to do so I'll make restaurants.

By making multiple restaurants, I can take control over that entire area away from the royals.

With the added allies of Captain Rose and Lisanna, we can spread our forces to maintain order in the span of control. "

" I see. But why food? "

" Simple. It's everything people wants. I have some ideas and I want to share them. One of my favorite things is food. "

" I see. " Karasuma said.

" Let me guess, you want me to help run your business. "

" Nope. I need you to help me with the squad. I'll just ask Larry to do it. "

" Hmm well he did say he wanted out of the who am army business. Food business actually suits him better. "

" True. "

" Well with that said let's head back and enjoy the party. Can't have Ladros be better than sensei at making chaos. "

" No one will ever compare to you in creating chaos. " Karasuma said.

" Thanks for the compliment sensei. "

" That wasn't a... "

' Just take the thanks Karasuma. '

" And he is already gone. " Karasuma muttered as he looked at the empty balcony.

" Well if you can't beat them join them. "

Which resulted in a more chaotic party and most of the squad being broken in multiple places.




" Your majesty. What do we do now? " One of the royals asked.

" With Rosemary village under the clover kingdom our plans have been set back. " Another royal said.

" Calm down gentlemen. " The king said. The royals turned to look at him.

" While this setback is a major annoyance, we still have ways to get past. Our spies in the clover kingdom will make sure to keep us notified for any weak points.

For now we need to build up our army. "

" True, but what about Elden. "

" True that brat has no respect. He was on gaurd the nature time and looked like he was going to kill us if we made a single move against him. "

" True but I'll keep him in check. For now we will monitor him to see where his loyalty lies. Keeping him the kingdom is the best option so he will not get any missions.

I'll someone keep an eye on him the entire time until a conclusive answer is reached. With said gentlemen I think we can end this meeting here. "

" Yes your majesty. "

" Have a good day. "

When all the royals left the room the king had his hands on his head as he took in deep breaths.

' Sigh what is going on? Those eyes were cold and emotionless and aimed at the royals. Why though?

Was he angry that he failed the mission and took it out on the royals?

No when he turned yo me he was calm. What is going on?

Does he not trust them?

No I need to stop thinking like that. I have a goal. I can't stop until I finish it. ' The king thought.

" So why did I enjoy it when he insulted them?"


Sup humans.

Hope you enjoyed as this arc is finished. Next will be a time skip.

Either way i hope you enjoyed.

Have a great day.