
The surprise attack

Angela cleaned the tears of her face, her determinate self of a few hours ago felt like it didn't exist, she said with a crying voice "Thank you so much for saving my family."

Richard said "We didn't do anything, they where safe in the dentist office."

Henry said right after "Lets get everyone to the camp, we can talk and rest there. Your team goes in the back and we go in the front, fatty if you sense anything strange just shout.

All of you stay quite and follow us, we will deal with the monsters don't worry. Now lets move."

Due to the fact they walked thru the path Henry group came from they only found a simple slime slithering around looking for food, which was easily dealt with by Henry sword.

In front of the coffee shop Henry said "Lets stop here for a second I need to get something." running inside the shop and taking his boxes of chocolate from behind the counter.

Richard and Barbara just shook their head seeing him walk out with three full boxes on his shoulders, while Ana walked up to him and asked "Let, let me carry one, I want to be useful."

"Oh don't worry, actually if you want to be useful, deal with the smiles that come at us."

"I, I will do by best." said Ana pumping herself up, looking at his eyes until Henry started to get a bit uncomfortable.

Angela walked to the front and asked "Why did we stopped? What in those boxes?"

"Because of this Katana some big guy is mad at me, I heard he likes chocolate so I am bring some to calm his down. Don't worry Ana can take care of the slimes that appear in the front, she is strong. Now lets move."

Angela nodded and walked to the back and they all continued to move forward. Ana feeling in heaven whit Henry complement.

Unfortunately to Ana she did not get to show her abilities in front of Henry, as they reached the camp safely. A guard stopped them and asked "Are you Henry? Is this the survivors? What is in those boxes"

"Yes I am Henry, this are mine boxed, and yes this are the survivors, can you take care of them?"

"You can leave them to us, transportation is already prepared to take them to the main camp.

Everyone please follow me, we will take you to somewhere safe."

Seeing Angela walking with the survivors the soldier said "You don't have to go, your job is killing this monsters."

Angela gave the man an angry look, small flames appearing on her fists "I just got reunited with my family and you want me to live them?"

The soldier gulped "You are under Major Olivia orders to deal with the monsters, I, I am sorry but I have to ask you to leave them to us."

Not wanting her wife to be in trouble the mother said "Don't worry honey, we will be fine, we can be together after you are done. Just be careful."

Their son said "Mommy is going already, she just came back."

Angela kissed her son forehead and said "Don't worry mommy will spent some time with you later, be a good boy and don't make trouble okay?"

As Angela said goodbye to her family Henry talked with one of the guards about some place he could keep the boxes, ending up in a storage where a bored soldier wrote down those boxes where his.

When he looked back he saw that only Ana was following him, his parents having sat at a bench outside.

Henry gave Ana some chocolate and said "Lets rest for a bit, and look for some water, I am thirsty."

She nodded vigorously "Yes, that would be nice, my feet hurt. But, but I can still keep going if you want" said Ana, who rapidly ate the chocolate.

"You really like those, never seen someone eat so fast."

Ana looked at the empty package in her hand and blushed deeply. Harold said "You do have to stop eating so fast, you are going to choke." making her even blush more.

As soon as the two approached Barbara stopped drinking water from a water bottle and said "Please don't tell me we are going to go back there, I can't get up, my feet are hurting since yesterday."

"No we will rest for a while first. Stop complaining, I remember you saying you wanted to lose weight, this is the perfect opportunity. And you can also just heal your feet for a second, just don't over do it. I remembering more about your powers than you.

Now give me some of that water, I am thirsty."

Richard picked the other water bottle in the bag, threw to it to him, then said "We got four of this, we have to refill them before we go."

After drinking half of it he passed it to Ana, who looked at it like a treasure. Harold facing palming and whispering "Is it this bad?"

Henry asked "Is there any food in there? We should eat and get going."

Richard picked an MRE from the bag and said "Yes, there are four MRE, its spaghetti, mashed potatoes, bread, cheese spread, cookies, some M&M and coffee."

As they prepared their MRE with the flameless heater Angela group walked up to them. Smelling food the fatty asked "What are you guys eating there?"

Henry responded "The MRE that came on the backpacks."

Angela said "I want to thank you again for saving my family."

"No need to thank us, we just killed a special slime, they where safe in the dentists clinic."

"Still, if that slime had looked in the clinic."

"It didn't, and is not like I killed it with the intention of saving anyone. Just stop worrying about it."

Seated on the ground, already preparing his meal, the fatty said "You worry too much Angela, come eat. And Henry what happened to the boxes of chocolate."

They ate and talked until they where done with their meal, Henry being a bit thankful it was over, as Ana was creepily staring at him quietly all the time.

Barbara said "Are we going already, let me digest first."

"You can do that as we walk, I want to see what is happening at the center of the city. And we may need to help a team if they need. Stop being lazy."

Getting up Barbara said "What happened to my sweet lazy boy who spent all day in his computer, why did he have to turn into a work demon."

When Ana heard Henry used spent all day in the computer like her she felt her hearth jump, finding something she had in common with him.

Harold begun looking at Ana with a deep concern, worrying something bad would happen to her if this continued.

After almost two hours of walking, killing a total of ten slimes and six skeleton slimes on the way, Henry going up five levels, they got closer to the middle of the city where small colorful flowers, which looked like they where made of slime, begun appearing, growing on every crack they could find, be it on buildings or the ground.

After a bit more walking they once again found the fat slime, but this time there where two.

Even though he was already at level twelve he felt it might be a bit troublesome to fight two at the same time.

Henry asked "Harold, you are made of magic right?"

"A little, my body is actually a special shadow, but to keep my form I need my owner mana. Why do you ask?"

"I want you to attract the slime at the left to that alley over there while I deal with the other, I would rather not fight too at the same time. Can you do it?"

"If I use my fighting form I can, but wouldn't be better for us to fight together?"

"Not in this case, this slimes can detect magic and will choose to shoot it at a distance, it will waste to much mana and we can't be out of mana at a place like this.

The only way would be my father aura shot, but the slimes aren't that weak to aura like they are to mana, it might not fully pierce the belly, even if it could pierce my dad can't see the core so he would probably miss.

This is the most efficient way, their field of view is around five meters, be careful not to aggro both."

A bit surprised Harold said "You actually think before you jump at the monster, I thought you where just crazy." jumping out of Ana shoulder and growing to the size of a puma.

Having just thought of everything as he talked, Henry stayed quiet and waited for Harold.

The left slime shot a spike at Harold as soon as he entered its field of view, but it didn't even manage to graze him. Seeing that Harold was going to walk out of its field of view it followed behind him, like a robot wanting to protect its territory.

"It always has a spike ready to shoot, but needs to prepare to shoot a second one." thought Henry, who then ran towards the one on the left with his sword at hand.

Like he expected it shot a spike at him, which he easily cut in two. It then created tentacles and tried to whip Henry before he got close, which made Henry smile with hellflame arrow at hand.

From the tentacle to the body the flames from the flaming arrow spread in seconds, the slime burning away rapidly until there only its core was left.

As he was putting his Katana on its sheath three invisible whips hit him in the chest, sending him flying backwards, easily tearing his vest, uniform and skin.

The invisibility of the attacker came off right after, revealing a huge quadruped red slime, with denser darker red slime, a neck as thick as its head and a tail twice as long as his body, which branched of in three parts.