
The harem plan

Henry picked the radio from his pocket, pressed the button on the side and said "This is Henry team, after being hit by a magical attack the slime tried to kill me instead of capturing me, it shot a part of his body like a spike and tried to whip me be careful with it."

After a few seconds of radio silence Olivia said "This is Olivia team, roger that, when you finish talking on the radio say over. Over and out."

"Understood, sorry about that… Over."

He looked at everyone and said "Lets get going."

Worried Barbara said "Don't you want to rest a bit?"

"No I am fine, we can take a short rest after one more fight." he said as he begun walking forward, stopping a second after seeing a skeleton slime in front of them.

It didn't take Henry eagle eyes to see it was different than the others, being more of a greenish blue and with the body of an obese man.

Henry said "Looks like your chance to help came Ana, attack that slime over there with a fire cat."

Before Ana could talk Richard said "Are you sure about this, its different, it might be an elite, shouldn't we contact everyone."

"I don't think it is, the glow in its core is a bit stronger, but not nearly strong enough to rival the elite mantis. I think its just a variant that ate a fat man.

Even still, Its good to be careful, test it with your magic Ana."

Ana nodded, feeling happy she could be useful. She extended both her arms forward and concentrated, a purple flame appearing in front of her enlarging until it turned into a ball of flames that rapidly took the shape of a cat.

The cat fireball ran towards the slime, it was slow in Henry opinion who could cut a bullet with his reflex, but the power of changing direction compensated for its speed.

But its ability of changing direction didn't matter in the end, as the fat slime shot a fast slime spike at it, exploding it before it could reach him.

Henry said "Would you look at that, this one is smarter. Damn, its on alert now. Dad you think you can pierce its belly?"

"Pierce its belly? Why? Shouldn't I pierce its head?"

"Right you can't see it, too much slime covering it, the core of this one is in the belly. I will deal with it then."

Richard asked "Are you sure you can deal with it? We can't just ignore it and warn the others."

"Don't worry I will use my other skills, won't economize on this one."

With wind spinning around him he ran towards the fat slime, which already had many tentacles wiggling around in the air, looking for the enemy.

As soon as Henry entered its field of view it used his eight tentacles like whips, having felt the mana in the sword Henry was carrying.

Henry leaped to the side, the tentacles hitting the asphalt road, cracking the ground. He did not stop to look at the damage, continuing to run toward the fat slime.

The arm of the slime rapidly condensed at a point then shot a spike at Henry, which stopped and cut it in half with an upward slash then cut half of tentacles that where coming to wrap him, blocking the other half with a platform.

Seeing the opportunity where it was the most defenseless Henry created an hellflame arrow and threw at its stomach.

Like gasoline its entire body lit up in less than a second, rapidly burning until only the pink core was left on the ground.

Henry thought "Damn it burns down good, ugh hot air. Wait its that its core."

Still glowing in his eyes, Henry picked the core up, having a feeling that it was still alive. "The skill did say it only burned my target, guess I involuntary targeted just its slime body.

Should I keep it, now it might create slime and attack me out of nowhere, I don't think I got the xp either.

Hmm, my mom and Ana didn't kill their first monster, maybe if they break it they might gain the first kill skill."

Henry said "Mom come over here. Take this and throw it on the ground."

Barbara took the core, recognized it from the presentation, and said "Ew, is this their core? Why throw it on the ground?"

"Yeah, I wanna see if you get a skill for your first kill, if this counts."

No wanting to hold something that came out of a rapist slime, she didn't think twice and just threw it.

Being very fragile the core slathered like glass and a two screens appeared in front of Barbara. "Oh, I got the skill, a technique Slime barrier uncommon, and I leveled up again."

Very excited Henry said "A barrier, that is very good, this is good information, I will radio everyone."

"This is Henry team, two things to report, first we have found a new type of skeleton slime, it is more green and appears as a fat man. It is smarter and will directly try to kill anything that has mana.

Second I managed to take care of a slime without destroying its core, the core can be broken down to gain a skill if its the first kill. Over."

This time Lewis responded "This is Lewis team, Roger that, try to keep things short on radio, don't talk about information that can be talked later, Over and out."

Henry thought "Damn, got corrected two times. Uh, who is that?"

Out of a dentist clinic a group of six adults and two kids walked out, seemingly afraid of their own shadow. A woman dressed like a dentist said "Excuse me, are you with the army? Is there somewhere safe we can stay?"

Henry said "Yes and yes, there is a camp for refugees, we can take you there."

Once again he picked the radio and communicated "This is Henry group, we found some survivors and will be taking them to the camp. Over"

Olivia responded this time "This is Olivia team, Roger that, is there any doctors among them? Over."

"Uh, does dentist count? Over."

"Yes, say your location, a team will be joining you, Over."

Henry looked at the survivors and asked "What street is this?"

The dentist thought for a second and said "This Gregory boulevard the street down there is Cleveland avenue."

Henry nodded and said over the radio "We are close to the intersection between Gregory boulevard and Cleveland Avenue, in front of a dentist clinic. Over"

The always angry woman, Angela, radioed in almost instantly, sounding like she was running already, "We are a block away, heading there right now. This is Angela team, over and out."

Henry said to the survivors "We will be waiting here for another team then we will go, everyone can walk? Anyone injured?"

The mother of one of the kids responded "No, everyone is fine. Do you know if my wife is in this camp."

Henry shook his head "I don't know we joined the army yesterday. She might, but there is more than one camp so is hard to say, I don't think there is any list of people at the camp either."

She and her son looked a bit more dejected, loosing more of the little hope they had. But her face quickly changed when Angela came running thru the street and hugged her.

"No way, is she? what kind of coincidence is this, I feel like a liar now." Henry thought when he saw the scene.

While tears constantly streamed down Angela said "Its really you, you weren't at, everything happened so fast, my baby." she hugged her wife and son not making a coherent sentence.

A fat short man, which reminded Henry of himself a day ago, that was part of Angela team looked at Henry team and asked, breathing heavily, "What, is happening?"

Henry said "I think she just found her family she thought she lost."

"So that is why, she just ran off, man I was not made for running, ugh."

A skinny tall man, with long wavy hair, said "See for the good side, you will be losing weight."

"I don't want to lose weight, and talking about weight I smell chocolate, Henry right? Can you give me something of that chocolate?."

Henry said "Damn, do you have super senses too?" picking a pack of normal chocolate from his pockets and throwing at him.

"Something like that, I can smell, hear and sense anything of my interest or that is dangerous, it is my only skill, but it is a mystical skill. Talking about that there are two skeleton slimes coming from there, a dog one and a man one, at their speed they will reach us in a minute." said the fatty while pointing at the intersection.

Taking his Katana out Henry said "I will deal with them."

The skinny man asked "I will help."

"You don't need to, I can easily deal with two slimes." Henry walked towards where the fatty pointed, and sure enough two skeleton slimes appeared.

Before it could react Henry threw a flaming arrow at the man slime and slashed the dog slime core. He thought "Its to much easier to surprise attack them, unfortunately the devouring blade only steals aura from them, my mana is starting to get a bit low."

The fatty said "Holy shit, he is actually stronger than the fire demon."

The skinny man nodded "I am kinda jealous, he is strong, looks amazing and got a pretty girl on his group."

"I already told you, don't worry about that, we will get a harem easily, all we have to do is let Angela deal with the slimes, we level up then boast about our powers, the desperate woman in the camp will run to us. Hehehe."

"But what if the others get to it faster, and you can't even show your ability."

"Tsk, tsk, my dumb friend, we just have to get a last hit on some monster with magical abilities later."

Henry shook his head as he broke the slime core. "At least they have a motivation to get stronger."