
The fastest elite hunter

As soon as he stopped sliding on the on the ground he rolled to the side, dodging the tails that dug in three holes on the ground.

Henry rapidly got up, his eyes on the elite red slime, the adrenaline in his body stopped the him from feeling most of the pain coming from his chest.

He saw the base of the tail moving and instinctively slashed downward to the left, cutting two of the tails but being hit by the third on his waist.

Being ready this time he was not sent flying, instead he only lost his balance.

Recovering his balance in an instant he ran towards the slime, half of the base of the tail being destroyed by Richard shot, leaving an opening for Henry to rush at it.

As soon as he go close he saw that part of the body of the slime was rapidly condensing at two places.

Acting on pure instinct he stopped and slashed forward, cutting one of the extremely fast spikes the slime shot towards his head as it leaped back, the second one only scratching his shoulder.

As soon as the elite landed on the ground the base of his tail was met with another of Richard shots and his face was meet with one of Ana exploding cat.

But it was called an elite for a reason, it managed to move its core just before Ana cat hit him in the head.

The elite detached of the burning half of his body before it burned thru his whole body, and abandoned its skeleton that became to big for him.

Not loosing the opportunity, Henry leaped towards him and slashed its core in two before it could create anything to attack him.

The remaining slime turned to liquid after losing the core that kept it all together.

Henry collapsed on his knees, his breathing heavy, the adrenaline leaving his veins and the pain of his wounds reaching his brain. Yet it wasn't pain the thing bothering him the most, it was his own weakness, he felt angry at his own hands and legs that couldn't completely overpower his enemy.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck." he shouted trowing his Katana to the side and punching the remaining slime on the ground again and again, until his hands where in pain, his eyes divine blue glowing brighter than ever before.

Extremely worried Barbara ran to his side, activating her ability without even thinking. "I will heal you, I will heal you."

It took only two second for Henry wounds to close, not a scar remaining, but Barbara did not stop healing him until she ran out of mana and felt weak.

Even more worried than Barbara Ana asked "Are you hurt? Are you okay?" her hands moving awkwardly in the air, not knowing what to do, Harold already back in her shoulder, the fat slime lost in the alley.

Richard stood beside him silence, feeling one of the worse feeling in life, the inability to protect his own family, the inability to protect anything. Even though coordination with Ana was what won the fight, none of it passed his mind when he saw his son injured.

"I am fine, lets go back" Henry calmed down a little, picked his Katana and started walking back, reading the two screens that appeared in front of him to try taking his mind out things, one just saying he leveled up three times while the other said,

"Challenge: the fastest elite hunter completed!

Objective: hunting two elites before any other awakened hunts one.

This hidden challenge was set by the god of challenges.

Many gods have taken a little interest in you.

Reward: Skill scroll, Hellhound (epic), two stat points.

Do you accept it Y/N."

"The gods again, this is the second time, no third the weird angel talked about them. This is just a game this bastards." thought Henry, clenching the Katana handle.

Henry dint like what the gods where doing one bit, but he still accepted the rewards, wanting the most power he could get at the moment.

Without hesitation Henry tore the skill scroll that appeared in front of him, which turned into light and entered his head, becoming information of his new skill.

Seeing the familiar scene Richard asked "Was that one of those scrolls?"

Henry nodded "Yeah, it was another hidden challenge, killing two elites before any awakened killed one."

"No one in the world killed an elite in the entire world? Things are this bad?"

"Maybe not, the awakened pets can kill an elite easily, but I think they don't count towards the challenges, I don't think I would have been the one to complete it if they did."

"They are that strong?"

"Not strong enough, they can't handle the gorilla thing, much less the dragon." Henry clenched his hand again, wanting more power.

He opened his stats, threw the 2,3 points he got from the challenge and level ups in dexterity and magic, then opened his new skill description.

"Hellhound (Epic)

A companion for the rest of your life, to grow with you, to die with you.

Effects: creates a loyal hellhound out of a part of your soul, no matter how damaged it gets it will always come back after an hour. Its power will depend on how much of your magic you give to it.

Rank increase: none.

Requirements: more than two magic, be at least half of a demonic race.

Consumption: at least one of the caster magic stat, can't be taken back once given"

"It takes my magic stat, one entire point is the minimum and I can't deactivate it. It is epic, if I use my devouring blade as reference it is worth a magic stat point, at least I don't think I will regret it.

If it will increase my power I will use it, I must use."

Without hesitation Henry stopped walking and activated the Hellhound skill, he felt an unpleasant sensation of something being taken out of him as a pentagram of black flames appeared in the ground in front of him..

Out of the pentagram a pharaoh hound, its fur pitch black, his eyes glowing red, long red claws in his paws and sharp fangs in his mouth. It walked in front of Henry, bowed its head then said "I greet you master, I am forever at your service, I ask of you to give me a name."

Henry looked at it up and down, he felt a deep connection with it, like it was another arm of his, he thought for a second and sad "I will name you… Cerbes."

"Cerbes, a beautiful name, I thank you master."

Ana smiled creepily, her hearth palpitating loudly, finding another thing in common with Henry, while Harold instantly disliked Cerbes, instantly turning him into his sworn enemy.

Harold said "Who the hell its this ass licker." giving him an angry look.

Cerbes said "I ask you to take your foul mouth away from my master, it smells like fish." acting all high and might.

"You are smelling your own ass breath, you ass licker."

Ana said "Stop it Harold, what has gotten into you?"

Henry said "Stop it too Cerbes."

"I am sorry master, I let this lowly thing provoke me." said Cerbes, Harold giving him another angry look.

Richard said "Henry shouldn't you tell the others about the elite being invisible, that is important information."

Henry said "Oh right, I forgot about that, yeah, that is very important." putting his katana away and taking the radio.

Just as he was about to radio in, screams reached his ears. Henry, Cerbes, and Harold, where the only ones that heard it, they instantly looked at the direction where the screams came.

"Someone is screaming, I will go in the front." Before anyone could say anything he and Cerbes ran towards where the scream came from.

Cerbes grew twice its size, but even still he could not accompany Henry when he was running full speed, slowly lagging behind.

After running for two minutes he saw Andrew, the half lion man, carrying a voluptuous woman of his team, running away completely naked, behind them another elite red slime with an another naked woman in its tail.

Henry passed them and cut a tail that was a hair breath away from capturing them.

Cerbes didn't stop to help anyone, running towards the slime at full speed, meeting the two spikes the slime shot at him with a flame tornado he shot from his mouth, while still running.

Without a way to defend the slime had its head bitten by Cerbes, barely managing to move its core to its body in time, yet moving its core only saved him from the bite, it could not stop Henry from piercing the whit a thrust of his sword.

Loosing what kept it together the slime turning into liquid, the woman being held by the tail falling on the street.

Henry breathed heavily, looking at Cerbes who turned back to its normal size after almost killing the slime by itself, the little regret that he had about using one of his precious magic points disappearing in an instant.

He closed the level up screen in front of him and took the big red bone, which belonged to the legs of the slime skeleton, being almost as long and thick as his arm.

He looked at the naked woman that was getting up then at the naked Andrew who was walking towards him, being as clear as day what they where doing.

Putting away his katana before he decided to use it on Andrew, Henry walked towards him, looking as calm as a river but his eyes glowed in anger, not being in a good mood to begin with.

Andrew said "My good, thank you for savin…" getting clubbed at the cheek, with the red bone, as soon as he was withing an arm length of Henry.

Even with his high endurance Andrew fell on the ground almost passing out. Henry shouted as loud as he could "ARE YOU CRAZY?!"