
Side mission completed

He took his sword out, the many black eyes appearing thru his glowing blade as he activated his devouring blade skill.

Henry said "Since my skill is very mana efficient I will be dealing with most of the enemies" then charged towards the slime, almost a full notch faster than before, even without his wind blessing skill.

As soon as he entered area of vision of the slime it stopped moving and rapidly assumed a spherical shape then beginning to from its tentacles to attack Henry.

But it was way to slow in Henry eyes, his katana cutting thru his body and brain crystal, which he could clearly see the glow, before it could even form a tentacle.

Suddenly a skeleton slime that had took the shape of a dog, jumped out of a broken glass wall of a coffee shop towards him, shooting tentacles towards Henry while it was still in the air.

Henry wasn't one bit surprised, its movements not getting close to the speed of the elite mantis. Even though he could easily dodge, he didn't, the incredible instincts and reflexes he relied to fight didn't tell him to dodge.

Instead of dodging he extended his hand towards the slime and shot an orb of pure mana towards it. The orb transforming at a platform mid air.

The platform easily broke under slime assault, but being enough to stop its attack and dissolve a great deal of its body.

The slime emitted a nice hissing sound, as a lot of his body dissolved.

Having lost too much mass the slime begun abandoning its bones, but it was too late, its core meeting Henry katana and its life ending there.

With her mouth open Ana watched everything with her purple eyes, in her eyes Henry military uniform had turned into the clothes of her favorite anime character. She was so engrossed in her vision she didn't even notice the level up screen appearing in front of her.

Harold, the cat in her shoulder, shook his head, having the ability to tell his master intentions and feelings.

Putting his sword back into its scabbard Henry read the screen in front of him,

"Frail arcane platform (Common)

The legs of a battle mage, allowing their swords to reach flying enemies.

Effects: Creates a frail platform of pure mana.

Rank increases: none.

Requirements: at least 1 in mind.

Consumption: 5 mana per platform."

Richard walked close to him and asked "Are you alright, was that a new skill?"

"Yeah, I felt close to learning after my inspiration. Its a bit too frail though and consumes too much mana, I won't be using unless I need to. Lets keep moving."

Before they started walking Barbara ran up to him and said "Henry, I just leveled up, where should I spent this point?"

Harold said "Master has also leveled up, do you have an idea what are the best stats to upgrade."

Remembering something Richard said "Right I still haven't spent my points, where should I put them Henry."

"Calm down, calm down. First open the status screen, then press one of the stat, it will give you a description of what the stats represent.

Mages and healers use a lot of mana so you should put most points on magic, but you also need mind, it determinate how many spells can you use before you get to mentally tired.

But magic is definitely the priority since it consumes more of it and puts a big strain on your mind when you use spells while its low.

I would recommend putting three points on magic one in mind, three in magic one in mind and so on."

Henry stop to think for a few seconds, trying to remember anything similar to the games he played and things he watched and read, then said "As for you dad, there many ways you can go, but the sure ones are dexterity, endurance and strength.

Dexterity for aura control and for better accuracy, endurance for more aura and strength for more power.

If you go just dexterity and endurance you can use an assault rifle in the future, shoot many weak bullets with aura, or you can pick the three and keep using the sniper rifle.

Even with the sniper rifle you can pick two paths, put two in strength them one in the others for more powerful shots, or one in each for less powerful shots but more precise and you can shoot more.

From what I understood so far aura is way more adaptable than magic, one skill can be used many different ways depending on how you use your stats. You could even go full strength and endurance then try to get a machine gun.

Its good the skills grow with your stats but the problem is after you go on a path with your stats you are kinda stuck in it, so think about it, but after you decide it and spent your points don't go back on it.

But you can think more about it later, lets keep moving for now. Wait this smell, I will check something in this store first."

The store was a mess, people having ran away as fast as they could. There where some blood stains on the floor, which was what attracted the slime. But he was not there to find out about that.

His eyes sparkled when he saw the small chocolate bars at display on the glass counter. He jumped the counter and took one, reading its plastic package.

"Oh hell yeah, side mission completed. You guys stay here I am going to check the back, be on alert" said Henry after he put the chocolate in the counter on his pockets.

With a smile in his face he separated three boxes, the biggest one with dark chocolate the others with others types of chocolate.

He said "We will keep this here for now, on our way back we will pass here and take it."

Barbara said "I don't care what that is, I am not carrying anything else."

Richard asked "Is that chocolate? Why are we bringing that? Don't we have enough on the RV?"

Henry said "This is dark chocolate, and other chocolate stuff, I need it to appease the guy who gave me this sword. Having a guy that makes swords as a friend would be really nice since I use swords.

Now lets get going, if Olivia see us bring this stuff without leveling up a lot she will be pissed. More pissed than she already is at me."

Harold said "If you are getting us all in trouble for some chocolate I want a part of it."

"Can you eat chocolate? You are a cat."

"Is not for me is for my ma." half way thru his sentence Ana covered his mouth and said "Sorry, sorry, he talks too much."

"If you want some I can give you, I just need the dark chocolate. The other two boxes where for me, here take one.

Now lets get going, lets not waste any more time."

With Henry taking the lead they begun walking thru the streets, Ana finishing chocolate package in an instant.

The number of monster on the streets seemed much smaller than the ones in Odessa, but it was just due to the size difference of the cities, in fact there was much more monster in Kansas.

It wasn't long before they found a group of three skeleton slimes, they walked on the streets looking for something to eat and increase their body mass.

This time Henry didn't say anything just run towards them, wind spinning around him and his blade glowed slightly.

With ease he slashed the core inside the human skull of the one in the middle, before he could even attack him.

The skeleton slime on the left and right sent their tentacles to wrap him, he tried leaping backwards to dodge them, but they changed trajectory while in the air, following him.

With a calm mind Henry slashed diagonally at tentacles, as soon as his blade touched them another three slashes cut the other tentacles.

Big chunks of the tentacles fell on the ground, hissing as they evaporated.

The slimes retracted their tentacles as fast as they could, but it was to late for one of them, having its head pierced and its core grazed by Richard bulled.

A graze of an aura coated bullet being more than enough to end his life, the brain core cracking then shattering, yet the aura didn't make it hiss and evaporate like mana infused attacks.

Henry immediately ran towards the other one and immediately stopped half way, slashing downwards, cutting the slime spike that shot with almost twice the speed of a tentacle, clearly intending to kill Henry.

Right after a tentacle came like a whip towards him, Henry snickered at it, easily cutting it with a slash of his sword.

Barely being able to surround its bones, having lost too much body mass, the slime had no choice but to die by Henry sword.

The system level up message appeared in front of him as he put his katana back at its scabbard. "Congratulations you have leveled up twice! Skill bonus: Strength: 0,06; endurance: 0,10; vitality: 0,10; dexterity: 0,06."

He thought "Two levels, well five with the skill bonuses, this man skeleton slimes are stronger than the others. No, its just easier when I use my other skills." then spent his points on dexterity and magic, reaching four in dexterity.

Ana ran closer to him and asked "Uh, uh, are you hurt? you, you looked like you had a harder time. So, uh, I am sorry, I didn't help." almost whispering halfway thru but still looking straight into his eyes, like she couldn't look away.

Henry smiled slightly "Thank you for worrying, I am fine, I had a harder time because I am trying to conserve my mana.

You can help me when I tell you or if more enemies suddenly appear." Henry smile turned more genuine when he saw her face turn completely red when she noticed she was staring at his eyes too much.