
The conference

With his eyes still glowing he gave the voluptuous woman an angry stare and shouted "What are you standing there for! Go get everyone clothes." the image of a beautiful hero that saved her instantly turning scary.

As she ran inside the motel they where in, Andrew tried to get up, but Henry stomped his back, "You are going to stay in the ground and think about the stupidity of what you just did.

We are close to the middle of the city you idiot, didn't you fucking hear Olivia? This place is full of monsters and you decide to start thinking with your second head, do you have zero in your mind stat."

Henry let him get up as he picked he communicated over the radio "This is Henry team, we have found and dealt with two elite slimes, be extremely careful as they can walk around and deliver one, possible fatal, attack while invisible, and are also smarter and much stronger than a normal slime.

I have encountered them in a short period of time, so there might be many of them. Over."

A few second later Olivia talked on the radio "Roger that, this is Olivia team, everyone start going back to the camp start, invisible enemies are too dangerous without a proper strategy. Over and out."

Getting up and rubbing his cheek Andrew said "I am sorry, I didn't."

Cutting him Henry said "Don't apologize to me, apologize to the two your shitty leadership almost killed."

Andrew looked down and said "Still thank you for not telling Olivia."

"Who said I am not telling her? I am just not telling her over the radio."

Just as his team got close the voluptuous woman, now dressed in her military uniform, came back with the clothes of the other two.

Ana the fastest of the three saw Andrew and the other woman getting dressed and immediately blushed, looking away.

Richard also saw the scene and asked Henry "What the hell happened here?"

"The three decided to have sex close to the middle of the city, an elite attacked them, but thanks to Cerbes I managed to kill it easily."

Cerbes said "I did nothing, if you hadn't dealt the final blow I would have lost completely."

Harold snickered "You sure would, you are so weak."

Cerbes gave Harold an angry look, but choose to look away and not say anything so he would not get yelled by Henry, which made Harold eve angrier.

Henry said "Lets go back to the camp, Oliva told everyone to go back."

Barbara who was already mentally tired, now physically tired said "Can't, can't we, rest a little?"

Henry said "Give me the backpack, I will carry it."

"Thank god, here, this is so much better", Henry shook his head at the remark, strapped the bone at the side of the back pack, and begun to walk back where they came from, Andrew team following him, even though they where scared of him.

The woman who had been captured by the elite tail walked closer to Henry and said "Uh, thank you for saving me, I thought I was gone."

"Don't worry about it, next time anyone tries to have sex with you in a place filled with monster slap them in the face."

The woman blushed and nodded, getting really embarrassed and going back to her team.

On their way back they found Joe, the black man with skin that reflected like metal, he greeted them "Hey, its Henry right? And the lion man."

Andrew said "My name is Andrew."

"Yeah, Andrew, I remember now. So did you really kill two elites? Are those cuts in your clothes done by it? I thought they would be stronger, but you don't even look all that hurt."

"They are very strong, I got healed. Don't base the strength of the enemy on someone else being able to defeat them or not."

"Chill out man, geez, just trying to make a conversation, why are you so serious?"

"Sorry, I am not in a good mood right now. I would rather stay quiet." Without saying another word Henry kept walking forward, looking at his stats.

"Name: Henry Evans

Race: Devourer (Human form)

Elements: Darkness, wind, arcane, demonic, electric.

God Blessing: none.

Level: 16

Rank: FFF

Mana: 43,9/ 43,9

Aura: 41,9/ 41,9


Strength: 2,79

Endurance: 4,19

Vitality: 3,35

Dexterity: 5,92

Mind: 2,09

Magic: 4,39

Level points: 0

Spells: Devouring blade (Epic), Hellhound (Epic), Hellflame arrow (Uncommon), electric bolt (Uncommon), arcane shoes (common), frail arcane platform (common), darkness cover (common), wind blessing (common)

Techniques: Hypnotizing gaze (Rare), multiple strikes (uncommon).

Passive: Senses of the devourer (Epic).

Special: Devour (Godly)"

"My dexterity almost doubled, its higher than the hellhound, yet he did much better than I did. What am I doing wrong? It can't be my skills, maybe I am just shitty at using them.

I thought my reflexes where amazing, they are amazing, they allow me to use a sword without ever touching one before. I guess being able to use it doesn't necessarily mean I am good at using it.

Yeah that is what I need, someone to teach me how to use a sword, maybe the guy who made this Katana knows how to use it or knows someone that can."

After almost two hours of walking, finding five other teams on the way, who all looked as tired, they reached the camp. Beside Henry and a few others everyone sat on the ground looking like they would pass out of exhaustion.

Barbara looked at Henry, which looked completely fine, and said "What are you made of? How can you not be tired."

"I am tired, just not exhausted. I mostly want a shower, I all sticky and smell like sweat."

Harold who had jumped off Ana shoulder said "You are all smelly, the only one that smells nice is that kid over there."

Cerbes nodded "I hate to agree with this thing, but he is right on this."

Henry stretched and said "I don't think we will be doing anything else today, so you can just relax. Wait for Olivia to allow us to use the showers."

Just as he said that Olivia loud voice cam from behind him, "Wanting to rest already private Henry? Sorry but we have stuff to discuss, I see that all captains are here already.

Team leaders follow me, the rest of you stay here for now."

As Henry followed Olivia he looked at Andrew and thought "Should I tell her about that? she will definitely ask about the elite slimes, fuck it I will just tell it how it happened, he deserves some punishment."

Inside a room with a long table the eleven sat, Cebers decreasing in size and jumping on his lap.

Olivia said "Now that you all have seen and fought the slimes I want you all to share your experiences while they are still fresh in your mind, especially you Henry who fought the elites."

Michele, the amazon girl, said "So he is Henry that kept talking in radio, strong and good looking, interesting. Oh, I didn't mean to say that out loud, sorry."

Henry put the slime bone on the table and said seriously "Since everyone has fought slimes I will talk just about the elite. This is one of its bone, a leg bone.

As expected from an elite it is almost three times as strong as the normal skeleton slime. Like this bone the slime is dark red, has the form of a cat with an alien looking head and a tail that branches of in three tails.

Its attacks mostly consist of whips from his tail, as you can see by my armor the attack is strong, if my endurance wasn't high I might have died with one attack.

The whip attack is also fast, I would say that it might surpass the speed of a bullet, even if you can predict where its going by looking at the tal base it doesn't mean you can dodge or counter it."

Charles, the old man with an impressive mustache, said "You are saying you fought and won against an enemy that can tear a bullet-proof vest with an attack that might surpass the speed of a bullet? I think I am too old to be fighting this things."

Olivia said "Please do not interrupt if you don't have any information to add."

Charles scratched the back of his head "Sorry, sorry, this old man is still trying to adapt to everything that is happening."

Michele said "Don't blame the old man, this is a bit too much to take in. is it a bit weird that I want to fight this thing now?"

Olivia said with an angry voice "Henry please continue."

Henry said "Continuing, it also has a second attack that it uses more sparingly, since it consumes its body, it can shoot two spikes out of its body, they are also at least as fast as bullets.

You can know where the spikes are being shoot from by looking at the parts of the body that are concentrating. Only one of the spikes is accurate, if you are fast enough and get timing right you can dodge or deflect it.

The worse of its powers is the ability of turning invisible, from what I have seen it cannot keep its invisibility active after attacking, or chooses not to. But it can still deal one blow, which can very easily kill someone with a low defense.

I do not know if all of them can turn invisible, since the second one was already attacking Andrew naked team."

Charles said "You said fought two of them or is my hearing fucking with me again? Wait naked?"

Everyone turned their heads towards Andrew, who smiled to hide his nervousness. Olivia asked "Why where you naked while being attacked private?"

Being the one with the most life experience of all of them Charles said "Don't tell me you where having sex in a place infested with monster, what the hell is wrong with you young people."

Brian said "Not even I am that dumb, the hell is wrong with you man."