
The camp

It only took a few minutes for Henry to be back on his feet, he felt like sleeping once again, but he knew better.

He sat on the co pilot seat and tried his best to rest his mind while still being somewhat alert.

Unlike the city full of monster the roads where still uneventful, but Henry knew that wouldn't last unless humans fought back to take what where once theirs.

It only took a few more minutes for them to start passing abandoned cars, many white fluffy chickens as tall as an average human where feasting on the body of the owners.

They tried attacking the RV at first, but fled as soon as one of them had their head pierced and set ablaze by Henry flaming arrow.

Josh said "Dude, how did you hit its head while we are moving at this speed? That is amazing."

Feeling a bit weak from having spent the mana that barely recovered, Henry said "I have, high dexterity."

Worried Barbara said "Don't exert yourself too much."

"I am fine, just low mana, I just have to, rest a bit."

Henry sat back in the co pilot seat and had to actively try not to fall asleep, needing to make an effort to open his eyes back every time he closed them.

Seeing Henry state Richard said "You can take a nap, I will wake you up if anything happens."

"I am fine, just need to wait for my mana to recover. I will take a nap when we are safe."

It was beginning to get dark when they stopped at military barricade where a gigantic chihuahua, with lustrous golden fur and a shiny halo above his head, was seated, watching over everything as guard.

A soldier walked up to driver window, which Richard had opened, and asked "Where did you come from? How many are in there? How many man? Names? Any awakened? What monsters did you see? Did you see any soldiers or army vehicles?" with a notebook and pen in hand.

Richard answered "We came from Odessa, There's me me, Richard, my son Henry, my wife Barbara and a cashier called Josh. Uh, my son awakened, and me and my wife got one of this skills things.

We saw quite a few monsters, some giant red praying mantis, uhh, there was this thing my son called, uh, a dragon? and some big red boars with a metal armor.

Ah, there was this fleet of soldiers that came to our city, but they where wiped out by this monster. My son was the only one that saw it, but he said he didn't get too see it very well, just a big red gorilla arm with sheep wool for fur."

The soldier nodded, finished writing something, ripped the page and gave it to Richard then said "You did well on surviving and getting out of there. Odessa is the worse one we have seen so far, only a squad managed to communicate back from there.

As you can see by the guardian over there, some animals have awakened too, don't touch them, don't get too close to them or talk bad about them. Yes they have shown that they can understand us, that one can even talk somewhat. They hearing amazing, he is probably listening to us right now.

Follow the road straight and you will reach the camp, give this paper to the guy in the gate to get in, someone else will instruct you there."

The camp was only a few minutes ahead, it was much bigger than they expected, looking like surrounded almost the entire blue springs city. They where instructed to park near one of the buildings, which where being used to house the refugees of Kansas city.

Henry fell asleep as soon as he saw the soldier said that they could go in, awakening at the weird world filled with thunder like before.

Unlike before he got to enjoy the soothing sensation of floating in the warm water like blue liquid, knowing his family was somewhat safe. But his rest didn't last long, having being awakened by his mother.

Quickly getting on alert he said "What is it? Did something happen?"

Barbara said "An officer wants to talk to you, she is outside."

Henry rubbed his eyes and yawned as he followed his mom out, seeing the hard to miss officer outside, a muscular woman even taller than Henry, with more than two meters, short blonde hair, large breasts and butt, two golden horns growing on her head and a small cow like tail above her butt.

"Finally awake…" like most at first she got a bit stunned seeing Henry beauty, especially by his divine blue eyes, blushing a little but quickly getting angry at him. "What the, another piece of shit."

Henry looked at the officer, stopping himself from looking at her abnormally large, and asked, confused why he had been cursed at "What did you say to me?"

She cleared her throat and said "I am sorry, I have been a bit moody about my appearance since I turned into this thing.

I am Major Olivia Grace, I have been put in charge of the awakened of this camp by general Raymond.

From was told to me by your parents you are the only real awakened, gaining your powers right before all of this, am I right?"

"Yes, I had this weird dream right before everything and I woke up like this."

"Your mother has told me you gave her a skills scroll that gave her a rare healing ability, how did you acquire it?"

"I got it from killing an elite monster, its a special monster, bigger and at least three times stronger than a normal one, after that I got a message screen telling me I completed a hidden challenge, the first in the world in killing an elite monster, it gave me the scroll and one stat point."

"I see, I was also told you have seen what happened with some of my men, what exactly happened to them? How strong do you think this monster you saw is?"

"I saw they enter the city, they started well, cleared the are of monster. It looked like they had control of the situation, then a monster fell of the sky, creating a powerful shock wave that basically ended all of them, it looked like the monster used a skill of sorts.

One survivor shot it and caught its attention, after that I thankfully didn't see it anymore.

I can't really tell for sure how strong it is, it probably didn't even use his full strength to deal with the soldiers.

Even with its huge body it moved much faster than my eyes can keep up with, and my eyes are much much better than before. The worse part is that speed doesn't seem to be its specialty, so you could assume its much stronger than it is fast.

But the worse of it all its his aura, I wasn't even that close or was I its target, but I was paralyzed in fear. My father didn't even see it and passed out when it left."

"I see, I see, Odessa is much worse than we thought. What powers have you awakened?"

"I can turn about anything into a sword, the sharper the object the better, I can also create flaming arrows, shoot inaccurate weak lightning bolts and boots my speed."

"One last thing, on a scale from one to ten, how traumatized are you? one being I don't fear anything, ten being I would rather cut my legs off than go fight."

Understanding what Olivia was implying Barbara said "No, no, no no. He is not going back out there, he almost died once. I will not let him got out there again."

Olivia gave her a stern look and said "I don't think you understand what is happening to the world, more and more soldiers die. It hasn't been a day and we already lost more than one hundred man and all sort of equipment.

We have lost all contact with every other part of the united states, even the radio doesn't go halfway thru Missouri anymore. As far as we know we are the last stand against thousands of monsters.

All four of you will fight, if you really are too scared to fight get your ass out of here, we don't have food for you. Now Henry respond me."

Without fear Henry said "I can fight, but I will only fight on two conditions, I will only get near Odessa when I decide and my mom and dad will be on my squad."

Josh butted in "Wait, what about me? Let me join you."

Olivia completely ignored Josh and said to Henry "I can accept that, we don't plan on sending anyone to Odessa anymore, things are just too bad there.

Since they both can be considered awakened it works out. You can rest for now, early tomorrow someone will bring you to me and I will assign your duties.

As for you skinny one, follow me you will start working today, I have a perfect job for you."

Josh went pale when he heard that, she looked at Henry who said "Sorry buddy, have to look out for my family."

Feeling betrayed he followed behind Olivia, completely dispirited, thinking he would be assigned to a death quest like the soldiers on the gas station.

Richard turned to Henry and said "I don't like this, we came here so we don't have to go out there and fight."

Barbara agreed "Yeah, why do we have to fight this monsters, that is their job."

Henry said "There are my parents, I thought you where a bit weird since all of this started. The world is ending and you guys are trying to push the work on someone else, its pissing me off a bit.

I would love to say you don't need to fight and can just relax but I still need to grow stronger, strong enough to beat the shit out this monsters and sent them back where they came from.

So stop with the winning and be ready to fight tomorrow, I going to need your help on this."

Not saying anything else Henry entered the RV and went back to sleep, planning on sleeping until morning of the next day.