
Josh secret

Josh back started to sweat with fear when Henry stared at him with his magical eyes. After a second he broke "Okay its working, its just, you know, my personal place."

Henry said "No offense, but I don't care one bit about your personal space, right now I just want to get out of this hell city.

How big its this RV, can it take some supplies? Actually just take me where it is."

Stills a bit embarrassed Josh nodded and said "Okay, Its in the back."

Henry extended his hand to help his father get up and asked him "Are you alright? Can you stand?"

"Yeah, yeah, I am fine, don't worry about me, it was just a scare. Are you fine? You much where closer, you even saw the monster."

"I am okay. Anyway can you two separate some food and water while I check the RV? Especially water, fill one those boxes with medicine too."

Barbara said "Henry, that is stealing.

What? Why are you all staring at me like that? It is stealing."

Richard said "Honey, this will rot before the owner of this store can take it all back, if he will ever be able to take it all back. We will separate the food, go check the thing, and be careful, this monsters are coming from everywhere."

Henry nodded and followed Josh to the back, where his RV was parked, almost like its spot was made for it to be parked there, with just enough space to open the door and walk in.

Josh asked "Um, Henry, can I tide the place? clean it up before you go in? Its quite dirty" to which Henry responded with a simple "no".

"What? Why not?"

"Cause now I am curious to what you are trying hide so hard, now stop wasting time and give me the keys", Henry smiled seeing Josh stare at him with his mouth open, not knowing how to respond to him.

Completely forgetting the fight he saw between Henry and the red mantis, Josh said "You, you piece of shit, you just want to make fun of me."

"Maybe you shouldn't have things in your room that can be used to make fun of you, especially when your house is that one room. Now give me the keys, we don't have time to waste."

Josh grumbled to himself as he took the keys from his pocket and gave to Henry, who took it whit a smile on his face.

Very curious to what he would find Henry opened the RV and almost instantly got flabbergasted. "No way, what are the fucking odds" he thought.

"Go ahead, make fun off me, I am not embarrassed, I can take it."

Looking at Josh Henry said "Want to know something funny? I made this one." while pointing at the poster with and almost naked famous anime character.

"… No way, no fucking way, you made this. Now way! You could be a model, a famous one, no you are fucking with me. There, there is no chance, for real?"

Henry didn't say anything else, he just started taking the hentai poster of the walls and throwing them at Josh, not even a bit surprised that there was one of a trap character.

He washed his hands, arms and face at the sink, realizing he desperately needed a shower, then started to check the cabinets and fridge finding that most of them where empty.

"This is quite a nice RV, quite big to. How did you get you get this with a cashier wage?"

"My grandma liked to buy all sort of stuff, when she passed away I sold her house and used the money to finish paying this and started living here. Is much cheaper to live here and my boss loves it, never late for work hahaha."

"Sorry to hear that, at least she won't have to go all of this shit, this not a good time for elderly people.

Lets fill this as fast as possible with food and water and get the hell out of here, if you are going to keep those posters hide them in your wardrobe, don't look at them too much either, you won't have alone time to use that bottle of lube."

Josh blushed with Henry remark then got angry right after, he shouted "Fuck you!"

His parents had just finished with the fourth and fifth box, putting them close to the door. Richard said as soon as he saw Henry "Hey we should get going, some big red boars are eating the bodies outside, they probably won't smell the food in here with all the blood, but we shouldn't bet on that."

"Yeah we can go, the RV is really good. We can keep the boxes in bed and store it later. He has a full gas can in his wardrobe so gas won't be a problem"

Henry picked two boxes, not feeling much weight even thought they where full, and brought them to the RV.

Once everyone was in, Richard seated in the driver seat asked "Are we going to Maple leaf lake?"

Henry said "Are you crazy? the giant gorilla went that way, I want to be as far away as possible from that direction. Lets go in direction to kansas city, its where the soldiers came from, there is a small chance that monsters didn't appear there."

Barbara said "What if monsters appeared there? Wouldn't it be dangerous?"

Henry shrugged "Does it makes a difference? Its dangerous here, being dangerous there won't make a difference."

With his phone at hand Josh said "Shit, there's no signal, I could have called a buddy of mine."

Remembering something Henry asked "Dad where is the radio? Maybe they are broadcasting something." as he already started looking thru Richard backpack.

Richard said "We don't need that radio, the car has one." turning on the radio which instantly begun transmitting an emergency broadcast.

"This is an emergency broadcast of the state of Missouri of the united stats of America. All citizens are instructed to look for any soldiers on the field or head to Kansas city.

If you have awakened any special ability prioritize living and reaching Kansas city over anything else, you are needed.

This is an emergency…"

Josh said "Awakened a special ability? They discovered it quite fast, it only has been a few hours since this all started. This means you aren't the only one Henry."

"It wouldn't make much sense if I was, mom kinda falls in this category too. This are amazing news, we won't have to be fearing for our life each second."

Richard said "Actually I think I might an awakened to, I got a skill after killing that elite red thing."

Josh exclaimed "What?! Am I the only one that doesn't have a skill? Give me one of yours Henry, you have a bunch."

Completely ignoring Josh, Henry asked Richard "What skill did you awoke?"

"I woke a technique, its called projectile infusion common, I can infuse my bullets with my aura and increase its power."

Henry said "Interesting, now lets talk while driving, we been here way to long already. Don't stop or worry when you pass the boars, if they come for us I will deal with them. But be ready to turn when I scream."

Richard started the car and begun driving, Henry was on alert by the window, electricity crackling in his left hand.

He was surprised for a second when he saw the three boars. Instead of fur the boars had red metallic scales, their head looking like a boar shaped metal helmet that would make for a cool helmet if emptied.

The noise of the RV was more than loud enough to get the boars attention, and they didn't like someone entering their territory one bit. With a surprising speed they ran towards the RV.

Out of Henry hand thin lightning bolts left like a machine gun. They bolts had little precision, but precision didn't matter as the metallic fur of the boars attracted the bolts like a lightning rod.

After being hit by a few lightning bolts, the boars fell and slid on the floor one by one, having been paralyzed by their biggest weakness, electricity.

Henry pushed himself back inside and fell weakly on the floor, his mana almost reaching zero.

While Josh looked thru the back window, to see if the boars where still following, Barbara walked beside him and held his head, very worried she asked "What happened? Are you alright?"

"Ehh, no, mana, head, hurts" he stayed on the floor until some energy returned to his body, thinking "Fuck this feels terrible, feels like my blood pressure dropped to zero. The description wasn't lying, it shoots fast, burns mana away."

Richard asked "Is everything alright back there? Are the boars still coming?"

Josh said "No, I can't see the board anymore"

Barbara said "Henry used all of his mana to stop the boars, he is weak"

Henry said "I am fine, just, tired. Don't worry." trying his best not to fall asleep as he recovered.