
The handsome elf

Back into the weird world Henry relaxed in the weird warm water for a while, thinking on what he should do from now on, on what was needed to do to keep those he cared safe.

After that he relaxed for almost an hour, he got utterly bored, his body itching for some action. "Do I really have to come here every time I sleep? I could really use some ground like before, I could at least try some moves.

It was probably that demon that created the ground, the bitch fucked with my body and mind and didn't even teach me how to do it."

Henry sung one of his favorite songs in attempt to relieve his boredom when an idea suddenly came, "Wait, I can create a sword with mana, maybe, just maybe I can create a platform instead of a sword. Guess I will try, not like I have anything else to do here."

Getting upright on the liquid mana, having to constantly move his feet so he would not submerge.

Because of his talent towards arcane magic Henry easily created a sword extension for a single foot, but he quickly dispersed it since it clearly was not what he wanted.

Hours quickly passed, yet even after all this time he did not get close of accomplish what he wanted. But his work wasn't completely in vain, when he learned to cover both of his feet a message screen appeared in front of him.

He read "New skill learned! Arcane shoes (common)."

Pressing on the skill he read the description that appeared

"Arcane shoes (common)

A basic skill of the arcane mages.

Effect: Create shoes made out of mana, or enhance an already existing shoe.

Enhanced shoes will become two times more durable, and better for running. The shoes can also be changed to fit specific situations, turning into flippers, growing spikes or springs.

Rank increases: none.

Requirements: none.

Consumption: At a normal form 1 mana per minute, at special form it consumes 2 mana per minute."

"Not what I wanted, but I can see it being useful. At least I am not wasting my time, well I would be sleeping so this is quite good."

Completely engrossed in it Henry kept trying again and again, feeling like he was missing a vital piece of information to succeed.

After a few more hours he was once again woken up to his mother calling him, having only achieved a little progress in understanding what he needed to do.

As he pushed him gently Barbara said "Henry, Henry, wake up. A soldier came talk with us."

Henry got up and stretched, feeling quite good after a long rest, even though he kept practicing all night his mind still felt rested.

Outside a veteran soldier, that rivaled Henry in handsomeness, with long point ears, slightly yellow soft skin, short blond hair and a skinny body, but his green eyes lacked the same stunning power that Henry had.

The soldier got a bit stunned when he saw Henry, after a second he said "Would you look at that, looks like I was not the only lucky one hahaha."

It took a second for Henry to understand, he laughed a little and asked "You turned into an elf?"

"Yes, I am corporal Lewis, lets talk while we walk, Olivia doesn't like waiting. I assume you want to take a shower and wear something that is not a rag."

Henry looked at this clothes and realized they where torn in many places and he and it where dirtied with insect and his own blood.

"Yeah, that would be nice." Locking the RV behind him he and his parents followed the soldier thru the camp.

Henry said "So, will she be sending us to fight and level up?"

"Yes, the general in charge of the everything has put great emphasis on this. With us there's a total of forty two awakened, ten that changed races like us two, and the others just awakened some abilities like your parents.

We will be separated into teams and sent to into different regions of Kansas city, where the monsters can only be dealt with by magic."

For the first time Henry felt something like a celebrity, people staring at him or Lewis as they passed, it bothered him a little but Lewis didn't seem to care.

The thing that really got to him wasn't the ones staring, it was the almost contagious sad feelings of quite a few people, which just sat there looking at the ground depressed.

Henry did his best no to let this feelings get to him, instead he focused on talking with Lewis.

They entered what was once a high school, which now became the camp military base of operations.

Henry asked "Monsters that can only be dealt with by magic? What are they?."

"We will be dealing with slimes, they look like they are made of gelatin. Most of them are slow and can be killed if you use explosives, but that is quite a waste of ammo.

They may seem harmless, but they are quite terrifying if they catch you. The soldiers are calling hentai slimes."

"Wait, hentai? Oh no, don't tell me."

"Yes, it is what you think, they will rape you if you get caught then when you reach climax they will dissolve you alive. I heard one soldier saying it might have something to do with some chemical released by our body, but we are not sure."

Richard said "Jesus, you want us to fight this things?"

"As I said most of them are slow, only the ones with a skeleton are some what fast, but they stay still when attacking, making for an easy target.

You two take this keys, and you lady take this one, the locker number is on it, leave them inside the locker when you are done.

Inside the locker you will find some military clothes, take a quick shower and get dressed, men to the left woman to the right, I will be waiting outside.

Don't take long, I don't want to be yelled at and you don't want me yelling at you."

Having an itch to grow stronger and end monster, Henry walked in the showers without a problem, throwing his clothes in a basket, knowing he would never see them again.

Beside him and his father the shower was empty, after a minute, as Henry passed soap on his body Richard asked "Son is everything alright with you? You are so different, no just on appearance, your personality, even now that we are safe."

"First we are not safe, is going to take a lot for us to ever be safe again. And yeah, I am different, this transformation changed me completely. I grew some balls, I don't want to coward away against anyone or anything.

Don't worry I will grow strong enough to keep you and mom safe no matter what."

Henry closed the shower and walked out, Richard looking at his back, not recognizing his own son anymore.

After putting the standard military uniform on, he stretched a little, not feeling much hindrance in his movements and liking the resistant material they where made of,

He looked at the cap in the looker and felt irritated when he thought about putting it on, choosing to leave it at the locker.

Seeing Lewis outside Henry asked "Hey is anyone studying the monsters corpses?"

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"I found a red core inside this elite monster, it allowed the monster to do a paralyzing cry. I also want to know if its possible to turn the blade arms of the monster in weapons, they are very sharp and durable, they would make for great swords."

"I see, we do have a small team on this camp working on studying monsters. But they are mostly looking if we can eat them right now.

I will take them from your hands when we come back. I will give the core to the researchers and see if an old friend of mine that is crazy about knifes and sword can do something on his free time."

"Thanks, I appreciate it."

"No problem." Suddenly as if his personality had completely changed and he shouted "How long are you two going to take! This is no excursion! Get the hell out of the showers you two!"

Richard came out a second after the shout, while Barbara still took almost a minute. The soldiers that where passing around shook their head, having seen this situation with the many new recruits that had just entered.

He didn't stop after one shout, he looked at the two and shouted again "Don't you understand what a quick shower is! This better be the last time this happens or you two will lose your dinner. Now start walking!"

The two where hating the idea of being a soldier a second ago, now with a single shout where standing straight like one.

Henry didn't like one bit seeing someone yelling at his parents, but he knew their mentality needed to be changed in this dire situations.

They followed Lewis to a classroom where Olivia and all awakened in the camp where awaiting.

Olivia shouted as soon as she saw Lewis "What took you so long?! Can't handle a few recruits corporal?!"

Lewis saluted and said loudly "This won't repeat Major." not bothered that everyone was looking at him.

"At ease soldier. Lets start this, If I hear anyone talking while I talk you better be ready to sleep on the ground without dinner. Turn off the lights."

Lewis turned on a projector, showing images of a cyan blob big enough to fully cover an adult man, with a little round pink brain like thing floating in the middle of it.

Olivia said "I have called all of you here because you are special, you all have awakened powers that may be the key of saving humanity.

As you all know you will be going to a fight today, I wish I had time to train all of you in safe space. But time is not something we currently have, we are fighting against our extinction.

So you and me will be going to fight to train ourselves, it will be a fight where our lives will be at risk."