
Don't move my screens

Cerbes asked "What do you plan to do master?"

"First I will try discovering where and when we are and what happened to my parents and everyone else. Depending what I discover I will decided on what to do later."

Wanting to see what happened to his body he opened his status window and took a look,

"Name: Henry Evans

Race: Devouring dragon (Human form)

Elements: Darkness, wind, water, arcane, demonic, electric.

God Blessing: none.

Level: 1

Rank: FFF

Mana: 48,9/ 48,9

Aura: 15/ 15


Strength: 0,60

Endurance: 1,50

Vitality: 3,00

Dexterity: 0,60

Mind: 2,09

Magic: 4,89

Level points: 0

Spells: Lightning bolt (Rare), Hellflame arrow (Uncommon), Water bean (Uncommon), Arcane platform (Uncommon), Arcane shoes (Common), darkness cover (Common), Wind blessing (Common)

Techniques: Hypnotizing gaze (Rare), Multiple strikes (Uncommon).

Dragonic: Devouring dragon reinforcement (Legendary), Devouring dragon blade (Legendary), Devouring dragon transformations (Legendary), Dragonic Hellhound (Mythical), Thunder Dragon breath (Mythical).

Passive: Devouring dragon senses (Legendary), Magical resistance (Mythical), Storm friend (Mythical).

Special: Devour (Godly)"

"… What the fuck, I lost all my stats! Wait, I am a baby, it makes some sense. So I became part dragon? Maybe I became a combination of the demon and a dragon."

Henry pressed his name and read the description that appeared

"Devouring dragon (Human form)

A race never seen before Henry Evans was born.

A race of powerful talented demonic dragons that even gods envy their beauty. The talent, beauty and pride of the members of this race is extremely high even between the most powerful races."

Henry thought "First of my race, does this mean I am basically sterile? If there is no one of my race it means I can't reproduce, I don't want children but it was nice having the option.

Well at least I am not paralytic, I don't know if my mom could heal my back. I mean magic is real so there must be a way for me to reproduce, why am I even worrying about that.

I did get a whole lot of new skills, no got I got six new ones, some of them are upgrades to already existing skills. My precious devouring blade evolved again, let's see how good it is."

"Devouring dragons blade (Legendary)

A racial skill of the of the devouring dragon race, capable of turning even the most simplest blade in a weapon that can cut dragons.

Effects: Increases the blade sharpness (100 x caster dexterity) and durability (by 100x caster strength), steals a chunk of mana and aura of anyone hit by the caster blade.

Rank increases: none.

Requirements: Be of the devouring dragon race.

Consumption: 5 mana per second."

"Holy shit, what an amazing skill, wait what?! What is this consumption?! It went from six mana per minute to five mana per second.

I just lost my most useful skill until I level up a thousand times, I can literally only use it for two seconds."

Feeling like crying Henry floated in the liquid mana ocean until Cerbes said "Master there are some suspicious man in the room, should I stop them from getting close to master?"

Hearing that Henry immediately woke up. He didn't really know how but he had much more control of his body. He used his new found control to turn his head and look at the man in suit that was talking to a burly old man.

"I don't care who you are, I won't be selling my grandson to you."

One of the man in suits smiled, his purple eyes glowing slightly, and said "Please mister Antony, listen to what we have to say, you know who we are, you know you have no option.

We come here to offer you an amazing deal you can't refuse mister Antony, we will end all your and your daughter debt that is under us, and we will send your daughter to a very good rehabilitation facility for a year.

Think mister, a new start with your precious daughter free of the drugs that ruined her talented life, and your grandson will live a life that he deserves, with a golden spoon feeding him.

Otherwise you, you daughter and your grandson will be leaving in the streets, without much food. Unless you go back to the dungeon, but I don't think that is happening is it?"

Antony, a tall burly man that one day must have been a fearless warrior, didn't have any courage to refuse, he could only look down and accept it.

The smile of the man in suit turned more genuine, he said "You made the right choice." walking pass him and going towards Henry.

Cerbes asked Henry mentally "Master, should I try stopping them?"

"No, this works out well, its not like I wanted to get attached to a new family."

The man with a purple eye said "Hey there proud hellhould, I don't want to hurt your master. I only want what is good to him, please don't make trouble for me."

Obeying his master Cerbes just stepped out of the way and let the man approach the baby Henry.

"Hey there baby boy, oh my, they didn't tell me you where this gorgeous. You are worth every cent, She will just love you." he said as he picked Henry up with all the care in the world.

Antony did not even look at Henry as they took him away, trying his best not to cry.

Henry did his best to look at everything along the way, not finding anything unusual until they reached the first floor where he saw many people of different races, wearing all sort of clothes made from monster hide and using phones that created hologram screens.

The man said "You like the shiny phones? Don't worry you will get all sorts of shiny toys."

The biggest surprise to Henry was when he walked outside, seeing a flying black car, without any wheels, stopping in front of the hospital.

"What in the actual fuck?! how many years has passed? Am I a the same world? I am not seeing my parents anymore am I?" Henry thought, trying his best not to cry, his eyes feeling a weird sensation they haven't felt in a long time.

The very car that stopped in front of the hospital was the car that they entered. Unlike any other car it didn't shake not even a little bit, nor did it make any engine noise, flying steadily thru the sky.

Mid way thru the flight Henry went back to sleep, the fact his new recently born baby body could stay awake for so long being a testament to the elixir power.

Henry quietly floated on the mana ocean, not wanting to think about anything but he couldn't stop his mind

Cerbes said "Are you alright master? I can feel sadness coming from master."

"I will be fine, I just don't think I will ever see my parents anymore. I am just thinking that I wasn't very nice to them before all this."

"If it makes master feel better, I will forever be by your side master, no matter what happens I will never leave you."

"Thanks Cerbes, it does make me feel better."

Henry opened his stats and started looking at the new skills and the ones that changed.

"So all active legendary skills have high consumption, unless they are passive, and Dragonic skills can consume either aura or mana and their effects are a mixture of effect from spells and techniques."

Cerbes suddenly said all excited "Master, master, there is another hellhound. He is huge and seem nice."

Henry wanted to wake up but he felt it wouldn't be good for his new body, so he asked Cerbes "What is happening outside?"

"We are inside a big mansion, it is quite magnificent. We where taken to a room with a lot of powerful people.

A woman with purple eyes, is holding master, she liked master a lot. She is also the master of the big Hellhound. Oh, she named master Henry Garcia.

A little girl by her sides angry at master because the woman likes master.

She is just swaying master now. The other people started talking, they are talking about how to test master, the woman said they are going to test master when master turns ten like everyone else and everyone agreed.

Oh they asked me why I have scales, what should I say master?"

"Say you don't know, you where born like this."

"I said it, they look a bit disappointed. Now they started talking about business, I am sorry master but I don't understand the subject enough to know what is important."

"Its fine, you can stop it. Purple eyes, purple eyes, is it related to Ana somehow? Decedents maybe. Does anyone look like Ana?"

"I am sorry master, but everyone beside master looks equal to me. Beside the eyes I can't find any other thing the two have in common, the little girl maybe."

Henry floated in the water looking at the lightning snaked moving thru the clouds, very bored. "Ugh, being a baby is going to suck, I never hated sleeping so much.

Am I on earth? The cars can fly but their design is similar, everyone speaks English, there are humans, people with purple eye like Ana, there was a lion guy like Andrew in the hospital.

Hmm, there is a good chance this is earth. Maybe magic allowed them to reproduce with humans or there where other people that turned into half lions.

Ugh I just want to get up and walk around, being a baby sucks. Fuck you god with a censored name, don't move my screens bitch."