
A new beginning

As soon as they entered the city a group of more than ten chickens started running towards them. Olivia took out her pistol and was going to shoot one of them to scare out the rest, but when she aimed her pistol Henry was had already decapitated two with single slash of his new sword.

Before the chickens noticed two had died, another two heads where sent flying. Seeing the others running, Henry used his sleeve to clean the blood of his face, finding it was a lot messier to kill this chickens.

When they approached him Olivia said "Don't waste energy on this weak ones, just shoot them from a distance."

"Don't worry, my stamina is quite amazing. But yeah its better to shoot this ones, to much blood."

After more than an hour of walking the streets got eerily quiet, the chickens they had to shoot every five minutes not appearing for almost twenty minutes.

Feeling something was weird Henry walked with his sword in hand. Suddenly he felt a shiver run thru his body, he only saw a slight yellow flash beyond Patrick detection range but he instinctively swung his sword, cutting a yellow feather that was coming for this throat.

Another five feathers easily cut his uniform and scratched his skin, then piercing the bodywork of truck behind him and destroying the engine.

Seeing another yellow flash in the distance Henry stepped forward and swung his sword again, meeting the sharp claws of a monster that appeared like a yellow lightning.

Henry and the cockatrice took a step back, Henry arms trembling from the tremendous impact they just took. He looked at the enemy in front of him, it was slimmer and taller than the other chickens, It had a long scaly yellow tail, the feather on its wings where yellow and had little spark of yellow lightning running thru them.

It looked at Henry with its yellows eyes, the comb above his head glowing like a light bulb, emitting a fearful aura. It took one look to know that this enemy was above any elite he ever fought, and definitely above him.

Henry could tell the intentions of the cockatrice, he knew it wanted to eat him, so he shouted "RUN! GET OUT OF HERE!" so loud that it hurt his throat.

He didn't have to say it twice, the soldier that was piloting the truck being the first to start running, his legs feeling weak just from looking at the monster, the others accompanying him right after.

Richard tried to aim at the monster but his arms trembled too much, Ana tried to do a spell but she could not stop thinking about running as far away she could. Both ending up running when Olivia pushed them.

Henry, Cerbes and the broken truck where the only ones that remained, they looked at the cockatrice and it looked back at them, not caring about that the others, in fact being a little happy that no one would not disturb its meal.

Having felt aura a hundred times worse, Henry did coward before the cockatrice he readied his sword and stared at the cockatrice.

They started at each other for more than a minute, the cockatrice wanting his prey to struggle for his life before he killed it.

As soon as it moved a little Henry slashed his sword, the cockatrice easily dodging the slash, like Henry was a child trying to hit a master of martial arts.

Its tail wrapped around Henry foot, lifted him up then used him to smash Cerbes, who was about to leap at him, with a mighty attack.

Henry screamed, a sharp rock on the road stabbing his spine, Cerbes having disappeared in black smoke, his sword having flew of his hand when he hit the ground.

The cockatrice put his feet on Henry throat, its claws sinking in a little on his skin.

Showing a human level of intelligence and wickedness, the cockatrice looked at Henry with contempt, barely feeling Henry right hand punching his leg.

Wanting his prey contort itself in fear, thinking it increased the flavor, it closed his eyes and slowly moved his sharp beak towards Henry eyes.

As soon as it got close enough Henry stabbed his glowing blue hunting knife in its eyes, penetrating thru its head all the way to the other side.

The Cockatrice coughed blood in Henry face, taking its foot from his throat and wobbling for a few seconds before it dropped dead on the ground.

Henry cursed "Shit, fuck, fuck you chicken, fuck you, aaaaahhhhh!", not even being able to contort himself much from the pain coming from his spine, as he could not even feel his lower body.

He picked the walkie-talkie from his pocket and radioed "I killed it, I fucking killed it. Come help me, I, I can't fell my fucking legs."

Richard instantly talked on the radio "Henry is this you? Thank god, we are going, we are going hang in there."

"Get here quick, or I will die from this pain."

Henry gnashed his teeth and read the weird black screen that appeared in front of him, trying to take his mind of the pain.

"Congratulations! You have completed a hidden challenge!

Objective: Kill one being at the rank FF

This challenge was put up by the $%@*(&%

Rewards: A new beginning, a legendary dragon bloodline.

Do you accept it? Y/ N"

"The fuck is a new beginning supposed to mean" Henry lifted his weak arm and was about to press the new beginning, but in an instant the window moved by itself and he pressed the Y.

His team that was running back only saw a bright light flash. When they reached the truck they only saw the body of the cockatrice and Henry clothes and equipment on the ground.

For the first time in days Henry truly fell asleep, not going to his soul world. When he woke up he felt the warm walls around him pushing him out.

Giant hands held him as a bright light blinded him for a second. When his eyes got used to the light he saw a giant dressed as a doctor holding him.

The giant doctor bathed him on a cold liquid, a soothing sensation traveling thru Henry body as he did.

Flustered Henry thought "What is happening? Where am I? Why, why can't I control my body? What the hell, who is this giant?"

The doctor removed the mask of his face and stared at him for almost a minute before he said as he looked at Henry "My god, what a beautiful baby. its awakened! Its an awakened of a different race! nurse go get a high grade elixir, quick."

With all the care in the world the doctor carefully inspected the two little stumps on Henry forehead and the little black and blue scaly tail right above his butt.

Suddenly in the middle of the room a small black ball appeared, it rapidly grew in size and took the shape of a dog, which could easily be confused with a reptile since it had black metal like scales instead of fur.

The black dog Cerbes fell on the ground and used his red eyes, now with vertical pupils, too look around.

Cerbes eyes quickly locked on the baby Henry, which the doctor was trying to protect, and he asked "Master? What is happening? Where are we?"

The second nurse who had fire in his hand, ready to attack Cerbes, looked at the doctor.

"This voice, its Cerbes" was what Henry tried to say, but only a childish cry came of his mouth.

The doctor asked "Master? Is this your master?" showing baby Henry to him.

Suddenly Cerbes voice came to Henry head "Master? What happened master? Why is master a baby?"

Henry imitated Cerbes and sent his thoughts to him "A baby? Fuck, Is this what a new beginning meant? can you hear me Cerbes? Don't reveal that I am not a baby, I will explain later."

"Yes, I can hear you master, I will do my best."

Cerbes looked at the doctor and said "Yes that is my master, I am his loyal hellhound, I was summoned to protect him."

The doctor exclaimed "A hellhound?! A baby with a hellhound?! He was born with the hellhound skill, my god."

Seeing the doctor looking at him like he was looking at a monster Henry begun to fake a cry, wanting to avoid suspicion as he did not really know what was happening or where he was.

The doctor begun sway him saying "There, there, its okay, where is the nurse with the elixir? He must be hungry." as soon as he said that the nurse walked in, carrying an expensive looking glass bottle with a dark red liquid.

"What is this elixir, oh my god! This, this." starting from his stomach a heavenly sensation spread thru his body, before he knew he had woken up in the weird world in his soul.

He floated in the liquid mana, his body of a baby even there. He looked at the black cloud in the sky, looking specifically at the thick lightning bolts that traveled thru them like long dragons.

Cerbes swum to his side and said "Master what is happening? Why is master a baby? My body is all different too."

Like he did before he sent his thoughts to Cerbes "I don't really know, I think I reincarnated somehow."

"Reincarnated? Did master die to the cockatrice thing?"

"No, I killed it, but after I did a black screen appeared in front of me, it said something about a new beginning. When I tried pressing it to see a description it moved and I pressed accept.

Since the doctor was talking English, I think we have been reincarnated in the future."

Cerbes said "I am sorry master, I was useless in the fight."

"Don't worry, that enemy was too strong. I was actually lucky it was smart, its intelligence ended him."