
Chicken town

Everyone looked at Olivia walk around the room and seat on her chair, waiting for her to speak.

She looked at Henry and said "I have talked to my superiors, they agreed on the vital importance of better gear, since slimes don't give anything they have allowed the teams to go to look for more materials at other cities.

From now own we will be going to Oak Grove, chicken town as the soldiers call it, which has been taken by giant carnivorous chicken like monsters.

The chickens themselves are not much of a problem, they are quite fast but a gun shot can easily kill them and scare the others away.

The problem there are the Elite ones, they are much stronger, but I will be talking about that later with everyone.

First we have to decide the team, the four on you that where not here at the start, Henry proposition of making a bigger team of twelve has also been accepted, Probably because a total of seven teams have died to the slimes.

We will be deciding on an exploration team with the twelve strongest and most useful, the others will be sent to help the army on other duties.

I have already decided on six members, Henry, Patrick, myself, Lewis, Brian and Barbara. Since this was your idea I would like to hear your opinion Henry, before deciding on the other six."

Henry thought for a second then said "I fight mostly on melee but I can also use ranged magic. Brian can summon a shield, so a tank. Patrick I assume is the fatty of Angela team, he is basically a scout. Barbara, my mother, can use healing magic and a shield. What are your powers Olivia and Lewis?"

Olivia said "I can summon a magical war axe, I am quite strong and my endurance is high too."

Lewis said "I can use plant magic, I can create a flower that shoot a laser beam, and create a vine full of thorns to restrain the monsters."

"So from the six we mostly have magic damage dealers and supports, it would be good to have some aura users and at least one more mage."

Charles was about to talk when Michele raised her hand and said "I use aura, I can create special gloves around my hands. Live this" in each of her hands big gold and jade gloves appeared, Henry could see her jade colored aura moving thru many thin veins like channels in the glove.

"I also have an epic technique that increases my psychical stats and I am quite strong."

Charles was about to talk again when Joe said "I can increase the force of my body with aura, and my body is extremely resistant."

For the third time Charles opened his mouth to talk, but once again someone spoke first, Angela said "My abilities consume mana to use them, I can trow flame bolts at my enemies and cover my shoes in flames and run faster." she lifted her hand up and it lit up in flames, but did not burn her.

This time Charles waited a second before he talked "I can coat my sword with aura, increasing its sharpness and durability, and I can coat myself with aura, increasing my defense and speed."

Henry nodded "This are good abilities, the last two should have ranged abilities, we have two many melee ones.

Since everyone will still be serving I can recommend my father Richard and Ana from my team, my father has a ranged aura attack and Ana has two ranged spells and her cat."

Olivia said "Does someone recommend anyone from your team? You two have been quiet this whole time, what are you abilities?"

Paul, a normal young man, said "We where hopping to be left out of this, we are quite weak, it was difficult killing a single slime."

Olivia nodded, looked at Andrew, not planning to add him even if he asked, then said "If no one else has something to say this will be it, the team will be Myself, Henry, Lewis, Brian, Michele, Joe, Angela, Charles, Patrick, Barbara, Richard and Ana.

Those that won't be on the team go outside and explain thing to the others outside, I will be assigning someone to lead everyone to the one who will be in charge of giving your duties. Paul bring Patrick, Barbara, Richard and Ana here."

Paul got up and said "Yes Ma'am."

Andrew looked like he wanted to be part of the team, but he knew he had fucked up and would not be accepted, leaving with some regret.

When the others entered the room as sat down, Ana picking the seat right beside Henry without thinking twice, Olivia begun talking "To those that don't know we in this room will be forming a big team. Our objective is growing strong enough to take back Kansas city.

But we won't be going to Kansas city for now, our secondary objective is acquiring materials to make armor and weapons, and to discover what is in the middle of a city, where did the monster come from.

We will be going to Oak grove, a place infested with chicken like monsters. While the chickens are fast they aren't much of a problem, a gun can easily deal with them, and they will run off when their brothers die.

The problem is with the elite among them, since their number is very high the number of elites are high too. The elites are extremely fast, they can react fast enough to dodge one and tough enough to survive being shot by the second.

The elites are being called cockatrice, a monster said to be in the bible. They have sharp claws in their feet, long scaly tails that they use like a whip and wings that can shoot many sharp feathers.

This is all we know of this monsters for now. We will escort a truck which we will protect and secure as many cockatrice bodies in it as possible. Any questions?"

Patrick, the fatty man, raised his hand and asked "How do you plan on killing a monster that can move as fast as a bullet?"

Henry said "They definitely don't move as fast as a bullet, they just have a good intuition, an instinct. They feel you are a threat, see the gun and move out of the way before you even shot, they probably move so fast that they appear to be dodging a bullet.

This is how I dealt with the elites up till now, I have some abnormally good instincts and reflexes due to a skill, so I rely on it against attacks that are to fast for me to see."

Patrick nodded "I see, you are a superhuman, do you think you can beat this cockatrice monster?"

Henry said "I don't know, there is one important thing that we don't know about them. All elites up until now had a special ability, the mantis I fought has a paralyzing cry, the slime can turn invisible, who knows what the cockatrice can do."

Olivia said "Yes, everyone should be watching for that. Vests and pistols are in the room on the side, lets go take them and get to it."

They quickly put the vests and took their pistols and ammo, Henry putting putting two knifes in each side of his belt, wanting to have something prepared in case something happened with his sword.

Brian said "It seems yesterday guns where one of the most powerful weapons in the world, now only one of us really use them."

Lewis said "Pistols will be useful to kill the smaller chickens, but yeah magic and abilities are way more useful. Henry why aren't you putting your helmet?"

"I don't know, I just hate the idea of having this thing on my head. I feel irritated on just thinking on putting it on my head, one more weird change that happened to me."

They boarded an army truck and headed back to the camp, having to pass it to go to chicken town. Ana asked Henry "Uh, are you feeling better today?"

Henry nodded "Yeah I am alright, don't know why I am getting so stressed out over nothing."

"The world is falling apart, its normal to be frustrated. I am, I am the weird one, I have been happier this days, I feel a bit bad."

"Don't feel bad about being happy, just enjoy it, you never know how long it will last."

A few minutes later they reached chicken town, the sound of soldiers firing at the giant chicken reaching their ears, Henry, Cerbes and Harold covering their ears.

When everyone walked out of the truck Olivia shouted "Remember! we are here to escort the truck and fill it bodies of the elites! Henry you me and Brian will be going in front of the truck.

Patrick and Barbara you two will be going on top of the truck. Barbara be ready to jump out and heal. Patrick shout if you detect anything that is not a normal chicken.

The rest go around the truck, deal with any giant chicken that gets close. Let's move soldiers!"