
Why did I have to be my soldiers

Henry said "The one about making a big team instead of a bunch of small ones."

"Oooh, that one, yeah I would also like that, less work to do. If they accept I doubt they will just make one big team though, they will probably make four big ones."

Henry said "Probably, we also need to convince Olivia to let us go to other dungeons collect materials so we can make better weapon and armors. This uniforms and the vests are nothing against the elites, much less whatever other slime monster is in the city."

Angela said "Yes, I won't survive after being hit by something that can go thru a bullet proof vest."

Seeing Lewis driving on a jeep they entered the car and headed toward the other camp.

After a minute of silence in the car Henry said "So Brian, what will be the next weird thing subject you will bring?"

Brian said "Dude there is a lady in the car."

"And you are going to let that stop you. You have changed."

"You know me for a day!" talking away they soon reached the camp.

Ana walked to them and said "Uh, Olivia is waiting for you at the same room."

Henry smiled a little and said "Thanks Ana, good morning by the away."

"Good, good morning" she said looking at his eyes then at his back as he walked away, her hearth palpitating loudly. Cerbes and Harold staring at each other, ready to attack.

On the way Brian said "That Ana girl is totally into you."

Angela said "For sure, she is not even hiding it."

Henry nodded "I know, would take a blind man not to see it. But I rather not get attached at times like this, want to focus just on getting stronger."

Brian said "Damn, that is cold dude."

"Maybe, but after you see a dragon get hit by missiles and come out unscratched, you wouldn't want to get attached to anyone too."

Lewis asked "You saw a dragon? Spitting flames and everything?"

"Yeah, it shot a laser actually. My city became a monster hell."

As soon as they entered the room Olivia shouted "You are all late! didn't I tell you get here early!"

Before Lewis could say anything Henry said "I am sorry major, but we are not late for nothing. I have a thing to report."

Olivia said "All of you get seated first."

Henry seated and put his new sword on the table, Cerbes decreasing his size and jumping on his lap.

Olivia looked at his new sword them at him and said "Talk."

"As you all can see this sword I have here is not made out of metal, if any of you have special skill you might be able to tell there is some magic in it.

This was made by Albert, an old Sergeant major, now a blade smith. After he made this he completed a challenge, I didn't ask but if had to guess I would say the challenge was making the first magical weapon.

From the challenge he got two skill scroll, one with an appraisal ability the other with a special forging skill. I used the appraisal scroll, from it I have discovered that this weapon gives the wielder 0,5 dexterity.

It may not sound like much, but the average human dexterity is one. Albert has also gained the blessing from a god, the god forging, which gives anything he forges a higher quality, something extraordinary.

Yesterday you all have seen what happened to my vest, a bullet proof vest destroyed by a single attack, it was pure luck that it hit me and not any of my group members.

I don't know what we will be fighting, if will keep trying to get Kansas city back, I can say for sure will be fighting monsters stronger than the elite.

So I would like to propose we go to other nearby cities to look for materials to make better equipment and to have an idea to what might be in the middle of Kansas city.

If we don't, we may not survive whatever slime monster is in the middle of the city."

Lewis looked at Henry with awe, knowing he didn't have any time to prepare a speech, yet he said everything like he had planed it.

After a minute of silence, thinking things thru, Olivia rubbed her forehead and said "Give me a second, I will radio my superiors, again. Why did it have to be the soldiers under me that thought of this." whispering the last part, but Henry could still hear it.

With a tired face she got up and walked out of the room, leaving everyone in an awkward silence.

The first to break the silence was Charles who said "Hey boy, let me take a look at that sword."

Henry slid the sword to the him and watched him carefully inspect it, a green aura coming from his hand and covering it. "What a good sword, it is much easier to use my skill on it."

Henry asked "What is that skill you are using?"

"This one? Its called aura blade, it is a rare one, it increased the sharpness and durability of the sword based on my dexterity and strength."

"Oh, so its like mine, but mine just increases the sharpness and durability by thirty times."

"Thirty times? that is a lot. Mine barely increases it by two."

"Eventually it will become better than mine, just need to keep leveling up."

"Boy you don't know math? I would need three hundred levels on both dexterity and strength to make it like yours, I will die of old age before I get there."

"Well my skill is epic, a grade higher than yours, so it makes sense it is better. But who knows what happens when we go up a rank."

Seeing that they stopped talking and not wanting an awkward silence Michele said "Who do you guys think Olivia will put on the strongest team?"

Lewis asked "Did the superiors accepted the bigger team proposal?"

"Yes, we where just waiting you guys to begin deciding who goes on the team. I think Henry will definitely enter it."

Henry said "Of course, I was the one that gave the idea. The fatty on Angela team will definitely enter too, his detection ability is amazing and necessary against the elites slimes. Other than that, I think Andrew will definitely not be in it."

Everyone nodded looking at Andrew, who wanted to hide in a shell like a turtle, feeling humiliated, his lion pride being attacked more and more

Brian said "I think I will be picked, my shield makes me a great tank and I already have military training."

Lewis said "You do know you have the fame of troublemaker right? You are probably the guy who was most punished in the entire army."

"Dude, this is like the third time today, I have feelings you know."

Charles said "It would be good if we had someone with a healing ability, it is too easy to be hurt on close range combat."

Brian said "You are quite confident on entering the team old man, shouldn't you be more worried about your back?"

"You should be worried about yours now, my sword my accidentally cut it in two when you are not looking."

"Chill, chill, I was just joking, you guys are way to serious."

Henry chuckled "My mom has a good healing ability, its very good but she can't use it too much."

Joe said "So that is how you got healed after you got hit by the elite, how good is her ability?"

"Very good, I can heal wounds in a second. But it consumes a great deal of mana."

Charles said "Even if she can't use much she should be in the team, she could save our life."

"Yeah I know, but I would prefer if none of my parents was in any team, would make me a lot less worried."

Lewis said "You know we can't choose thing based on how you feel, your mom for sure will be in the team, she is the only one of the forty two with a healing ability."

Michele said "So three slots out of ten have been taken already, who else that is not here do you think should be in the team? My team has one with a good ability, but she is a chicken."

Angela said "Terry from my team has the ability to create barriers, it would be a good defensive addition."

Henry said "Ana who is in my team would also make for a good addition, she got some good spells and her cat can fight as well."

Cerbes said "That cat is just talk, he can't do anything."

Almost everyone in the room looked at Cerbes with surprise, Charles said "My god, a talking dog."

Henry said "He is not a dog, he is a proud hellhound."

Cerbes said "And my name is Cerbes, call me scooby and I will bite you." Giving Brian an angry look.

Michele asked "Is he really a hellhound? He look to cute to have come from hell."

The conversation quickly shifting from who would be picked to other subjects, they talked for almost an hour until the tired Olivia walked back into the room.