
Devils and Ravan

Sam died in the Devil's Triangle with his brother Michael, he ended in a parallel dimension where he lost his brother, and he learns about the truth about his world, ' It's not even real ' What will he do to find his brother back?

IDiablo · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Shadow Dragon

Sam was heading to his room, but his thinking was only about his grandpa's words, Sam slowly sit on his bed,

" Demon God's Third Eye? I have born with the powerful eye of destruction, and today I witnessed the true power of a demon, he's truly invincible, while he used his eyes, I couldn't move a bit, the power of the eye was forced me to freeze, even if he can't wield his sword, I think his demon eyes are enough to kill his enemies. "

Sam was lying on the bed, and his fingers were touching his purple pendant,

" New world, new place, it's so hard to adapt to the situation, now I need to learn about my demonic powers, and I have to control it, but how, I have a long way to go, I have to finish the demon school, I have to save my mom, I have to find Michael, how? "

Sam closed his eyes and try to contact Ralph, but it was no use, he couldn't communicate with Ralph

" I think, she is very busy with her work, so I have to work alone, " Sam slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were glowing red, everything he looked red, His usual gaze changed to red colour,

" So is this the legendary demon god's eye, and the three stages ha? "

( Five minutes before )

" Sam, you have a legendary eye of a demon god, and it is the most destructive power in the whole demon realm,

First Stage - Demon God Eye of Blood

Second Stage - Demon God Eye of Chaos

Final Stage - Demon God Eye of Death

These are the three stages, Sam, in the First stage, you can easily manipulate anyone with their blood, it's like a puppet, If you reach the first stage, you can create chaos upon your enemies, then the most dangerous and final stage, the Eye of Death, you can kill anyone without fighting, just use the eyes of death. "

" Can I kill anyone by looking at them? "

" Yes, just by your vision, that why everyone calls by the name, the eye of death, but if you reach the final stage, you have to be more careful, cause you can kill anyone, so it's so you have to make a barrier by spells, but that's not important right now, you have a long way to go, now take these crystals and keep them with you, I can't help you with my current condition. "

Sam took those crystals from Rusty's hand,

" Sam, just remember this one thing, never trust your eyes, but you have to use your other instinct, cause you're standing on a battlefield, just trust your instincts, you can't win every battle with your power, peace is the best way to end a war, I hope you understand, now go back to your room, you have school tomorrow, it's already too late, "

" I will remember everything you said, thank you for your advice, "


" Three stages of demon god's eye, I have to surpass the three stages of Demon God's Eye, but how, I have no idea where to start, " Sam's eyes were glowing dark red.

" I have demonic powers and my mom's half cultivation, but I don't know what kind of power I have, even I don't know how to use a sword, my dad suggested me that I should join sword fighting class, but I denied it, I never thought this would happen to me, I should listen to my dad, "

Sam took the crystals and looked at them,

" What should I do now? "

Sam looked at the window, the night was very long for him, he couldn't sleep, he was looking at the village, a quiet place and peaceful, but Sam grew up in the 21st century, and he lived in a big building, he had everything in his world, money, love, friends, but now, he was standing in a world without the Internet, electricity, games, or phones, but he's not alone here, he has a new family, a new life,

" I was dead once, and even I lost my brother in this new world, where I have to grow stronger to find my brother, "

His red eyes suddenly changed into green, he could see very clearly in the night, and his hearing was very accurate than animals,

" So, these are the advantages of being a demon, perfect night vision and accurate hearing ability, do I have wings, "

Sam touched his back, but he couldn't find any wings, Sam heard his mom's voice but that was very low frequency,

" Is mom calling me? did she awake, " Sam heading toward his mom's room very fast, it was like a light speed, Sam couldn't believe his eyes,

" I can move faster like light, I'm a superhero in this world, but mom? " when he reached her room, there was no improvement in her health, she was still asleep.

Sam's eyes were looking at his mom, but she was still sleeping, she needed some time for her recovery,

" Mom is sleeping, but I heard her voice, so that voice was my illusion, it's okay, I can't sleep in my room, it's okay to look after her, "

Sam sat on the chair next to her, he was looking at her face and smiled for a second,

" Mom, I will find a beast for you, I'll promise you, no matter what happens, I will cure you, youre my prime priority, I can never repay you for what you did to me, growing up without a mom is terrible, I know how it's feel, but now I have a new family, and my mom is still alive but my dad and my little sister were living in a fake world. I need to change everything, but I have .... "

Sam raised his hands forward, suddenly, two types of energies appeared in both hands, the right hand was releasing blue energy, but the left hand was releasing dark energy,

" What should I do mom? thanks to you, now I have energies inside my body, and I don't know how to use them, wake up mom, please guide me. " She was still in her sleep,

Sam closed his palm but he still looked at his hands, cause he was wondering about his human form,

" ( Samael was born as a demon, but I'm a human, so it's a gift for me to have a human form, even after Samael's demon awakening, but I need to learn about cultivation, I think it's very common in this world, now I have Ralph, Spirit Crystal, Hell Flame Crystal and Grandpa Rusty's sword, with this I can't find my brother, I need more strength, for that, I can increase my strength only through cultivation, ) "

" ( From now on, I have to save my mom, then I need to find Michael, Tomorrow a new life, I have to start my journey as Samael, I don't know about my future but I need to survive here, ) "

Sam was sitting next to his mom, he closed his eyes and tried to calm his brain, suddenly, he felt something different happen. The next minute he was standing in his mental realm, it looked like a dark space to him, it was filled with stars and the full moon was very beautiful,

" What is this place? am I in the space? and I can even breathe, "

" While he was looking at the surrounding just heard someone calling his name.

" Sam... Sam... Sam... " it was echoing in the whole place, he couldn't figure out where is the voice coming from, he was looking in every direction, but the voice coming from every direction,

" It's no use for searching me, "

" Who are you? what do you want from me? what is this place? what do you going to do with me? "

" Sam, I'm not your class professor Abraham, so don't ask questions, cause I'm not in a good condition to answer your silly questions, but I was seeing you since your childhood, I know everything about you, "

" What do you know about me? "

" It's very simple Sam, you were just a big loser, and you hated your brother Michael, he was perfect in everything, studies or games, he always won and you lost to him. "

" No, I'm not "

" Sam, I don't care about what you're thinking about me, I was telling the reality about your previous life, but now you have to listen to me and obey my every command or you will face cruel punishments, what do you say? "

" Who are you? "

" I'm a part of you Sam, but you can call me Master, cause I can do anything when you standing on the Mental Realm, even if I want, I can make you stronger than your grandfather, but, "

" Oh, I know, nothing is free, everything has a prize, tell me your deal, "

" Simple, I need a vessel, so give your body to me, I'll conquer the 10 Realms, so what do you say? "

" What if I say no? "

" I have other ways, they'll be so cruel, and I don't want to hurt you, reconsider my offer while I'm being nice to you or you won't leave this place without my allow, "

" Are you kidding me? you even show me your real self, then how can I trust your words, if you have guts then why don't you show up? "

" It's not about my guts, even if I want to, I can't, and I'm dammed serious right now, don't make me do that to you, it's my last time asking to you, give your body to me. "

" Once I made a decision, that's it, I never change it for anyone, no is my final answer, so it's the end. "

" You asked for this, ' Shadow Dragon ' attack him, " after that voice called, the whole place was surrounded by dark smoke and it started to merge, a big gaint dragon appeared in front of Sam,

" What is this? "

" I told you before but you didn't listen to me, now behold for my Shadow Dragon, with your current condition, you can't beat my dragon, Sam, I'll trap you inside the crystal, and once I seal you successfully, I can be free bird once again. "

Sam was trying to move back, but his feet were sticking with land, even he wanted to move, but his feet were still sticking strongly, and the dragon was slowly reaching Sam,

" ( I have to do something, yes, I have to use that, my demon sword to cut that dragon, yes this is my only chance, ) Bloody Destroyer! "

Sam was trying to call his sword, but it was no use, he couldn't even use his demonic power, it was a do or die problem for Sam, he was standing bare hands against the smoke dragon, and he couldn't even escape from the danger.

" I forget to tell you, you're a useless guy here, your powers won't save you from me, " Sam was looking at the Smoke dragon, a gaint beast standing in front of Sam, dark smoke was coming from that the dragon's mouth,

" What are you waiting for, just kill him! " The smoke dragon looked backwards and suddenly it looked at the Sam, the red eyes of that dragon were so furious,

" I can tell the killing intent without using my eyes. If I don't move right now, the moment I will die. " Dragon roared and its roaring sound was very high, Sam closed his ears tightly but still the sound waves affected him.

Suddenly a knight raised from Sam's shadow and locked Sam tightly,

" What is this? my shadow is attacking me, so this is the power of this Shadow Dragon, "

" Yes, he's the king of all shadow knights, he can even turn your shadow against you, and only I can set you free, but... " Sam heard a laughing,

" I won't save you, I gave you an easy choice but you rejected it, now let's end this fight, Shadow Dragon! seal him now. "

" As you wish my lord, Shadow Knight, hold him tightly, " Shadow Dragon spared the wings and roared once again, Sam just trying to escape but, the shadow knight was holding him so tight,

" Eternity Prison of Darkness seals that man to the rest of the eternity, " Suddenly Sam saw a gaint dark crystal in the sky and the crystal dragged him like a magnet, Sam and the shadow knight started to float in the sky.

" Yes, now I can escape, my feet are free now, but what should I do with this shadow knight? Sam, you don't have time, just think about escaping, come on, "

Suddenly, the shadow knight withdraw his hold,

" What happened just now, how did you release from my shadow knight's hands, it's impossible. "

" I don't know, I just wanted to free myself, and it happened, "

" Shadow dragon, before he finds everything, seal him quickly, "

" No worries, my lord, he was just lucky to escape from my shadow, but he still traps in my eternity prison, no one ever escaped from my seal, "

" What now? " Sam just looking at the crystal,

Chapter 6 Finished