
Devils and Ravan

Sam died in the Devil's Triangle with his brother Michael, he ended in a parallel dimension where he lost his brother, and he learns about the truth about his world, ' It's not even real ' What will he do to find his brother back?

IDiablo · Fantasy
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14 Chs

The Truth 2

" Mama, please this is last, I swear, after that, I won't force you, please tell me that bedtime story, I swear, I won't ask tomorrow, please, please, please. "

" You're not a child anymore, you're 6 years old but you're still acting like a child, look at your little brother Michael and learn some good habits from him, he's already been asleep, "

" Mom! I know him better than you, he's good at everything, even in acting, I know that he's just acting, here I'll prove it to you. " 6-year-old Sam, trying to wake up his brother's sleep,

" Hey? Mich, don't act like youre sleeping, I'm not mom, I know you, you can't fool me, wake up. " Sam screamed at his brother, but, Michael was still sleeping,

" Mich, Wake up... " Sam was trying to slap on his back, but Sarah stopped him.

" Don't hit your brother, I told you before, he's your little brother, and brothers don't fight with each other, or god will give you punishment. "

" Yes, I do remember, but... "

" Ahh, no, I don't want my two children to fight each other, "

" No mom, he's not sleeping, see, let me prove it to you. " Sam was trying to wake his brother Michael again, but Sarah stopped him again.

" No, don't prove anything to anyone, he's your brother, even he's faking, that's alright, that's even better than your childish behaviour, just go back to sleep, no more stories, " Sarah ready to leave, but Sam was holding her hand tightly.

" No, mom! you can't walk away, I'm your son, but I know you only love Michael, and you don't love me, I know, " Sarah started smiling at Sam.

Sam started to cry, his tears were dripping on his shirt, he was even cuter when he was crying, Sarah wiped the tears of Sam's and hugged him.

" No, that's not true, my both children are the same to me, you two are like my eyes, and I can't live without a single eye, " Sam put his head on Sarah's lap, Sam was lying while Sarah kissed on his forehead and rubbed his hair slowly.

Michael suddenly coughed at the time, it seems like he was very good at acting, Sarah also tapped on Michael's back and smiled.

" Okay, this is the last, I won't tell you stories anymore, tell me, what stories do you want to hear? what about fantasy? "

" Go on, I want to hear, " Sam replied quickly, at the time Michael turned back and continued his sleep acting.

" Okay, so be it. Once upon a time, there was a village called ' Doha ', where people were living a peaceful life, Doha village was very beautiful, birds, animals, you can see many kinds of living things in that village. but... "

" Why, what happened mom? "

" But one day, a powerful demon attacked the villagers, "

" Mom, what is a demon? is that bad? " Sam was very scared, he was hiding his half-face with his hands.

" Oh! you're scared, still, want to hear the story? " Sam took his hands away from his face,

" Yes, I will, and I'm not scared, you see, I'm a man, and man never afraid of anything. I can hear, "

" Oh, my little boy is growing, so back to the story, Demons are so scary, demon's bloody red eyes will see your heartbeat, it will see you in the darkness, next it's big large horns will make you fear, demons have big and sharp fangs and they will shred your flesh and eat your heart, "

" What? it will eat my heart? "

" Yes, cause demons don't have a heart, that's why they only eat human hearts, and demon's claw, they are very shaper than knives, first they will open your chest and skull bone with the claws. " Sarah also demonstrated with hands,

"It has very big wings, with the help of big wings, demons can go anywhere in the world, it's really scary. " Sam hiding his face with hands again, but this time Sarah took the hands away.

" Don't worry, Demons are not real, it's just a part of the story, it doesn't exist in reality, so don't be scared, I was just playing with you, "

" Oh, I was scared, " the next minute, Sam was relaxed.

" Poor villagers, I can't even imagine that thing, I feel sorry for them, what happened to the villagers, mom? "

" Yes, that demon started to kill the villagers one by one, even the villagers tried to defeat the demon but the demon was too invincible, the weapons were no use on that demon, "

" They even started a sneak attack, but on that sneak attack, half of the villagers were killed by the demon, the villagers had out of options, and they finally started to pray the god, that was their final hope. "

" God, who is god? is he a superhero? "

" He's more than a superhero, he was the one, who created the living beings, and he always protects everyone, even if you have any problem, just believe in god, he'll help you, so don't feel alone, "

" Okay, " Sam replied with a smile, Sarah continued to tell the story.

" Villagers were praying, their prayers melted god's heart, so he sent an Angel to defeat the demon and protect the villagers, " Sam's eyes started to close slowly.

" The Angel was very powerful, so he easily eliminated that demon and...oh finally you are sleeping, " Sarah took Sam's head and put it on the pillow, then she kissed her two lovely children's forehead and switch off the light,

( 12 years later, )

" Brother Sam, I'm so scared, please. hold my hands, "

" Don't worry my little peach fruit, I promised Mom that I'll raise my little sister, so don't worry I and Michael will look after you, " Sam was hiding her hands, while Micheal was trying to make Reva smile.

" Reva, you have to be like your elder bro Sam, I know his bravery, when he was 6 years old, he didn't afraid to listen to horror story he was very brave. " Sam just looking at Michael.

" Is it true Brother? "

" Yeah.. yeah, I was very brave at the time, mom was also impressed by my bravery, " Sam just looked at Micheal, he can't disagree in front of his 6-year-old sister.

" Reva, you have to stay strong, I know, you're still missing mom, but don't worry we will protect you, it's a promise, "

" Yes, my little moon, it's a promise, " Michael also promised his little sister, now get some sleep, Sam will tell you a story. " Michael kissed Reva's forehead and left the room. Sam was ready to start a story, but Michael was standing outside the room and looking at his mom's photo.

" Mom, look, we're keeping our promise, but we miss you so much, I can't believe that it's been 6 years since you died, " Michael's eyes were filled with tears,


" Sam, what happened to you is not right, but it's not your fault, you were living in a fake world which is filled with lies, you have to stay strong, "

" ( How? that's not simple, even my mom was dying during the surgery, I was praying for her life, but I didn't know that there were no gods there for saving my mom's life. ) Rusty, were demons really bad? "

" No, Demons were not bad, once they lived with humans peacefully but new heavenly gods started a war against demons and most of the demons were killed by the heavenly gods, I was the who lead the demon army, demons were outnumbered, that's why we asked help from humans, but they refused to help us, "

" Then, we had to retreat for that time, and created a new realm for us, "

" if you were the demon king, then what happened to you? "

" I left the throne, "

" What? why? "

" I wasn't a good leader to protect my demons, I cause too much on that war, that's why I left the throne and swore to never raise my sword ever again. "

" That's why you gave your sword to me, "

" Yes, I couldn't even protect my son and I lost my grandson today, that's why I gave my blood sword to you, "

" What happened to you son? "

" He was killed by my brothers, and his soul prisoned in the ' Underworld ', and that happened in front of my eyes, "

" How could you do that? they were killing your son in front of your eyes, but you kept you swore, how could you do that? "

" Sam, if any demon swore to something, they have to keep that until they die, if they broke they swore, they will die immediately, but I never afraid of dying, it was you, Sam, "

" What? I don't know what are you talking about? "

" I mean Samael, Lord was pregnant that time, and if I broke my swore, I will die, and after that, they will kill your mom easily, so I made my decision to save your mom's life. "

" How cruel, I will hunt them with my hands, "

" Sam, patients, I will fight for my right until my last breath, but I won't make decisions in a rush, I will wait for my time, then I will hunt them, so you have to wait for your time. "

" No, I won't, You're pretty much like a tiger, Tigers are always waiting for their moments, but I'm not a tiger, I'm a lion, and I won't wait for my time, I'll create my own moment, " Sam's face was furious, he was looking like a Lion,

" Calm down Sam, and control your emotions, your anger will turn things upside down, first you have to learn basic demon skills, also you have to complete your school, "

" School? "

" Yeah, school, today was his first day, but some Noble demons were bullied him, that's why he died, even I couldn't help him, I lost as a grandpa, but now I have you, from now on, don't call me sir, you can call me grandpa, I will allow you the permission. "

" Thank you, sir, I mean grandpa, I'm so happy right now, I can't tell how much happier I am, but we need to save my mom, will you help me to obtain a beast for her? "

" No, I retired from fighting. "

" Then I have to do that for her, but am I enough powerful to beat a beast. "

" No, but don't worry, I will help you to increase your internal energy, but it's almost midnight, so let's start with tomorrow, I hope you can make it your second day of school. "

" How long can I go to school? "

" Until they select you for the beast hunt, you have to go to the school. "

"Grandpa, I'm not sure what will happen with me tomorrow, without Samael's memories, I can't even find those bastards. "

" You can't deny that every demon must complete their school, then they will officially be registered as demons. If you want to get out of this realm, you have to pass the last test. "

" Last test? What is that? "

" I don't know anything about the test, I didn't even attend the school, new demon king created this school rule, so I didn't have a chance, but you have to hide your demon powers, "

" Why? I won't my revenge. "

" Sam, if you reveal your demon form, you will have the same fate as my son, so you have to hide your power until you get strong enough to defeat them. "

" Yes, grandpa. I'll hide my powers for you and mom, "

" That's fantastic, now, here take the Silver crystals with you, don't be hesitated, when you complete your, they will bring you for beast hunting but they will give you a Red Crystal, so if you use these Silver Crystals, then you can obtain a high-level beast. "

" Grandpa, these crystals are only for mom, and I will use them for her, because I have a Black Crystal, so I can obtain a most powerful god-level beast. "

" Black? how did you get that? "

" As a gift? "

" Who gave you? it's very very rare, like purple, orange, and gold, that's why I'm asking, where do you get it? "

" I get it from the Spiritual Realm, Golden Door gave me a box, because I passed the test of Spiritual Golden door, "

" Box? then what else you got it? "

" An element crystal, and it's a hell flame but I didn't absorb it yet, "

" Hell flame, true it's a treasure, you have to absorb it, it will help you to increase your spiritual energy, and you can summon the fiercest flame, now show me your dual energies, "

" They're not powerful like yours but here, take a look, " Sam raised his both hands forwardly and closed his eyes, his right hand realised blue energy and his left hand realised dark energy.

" Yes, they're not powerful enough, wait what do you mean, not powerful like me? "

" I saw it with my gifted eye of Prime book, "

" Gifted eye? Do you mean you have special eyes? and you get them as a gift. "

" Yes, I get them from Prime book, it gave me the Prime Eye of Knowledge, and nothing can't hide from my eyes, I can even look others' aura, " Rudy was surprised

" Sam, you were already born with special eyes, but now you have two different types of eyes, which means you have dual specific eyes. "

" What? I have another special eye. "

Chapter 5 Finished