
Devils and Ravan

Sam died in the Devil's Triangle with his brother Michael, he ended in a parallel dimension where he lost his brother, and he learns about the truth about his world, ' It's not even real ' What will he do to find his brother back?

IDiablo · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Humanoid Dragon

( Meantime in Heavenly Realm )

Demi-Gods and Angels were sitting on their respective seats, unusually the crowd was large that day, they were called up here for an emergency meeting,

Suddenly a mystery man appeared from out of nowhere and standing before the heavenly throne, he was very handsome, and he was holding a weapon called ' Vajra ' made from Prime God's backbone.

" All hail to our Heavenly Lord, " every one of them kneeled before him and started to praise him. He slowly sat on the throne and gave a sign to sit,

" My dear Gods, Demi-Gods and my Angeles, I welcome you all for today's emergency meeting, looks like the prophecy of fate is going to happen very soon, even our God tower sensed his presence, so we should be ready to welcome our new Angel, "

" All hail to the lord, " Others were praising the lord loudly,

" Lord, please give me permission to speak in front of your presence, "

" What is it about Fire God? do you have anything to say, then I'll allow you to speak, "

" Thank you for your kindness, my lord, we all sensed that immense power, it's very pure and powerful, and it's come from Human Realm, so we have to find him before the Demon King finds, they already broked our agreement, are they trying to start a new war against us? "

" Youre just like your fire, very bold, yes indeed, the demon king is about to start a new war, but he needs the power of the dark weapon to stand against me, but nobody knows about the dark weapon, but he will try to manipulate him, so Wind God, can you help me to find that person, it's for our safety, "

" My lord, thank you so much for your kind, I was waiting for your command, Ill find him within an hour, "

Wind God vanished without any traces of his presence.

" You all can go now, the meeting is finished, thank you once again for your presence, " lord slowly stand up,

" it's our honour. " Lord suddenly raided his weapon and lightning were coming from his weapon,

" ( I have to find him no matter what, he's the ultimate weapon of mine, I will dominate the entire realm with his powers, ) he was laughing


( Sam's inner realm )

" Shadow Dragon! Don't waste your time, just seal him, before he finds everything about this place, I was waiting for this moment for a long time, and I can't lose my chance, ( I have been trapped in this crystal for 10 000 years, he's my last chance to break my seal. ) "

Shadow Dragon's red eyes were locking its target as Sam,

" Shadow Dragon, just use your next skill and hold him, I need to start the ritual. "

" As you wish my lord, don't worry he was just lucky but he can't escape from poisonous shadow tentacles, and l will send him to his eternity sleep, "

Shadow Dragon roared once again, suddenly, a hundred shadow tentacles were coming from the dragon's body and started to tie him tightly,

" What the hell is this place? I need to.." before he finished his words, the shadow tentacles were covered his whole body,

" Sam, those tentacles have more than one million poisonous thorns, if I wish, you will die right now, but I need you to be alive for taking my place, so even if you hurt by the thorns, your body will realise for some time, "

" ( No, the thorns are pricking me, and it's very painful too, ) " Sam tried to break the tie, but the tentacles wrapped him very tightly, and the more he moved his body, the tentacles tight also increased. The poisonous thorns which were pricking him badly,

" ( Yes, finally freedom, just a little bit more, I can be free once again, come on Sam, just give up. ) I told you, no chance of surviving, Sam, your time ends here, and my time will start, "

" ( I'm stuck inside the shadow tentacles and crystal is dragging me to the eternity prison, am I going to trap in here? no, I will survive, I had to survive, Mom and Michael I have responsibilities, I can't waste my time here like this, I will break... ) "

" No, it can't be, he's overpowering my power, my Dragon can't hold him any more, shit if I had my full power, he's no match for me, but I have to admit that he can still take my this level of illusion, "

" I have to bra...ke. " the shadow tentacles faded away from Sam, he opened his eyes, and looked at the place, he saw a hope of light in the sky, also the darkness was fading away and the Crystal also vanished.

" I did it, finally I survived and I'm free now, but how? is that my willpower, yes then finally I can escape from this place and return to the Demon Realm. "

" No, I won't allow it, Sam " Shadow Dragon used the shadow tentacles again, but this time, Sam was able to move,

" Oh, not again, ( now this time, I will escape, now I can move, so I can use my demon instinct, and kill that Shadow Dragon first, then I will face that unknown man. "

Sam closed his eyes to activate his instincts, suddenly, his eyes turned green, and his ears were also grown, and his nails also turned into claws,

" Using shadow tentacles on me, do you think, it will work on me for the second time, you're underestimating me, let me show my demon instincts. "

he used his demon instincts and escaped from the tentacles very easily, his footsteps were faster than light,

" Lightning Steps, not bad Sam, Samael had already awakened as a wolf demon, so it's certainly helping you, I was wrong about you, but you're underestimating me, Shadow Dragon, use Rage skill. "

" Rage skill? " Shadow Dragon roared again but this time, its chest was glowing red, and the red light was spreading all over its body, Sam saw a red and black Dragon standing in front of him, it's was bigger than its original size and a Dark flame was burning between its horns,

" Sam, this is my Shadow Rage Dragon, and it's very aggressive and no one can escape from its Dark flame, it will consume your soul and send you into the underworld, so careful. "

" Underworld! "

" Once you get into it you can't get out, " the laughter was echoed every side, while Sam was getting distracted by the laugh, The Red Shadow Dragon spit the Dark Flame, which wasn't expected, but Sam escaped at the last minute,

" ( I can't keep escapes from the dragon, let's draw the demon sword out, that's the last option I got, ) " Sam draw out the Dark Eye Demonic Sword and slashed the Shadow Rage Dragon in half, but Shadow Dragon healed Its self,

" With the current strength of your demon sword, you can't kill my dragon, you need so much energy to kill my dragon, but you haven't yet mastered using that sword properly, it will kill you if you hold it long. "

Sam remembered Grandpa's warning, also Sam's hand started to hurt.

" ( Yes, he's right, I haven't yet mastered the sword, grandpa also warned me about this sword, if I hold this sword for another minute, I'll lose my control, but I can't waster this opportunity, what should I do? ) "

" ( You can't do anything else than accept your defeat, it's over Sam, you can't escape from my Shadow Dragon's dark flame, even if you escape, that sword will drain your life energy, time also favour for me this time, ) Attack him. "

" Your wish is my command Master " Dragon roared, its horns started to glow, there was a dark flame ball generating between the horns, and it was getting bigger and bigger,

" Can I block that flame ball? "

Dragon released that massive size of the dark flame ball from its horns, Sam looked at the flame ball and tried to block, but the flame ball exploded near Sam and he was thrown away by the explosion, and his left hand was injured,

" Sam, you witnessed the true power of Black flame, you just lucky to be still alive, but not anymore, my dragon's black flame ball attack will never over, "

" ( My hand, I think it's broken, and I can't hold the sword, it's getting heavy, wait I can use a counter-attack, yes I have to use the Hell Flame, but I didn't absorb it yet, ) "

" It's now or never, " Sam was holding the crystal in his hand, and it was glowing, he didn't know how to absorb the crystal, he just swallowed that crystal,

" Wait, don't! ( Shit, was that Hell flame, indeed Sam just swallowed a highly destructive Hell Flame, he will die. ) "

Sam was vomiting blood, his body started to burn, and his body temperature increased enormously, he couldn't hold up any more,

" Hell flame is one of the most dangerous flames, it will burn anything, even demons can't stand, with his current power, his body will become ashes, I have to do something, "

Sam couldn't even stand up, his body parts were hurting so much,

" He wants to fight back, but unfortunately, he has two different types of energies, demonic wolf energy and his mother's Blue Dragon energy, his body will explode if he starts to cultivate, "

" ( I have to make it, I can't die, just hold it, I can hold, I believe I can do it, ) "

" He believes that he can survive, ( I never wanted to do this, but I have no option, I have to merge his energies into one, but merging his energies is also suicide, but he's running out of time. ) "

Out of nowhere, dark smoke came out and turned into a big dark ball, and a mysterious person came out from the smoke ball, his body turned into a humanoid dragon, Sam was lying, and his body was burning, also he had two big horns on his head,

" Sam, you're my last hope, I can't afford to lose you, I have an unfinished business with my brother, for that, I have to make you strong enough to absorb that flame. "

" Master, are you sure about helping him, you were waiting for this time for 10 000 years, and now we have an opportunity to escape from this place, kill him now, "

" No, I need his body, if I don't help him now, his body will become ashes, so. I have to help him, "

" But, "

" I don't have time to chat with you, I have to put my Dragon Spine into his body, yes that's my final decision, "

" Your Dragon spine? it's a priceless treasure, you saved that spine for your reviving, it's too much power for him, you can't give up your Dragon Spine, It's the only tool that can transform your appearance from a human to a dragon. "

" I know that too, also I won't be able to control any dragons in the future, but I'm out of options, let's see he can hold it or not, "

That person sat on the ground and started his meditation, his body was glowing like a moon, his horns were also glowing red, suddenly his dark spine came apart from his body, and he sent it to Sam's body,

" Will he alright, "

" He will be alright, my spine is too powerful, he will absorb that flame, his appearance will change into a complete dragon in three days, but he has to absorb some herbs, "

" But you lost your powers, so he can't change into his demon form, that mask is useless for him now, what will happen to him, "

" My spine will boost his dragon energy on his body, after my spine fully attach with his body, his dragon energy will overwhelm over his demon wolf energy, so they will merge into one single energy, "

" What's now? "

" I have to go back to my prison, you know what to do, "

" Yes, I do, farewell my Master. " that mystery person suddenly vanished, at the time the whole place became more bright and colourful.

Chapter 7 Finished