
The Talk

As the young man started walking toward the so-called clerk, he inspected the room. It was fully white with the exception of a desk in the center. It looked like a typical office worker's desk filled with paperwork and a small award saying 'Clerk of the Century'.

As the implications of what he had heard earlier sunk in, the young man was ecstatic. After all, who would want to go to hell? He wore a smile on his face as he sat across the clerk.

" Mark Walters, the CEO of LIFE Corporation, the man who revolutionalized his time. It is a pleasure to meet you. It has been a few millennia since I have gotten such an interesting soul. "

"It's a pleasure to meet you too, Mr....?"

" Ahh... yes, it has been such a long time since someone bothered to ask my name. I can't even remember it now. You may call me A."

"Alright, Mr. A, let's get on with business, shall we? "

"Yes, Yes definitely..... All right let's see here. Mark Walters, born in 2000 and died in 2029. Created the LIFE Corporation from scratch eventually becoming the biggest name in Medical Industry. Helped create the life serum which lengthened life. You singlehandedly increased the average life expectancy by about 20 years. "

Mark was expressionless. After all, he may have created the life serum but such a miraculous cure definitely didn't come out of nowhere. Countless lives were sacrificed in order to perfect the serum.

"Tell me, Mark, why did you enter the medical industry."

Mark was surprised. After all, he thought he would just pick something with the points the other guy mentioned and be whisked out of here.

"Why do want to know?"

"It gets boring here cooped up in the office to I like to listen to other people's stories."

" When I was a young boy, I read stories about those Chinese Immortals. I wanted to be like them. I wanted to be able to fly. I wanted to use magic. But most of all, I wanted an endless lifespan so that I could truly experience all that the world had to offer. I joined the medical industry in order to find a cure for an illness we all would eventually possess. I wanted to cure death."

" But it was all for naught. I and my team tried again and again to find it but the most we could do was extend life for about 20 years. After we had finished developing it, we were contacted by a shadow organization called LIGHT. They wanted me to kill the research as apparently the world wasn't ready for such a cure."

"I told those bastards to go F**k themselves. This was my life's work. I knew those people would make a move soon so I uploaded the formula online and made it permanent so that they couldn't delete it. They made a move the very next day. "

"Those hypocritical bastards blew up everyone in the building. Thousands of innocent employees dead and all for an act of revenge."For the first time anger could be seen on his face as he said this.

"And that's how I ended up here."

"Well, that certainly was a very interesting story. Now let's move on to the points. Due to successfully defying fate and changing the world, you get a thousand points."

"What can do with these points?"

"Anything. You can reincarnate back in your old world. You can reincarnate in a bunch of different worlds including fictional ones. You can choose your appearance, your background, and your talent. We also provide the option to keep your memories."

Mark went into deep thought. This was his one chance to become immortal. He needed to choose carefully.

"How much does it cost to go to the TDG World with my memories?"

"900 points"

"The same timeline as Nie Li"

"40 points"

"Can I have a piece of paper?"


Mark wrote down something in the piece of paper and gave it to the clerk.

"Hmmm, this should be possible but it will cost you about 20 points. But are you sure about this? It is very risky."

"It's a risk I am willing to take."

"Spend the rest of the points on making my soul stronger"

" All right then. Safe Travels young man.", saying that the clerk waved his hand and sent him on his way.