
The "God"

In an unknown dimension

There are countless lines of people waiting for something. The lines seem to extend infinitely with no end. If you look closer though, you will notice some discrepancies. You may see some people with no arms and blood flowing out of the stumps or some people with blood flowing out of their neck. That's right all of these people are dead.

You can see children, adults, and, even the elderly waiting patiently with a bored expression. Some of them had already gone insane from waiting but one look from the guards had them quivering. They had already seen a few rich young masters try and skip ahead or cause a ruckus but the guard had shot them one look and they had disintegrated.

At the front of the line, we see a peculiar young man. He had not a speck of blood on his body or clothes. He had a seemingly calm expression but anyone could see that he was a bit nervous. He did not know what was going to happen to him after all. No spirit had any clue about what was going to happen to them when they reached the front of the line. All they knew was that one of the guards would take the person at the front into a room. Occasionally, one could hear an angry shout or a surprised wow. Many speculated that he was God. Some people thought that he was the devil but one thing they all agreed on was that they would face their judgment there.

Finally, it was his turn and he just followed the guard with no expression on his face not knowing what to think now that he was finally facing his judgment. He knew that he was not a good person. In fact, society would classify him as an evil person but he had decided that he would face his fate with courage.

As he neared the room he could make out a few voices. One of the voices was that of a young man.

'Mid-Twenties maybe' he presumed.

" How can this be possible? I am a doctor. I saved hundreds of lives, donated to many charities and I get a measly ten points."

" Young man, as I have told you already the number of points you get does not depend on good or bad. It depends on what changes you have brought to the fate and you apparently have not made that much of a change. ", said a middle-aged man.

" B...But what about my system, my harem in another world. Why are you doing this to me, God?"

" Why do you mortals presume that I am a god? I am just a clerk who handles low priority souls. Now get moving, I still have a lot more souls to reincarnate."

Saying that the middle-aged clerk snapped his fingers and the young man was transported away to who knows where.

"Now, such an interesting soul. Come, and decide your destiny.

Here's the first chapter.

Please tell me if there are any mistakes in the comment section

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