
Devil’s Daughter

Devil’s Daughter starts off with a girl who grew up with not much freedom but still had the support and care from her parents. Her dad is known as the devil since he is the most brutal man in the crime world. When Lorraine is soon to turn 19, slowly entering her rebel phase she interacts with Raphael Romano the son of her father’s enemy. She slowly starts to know how brutal and scary the mafia lifestyle is but slowly adapts to it, but then Raphael slowly seduces Lorraine, knowing that she’s the easiest prey to crush her father's empire. As they both get to know each other they develop unspoken feelings. One is a dark obsession to crush their innocence and the other is a lustful craving, wanting to see their vulnerable side. Lorraine starts to come to the realization that she needs to end things before blood will end up in her hands.

Nickybombbingdsnce · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter 4

POV - Lorraine Lebedeva

"Holy shit." Halette gasps. Rolling my eyes I let myself in and smiled when I saw aunt Nadine in the kitchen.

The flight to France wasn't to bad. I slept the whole time so I didn't get the chance to admire the view which bummed me out cause it's my favorite thing to do whenever we fly. Father had an emergency call therefore he couldn't stop by and pay a little visit to aunt Nadine's.

Dante and I where recently at the hotel where we'll be staying for the next two weeks then he drove me here. His outside now. "You can't just ignore me like that Lora," Haletta yelled behind my back.

Giggling, I turned around and pulled her into a bear hug. "Oka-okay Lora I-I can't breathe." She gasps as she tries to push me away. "Oh, how I've missed you," I say, tightening my grip around her. "Lora!" She gasped.

Rolling my eyes I let go and she stumbles back, catching her breath. "Are you trying to kill me," Haletta says.

"Yeah, maybe," I responded. "Lora!" I spin around, even though it's aunt Nadine. A big smile is plastered across her face.

She has such a beautiful smile.

She reminds me of my mother. With her cherry blonde hair and bright blue eyes. "Aunt Nadine." I greet her cheerfully.

"Oh my gosh, you've grown." She asserts. I politely smile. "How are you?" I ask. "I'm good now that you are here, how is Darcey?"

"Oh, she's doing well uhm she said, she misses you guys," I tell her as I avoid eye contact.

Mother didn't say anything about them before we left. My mom and aunt Nadine aren't on good terms now. They haven't talked to each other for a while now. The only time they get a chance to talk it's always a hello or 'how are the kids' and that time only happens when it's a family gathering dinner party or Christmas. I couldn't just tell aunt Nadine that mother didn't mention her once, it would break her heart. I know she misses her sister and I see a little bit of hope whenever I mention Darcey to her, I just hope they fix things between them.

"I can't believe I have you for the next two whole weeks." Haletta squealed as she spun around in circles like a Disney princess. "Don't go crazy on her Haletta." Aunt Nadine warned and pecked my cheek before she walked back to the kitchen and continued to do whatever she was doing before I arrived. "C'mon," Haletta says, then grabs me by the wrist and drags me to her room.

She shuts the door then faces me with a smirk on her face.

Oh no.

"No." I immediately say. "What the fuck Lora, you don't even know what I was going to say." She proclaims.

I already know what she's going to ask.

"You want to go shopping with me." I said with a blank expression. She groaned in annoyance. "Fine, yes. Let's go shopping." She said with a narrowed expression. "I'm tired, so we will go tomorrow." I protested as I threw myself on the bed. "It's only 3pm Lora!"

"Yes, time for me to get some rest."

Haletta dragged me off the bed and my body stumbled on the cold floor. "What the hell Haletta!"

She rolled her eyes and tossed me her purse. "Now get up, we are going shopping."

I groaned. "You owe me dessert."


Shopping with Haletta alright. I'm still upset because I was forced to go shopping with her. We are currently eating our desert while planning what we will be doing these past two weeks.

"What about bowling?" Haletta stated as she took a bite of her cake. I gave her an unsure look.

I'm not a fan of bowling. The reason for that is because I suck at it. "I'm not so sure about that." I say.

"Anything else in mind?" I asked. I waited for her response but she didn't reply. "Haletta?" I looked up to find her looking at something else behind me. "Look behind you." she whispered. I turned my head but I didn't see anything interesting. "What am I looking at exactly?" I asked. "That man." She pointed to a group of men.

"You're not being really specific Haletta." I said, rolling my eyes. She groaned. "The man, that's on his phone." She gestured to the man behind me.

I noticed him quickly and my jaw dropped. That's the guy from the club, well I assume I was drunk but I'm certain it's him.

He has a face you cannot miss.

What the hell is he doing here? Out of all places, why is he here?

In France in the same restaurant I am in. What a fucking coincident.

I wanted to confront him about the incident that happened when we danced together and said my name then disappeared as if it was not a big deal! I had the urge to run up to Dante and spill everything to him. Asking him to get rid of him. For good but then this feeling deep inside me screamed at me to stay put. To not do anything or tell anyone. Which concerned me even more because my life might be in danger right now.

He's really attractive.

What! No, no I did not just call him hot. He looks very familiar like I know him from somewhere.

That's when it hits me.

Raphaël Romano.

Holy shit I was flirting with the Raphaël Romano. This is bad this really fucking bad! If father finds out, fuck if he finds out that I sneaked out and flirted with his enemy. I'm dead and so is Katina.

I was so deep in my thoughts that I have now realized I was staring like a creep. Before I could turn around he looked up and caught me staring. My eyes widened in fear.

Was it because I got caught or something else?

His hazel eyes caught mine and I was taken by surprise when he smirked at me.

Why does he look so hot?

No, no, no, no. Noo! Lorraine behave yourself.

I shake my head, getting rid of that thought. I quickly turned around and cleared my throat. "He's hot." Haletta said as she bit her nail while admiring him.

"I'll be back." I uttered. I stood up from my seat then rushed to the bathroom. I wasn't watching where I was going so I bumped into someone or something. A musky scent of spice and wood lingered my noise.


I already know who it is. Clenching my fist I looked up and I was correct.

"I saw you checking me out." Raphaël said his voice hoarse with an Italian accent lingering in his tone. his eyes raked my body. I sucked in a breath and spoke up. "I know who you are." I said hoarsely. "Took you a while for you to figure out Miss. Lebedeva." He replied.

"How is your father?" He smirked darkly. "Stay the fuck away or I'll-"

"Kill me."

"Inform your father the 'devil'." He teased out of disrespect.

"You'll do what red?" He leered with a bored tone.


The letter. It was him RR that stands for Raphael Romano. He chuckled. "Do whatever you want Lorraine."

"You sent the gift." I let out shockingly. He tilted his head and took a step forward. Leaned in then pecked my cheek. "You like it, don't you?"

I do. "I don't."

What is happening? From being cold to flirty I can't predict this guy and why the hell aren't I doing anything about it. I gasped when he snaked his arm around my waist, my body was on fire and my legs suddenly went weak. "Great, your father for me red." He said in a low voice.

Before I could speak up he let go of me and walked away. My eyes followed him until he left the restaurant followed by the other men that were with him.

What the fuck.