
Devil’s Daughter

Devil’s Daughter starts off with a girl who grew up with not much freedom but still had the support and care from her parents. Her dad is known as the devil since he is the most brutal man in the crime world. When Lorraine is soon to turn 19, slowly entering her rebel phase she interacts with Raphael Romano the son of her father’s enemy. She slowly starts to know how brutal and scary the mafia lifestyle is but slowly adapts to it, but then Raphael slowly seduces Lorraine, knowing that she’s the easiest prey to crush her father's empire. As they both get to know each other they develop unspoken feelings. One is a dark obsession to crush their innocence and the other is a lustful craving, wanting to see their vulnerable side. Lorraine starts to come to the realization that she needs to end things before blood will end up in her hands.

Nickybombbingdsnce · Urban
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter 3

POV - Lorraine Lebedeva

Four weeks and I haven't heard from the person. I've tried so damn hard to distract myself but nothing is working, that's why I have agreed to accompany my father for his business trip to France.

Which is today.

"Everything is packed?" Mother questioned. "Yes mother."

I drop my head into my hands. "I just need a break from being in the house all the time." Mother sighs, shutting her eyes as she pinches the bridge of her nose. "I know sweetheart." She says gently. Smiling politely I placed my hand onto hers and stroked the back of her hand. "I know you're worried but everything will be okay, I'm with dad and Dante so there's no need to be paranoid." Mother stiffness suddenly, she looks down then up for exactly five seconds before turning away.

"Be safe, okay." She whispers it sounded more like a promise than a demand. "I'll come back like I always do." I giggle as I try to lighten up the mood. She takes a deep breath before standing up from sitting on the bed, she smiles and stretches out her arm. I gladly accepted her offer.

Taken by surprise she pulls me into a motherly hug, a couple of minutes have passed and she finally pulls away then tugs my hair behind my ear. "Okay, let's go. You don't want to keep your father waiting." She says then walks out of my room. "Yeah." I reply as I follow behind her.

The reason why I wanted to travel to France with my father is because I want to get my mind off everything that happened four weeks ago.

What bothers me most is who the hell is RR and why the nickname red? Is it because of my hair-I mean it's the first thing that clicked. I have red hair and you know, red. I don't know, I'm just rambling nonsense.

"There's my feisty princess." Father cheered happily as he pulled me into a hug. "Morning." I greeted and rested my face against his chest. "How are you?" He said and pulled away from the hug while his hands rested on each side of my shoulders.

My body stiffened and I thought of the gift, taking a deep breath in. I smiled, looked up and pecked his cheek. "I'm good." I said then walked past him. "I'll be in the car."

One of the bodyguards accompanied me to the car. Today the sun is out, so it's a bit warm outside. I see that Dante is waiting for me by the car.

"Morning Dante." I greeted. "Miss. Lebedeva."

He opened the car door for me and patiently waited for me to enter the car. I thanked him with a smile and took a seat. Dante closed the car door then soon after he entered.

"Sleep well?" He asked before he started the car. I sighed and leaned my head against the window frame. "I slept well." I lied

I could tell that he knew something was wrong by the way he cleared his throat. He took a glance towards my direction through the rear-view mirror.

"That's good," he said, realising that I don't want to talk about it. Since it will be a long drive I've decided to take a quick nap. Maybe it will ease me up a bit when I wake up in a few hours. I made myself comfortable and took a deep breath in and fell asleep.


Dante steps out and goes over to my door to open it. I thanked him with a smile and stepped out of the car. "Is he here?" I asked Dante. "Yes, he's waiting for you." Nodding my head we both climb the stairs that lead us to the private jet, a man is waiting next to the stairs. "Mr. Smirnov, Miss. Lebedeva. " He greets Dante and I with a curt nod.

We walk on the stairs in the plane, and once we are inside I see father sitting on the seat next to the window on the left side of the jet. "Father," I yell excitedly.

He notices me, stands up from his seat, and lures me into a hug. "Did you get everything princess?" He asks. "Yes," I respond and pull out of the hug.

Pecking his cheek I walked past him and settled down in the comfortable seats. "Ugh, I'm so tired." I yawned as I stretched my arms out. "And hungry." I giggled and looked in my father's direction to find him staring at me with a blank look. my smile slowly fades and I clear my throat while I awkwardly shift in my seat. "Everything okay?" I questioned calmly.

"When we reach France I want you to behave." He states. I suck in a startled breath biting the inside of my cheek. "I always behave," I say with an innocent smile. He chuckled lightly and took a seat on his usual spot. "Have fun but behave and be careful." He says before putting on his glasses and takes out his novel that he was currently reading before I arrived, I assume.

Behave. Now that's funny. This is the only chance I get to explore France while he's busy. I'm excited to visit my aunt and cousin and I'll make sure I enjoy my two weeks stay here in France.

I'm so excited to see them it's been a while and I do get quite lonely back at home. I have Kat but I don't see her everyday. Mom we do get along and all but seriously I can't talk to her about clubbing and all it would be weird.

Plus whatever I tell her she tells my dad so I'm usually careful on what I say when I'm around her.

I have to make sure I don't get caught or all hell breaks loose, Dante will be by my side all the time so I only get my freedom at night.

I'm so glad I asked my father if I could come with him. I really need to distract myself and France is the perfect place with all the food, music, art and clubbing.

I'm really excited.