
Devil’s Daughter

Devil’s Daughter starts off with a girl who grew up with not much freedom but still had the support and care from her parents. Her dad is known as the devil since he is the most brutal man in the crime world. When Lorraine is soon to turn 19, slowly entering her rebel phase she interacts with Raphael Romano the son of her father’s enemy. She slowly starts to know how brutal and scary the mafia lifestyle is but slowly adapts to it, but then Raphael slowly seduces Lorraine, knowing that she’s the easiest prey to crush her father's empire. As they both get to know each other they develop unspoken feelings. One is a dark obsession to crush their innocence and the other is a lustful craving, wanting to see their vulnerable side. Lorraine starts to come to the realization that she needs to end things before blood will end up in her hands.

Nickybombbingdsnce · Urban
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter 5

POV - Lorraine Lebedeva

There comes a time when you have full control over a situation or you don't. Right now my mind is trying to process what just happened. I don't know if I should be freaking out or acting normal, something is pulling me back from informing my father that I crossed paths with Raphaël Romano.


I snapped out of my thoughts and looked around to check who called for me. "Are you okay?" Haletta questioned as she placed her hand on my shoulder. I turned to her. "Hmm, yeah sure, sure. I'm okay." I mumbled.

She gave me an unsure look and lifted a brow. "Sure?" She asked. "Yeah, I'm just tired. Can we leave?" I asked as I tugged my hair behind my ear.

"Uh, yeah sure let's go." She said then stood up from her seat and grabbed all her things. I took my things as well and we paid for our deserts.


"Hey, are you okay?" Haletta asked. "I'm good."

"You weren't fine when I dropped you off." She whispered in a worried tone. I slightly chuckled. "I told you I was exhausted."

I wanted to tell Haletta about the incident I had with Raphaël but I can't because she doesn't know that my dad is the Russian Don.

I yawned from exhaustion then told Haletta I'll call her tomorrow before the call ended. Placing my phone under the pillow I pull the sheets higher so that it can cover my body I then made myself comfortable and sighed, shutting my eyes I let sleep take over me.


My eyes shot open from the constant banging sound next door. I groaned into the pillow and hoped the sound would stop.

a couple of minutes have passed and the sound only grew louder.

It's like someone is having rough sex or something. I thought to myself.

"FUCK!" A male voice cried from a distance.

I was a bit startled by the scream, I pull out my phone under the pillow and checked the time, it read 01:24 am

I groan from annoyance. Don't people understand that there are other people trying to get a good night's rest at this time. Rolling my eyes I climbed off the bed and dragged my feet to the door. I unlocked it then dashed to the room across from mine.

Roughly knocking on the black wooden door three times it went silent. A few seconds have passed with complete silence.

I smiled to myself knowing I warned the person to keep it down, turning on my heel to go back to my room, the door opened and I stopped in my tracks.

I turned around and I froze but my body was starting to get hot.

Is he following me or something? "Raphaël?!" I pointed out the shock written all over my face. "Are you following me?"

I saw splatters of blood on the floor. Raphaël's knuckles were wounded badly. "Why are you bleeding?"

Without letting him answer I gripped onto his wrist and dragged him to my room. He silently followed me until we reached my bathroom.

"Sit on the stool." I demanded as I pointed towards the stool near the sink. He sat down, patiently waiting for me. I grabbed my small bag and took out all the things I will need to patch up Raphael.

Placing them on the floor beside him I kneeled down and tied my hair up. I gently took his cold hands into mine and examined his wound. His wound is pretty deep.

I took a towel from the hanger and wet it up then gently cleaned his wound, he didn't hiss once just looked at me.

"I'm not following you." He asserts. "I'm keeping a close eye on your father."

"Why, he's not in Italy so why are you here?" I questioned as I continued to wipe away all the dry blood on his palm. "I have a brother and his the French Don but he's currently on vacation so I'll be babysitting his gang till he comes back next week and one of my trusted men is back in Italy taking care of my gang."

I wonder why he is telling me all this because his biggest enemy is my father. "Why are you trusting me with this information?" I mumbled grabbing the Hydrogen peroxide then poured the chemical on a clean side of the towel and continued to clean his knuckles.

"Why haven't you told your father about me?" He questioned. I paused then looked up to find him staring at me with a raised brow.

Why haven't I told him yet?

Simple, you are interested in this and you don't want it to end. My subconscious spoke up. I mentally rolled my eyes and broke eye contact with Raphaël. "You have the advantage to kidnap me." I spoke.

"That I do, but why would I kidnap you if I could kill you right here-" He whispered the last part..

He pulled out a pocket knife and pressed it against my neck. I looked at him. "You're not afraid."

"So you trust me." Raphaël placed the sharp blade back into his pocket. "I don't trust you." I stated

I wrapped his hands with a bandage followed by the other hand. When I was done I stood up and went straight to the sink and began to wash Raphaël's blood away from the towel.

"Your stupid enough to allow me in your room with no weapons."

A minute had passed and when I was done I placed the towel neatly on the heated towel rail turned around and Raphaël was inches away from me.

I sucked in a breath and slowly looked up. His hazel eyes held something I couldn't quite read then was quickly replaced with his cold stare.

He leaned in. I wanted to take a step back but he snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me into his chest.

"You might not trust me but as far as I know you trust me enough to do this." His deep voice spoke.

He leaned in and began to plant small kisses on my neck, immediately my legs turned into jelly but thank God he held me.

I bit my lip when those kisses slowly turned to soft sucking.

I gripped his shirt and gave him more access to my neck. My breathing was heavy and my body was on fire. His soft lips were driving me crazy. I wanted to kiss them till I couldn't feel anything.

He went higher just below my right ear, I bit my lip to fight back a moan, Raphaël smirked knowing he found my weak spot.

My hand slowly went up and wrapped itself around his neck then pulled him closer.

His free hand slowly went up my thigh rubbing it in circles. "Raphaël." I moaned softly.

He stopped and pulled away but his arm was still wrapped around my waist.

"Not yet red."