
Devil’s Daughter

Devil’s Daughter starts off with a girl who grew up with not much freedom but still had the support and care from her parents. Her dad is known as the devil since he is the most brutal man in the crime world. When Lorraine is soon to turn 19, slowly entering her rebel phase she interacts with Raphael Romano the son of her father’s enemy. She slowly starts to know how brutal and scary the mafia lifestyle is but slowly adapts to it, but then Raphael slowly seduces Lorraine, knowing that she’s the easiest prey to crush her father's empire. As they both get to know each other they develop unspoken feelings. One is a dark obsession to crush their innocence and the other is a lustful craving, wanting to see their vulnerable side. Lorraine starts to come to the realization that she needs to end things before blood will end up in her hands.

Nickybombbingdsnce · Urban
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter 2

POV - Lorraine Lebedeva

I'm warm. My eyes fluttered open, I began to blink rapidly to gain back my vision. When I look around I realize that I'm in my room.

How did I end up here?

When I look down I notice that I'm in my nightdress and my clothing from last night is neatly placed on my nightstand.

I pull myself out of bed and I feel a sharp intake of pain. My head is pounding.

I groan and force myself out of bed.

I start to remember everything from last night. I remember I was drinking with Katina then she asked me to dance she disappeared then somehow I found myself dancing with a stranger. Everything else is a blur.

God, I hope I didn't do anything stupid.

Wait-that guy I danced with said my name. How the hell does he know my name and I think he looked familiar.

How does he know my name? Did father send him to watch over me and reported back? Does father know that I sneaked out if he knew I will be in deep trouble. I shake off the anxious feeling. I should stay calm and act like everything is fine. When I find out that it wasn't father who sent him then I'll start investigating myself because maybe that man might be a threat.

I shrug off the feeling and stroll towards the door, opening it I peek my head out to make sure there are no guards in the hallway.

My shoulders relaxed when I saw that the hall was empty. I slowly step out and gently shut my bedroom door making sure it dose not make a noise. Pressing my lips together so that I don't make a sound, I carefully tip-toed to the staircase but I stopped when I hear someone call out my name.

"Shit," I muttered to myself. Putting on my best smile I turn on my heel to face the person.

"Mother," I say with enthusiasm. My smile dropped when she had a stern cold expression, I began to play with my fingers and lowered my head.

She knows.

"Why did you sneak out Lorraine?" She questions.

"I-I didn't," I told her. She folds her arms and shifts to one side as her hip pops out.

"Lorraine." She warns. My body goes stiff.

I'm not scared just worried that she might tell on me. I just hope that she doesn't inform father.

Although my mom was always playing the good cop role when it comes to me, but sometimes she can betray me.

Mother flips her copper red hair to one side as her ocean blue eyes twinkled under the natural light coming from the open windows at the far end of the hall.

I'm like a split version of my mother. I mostly took her looks instead of fathers. Her copper-red hair, blue eyes, and light feckless that blend well with her pale skin.

"It was her birthday mother," I say. "You could have gotten hurt or worse." She replies, taking a step forward.

"I know but I brought Dante with me and he has a gun also I packed my pepper spray." I pointed out hoping that it might help her relax that I was safe yesterday.

Well apart from the man who you drunk danced with and he surprisingly knows your name which is making me freak out.

She holds my gaze for just a moment before she closes her eyes. Exhales a sharp breath and reopened them. My eyes searched her face hoping to see that she might brush this issues under the rug.

"Fine. You're off the hook this time." She says, pointing her index finger at me. "Thank you," I whisper.

She sighs and walks away, then yells from afar. "Breakfast will be ready and your package is here!"


"I didn't order anything!" I yell back. "Well, there's a package for you!"

I sigh and proceed to walk down the hall then I came to a stop when I notice that my father's office door is open.

Gently knocking on the door. I pushed it open to find my father's back facing me. His office was bigger then my room. When you walk in the first thing you notice are the big windows that expose you to the outside world. A big oak desk rested at the far end off the room and a mini bar just right next to the door. While he had shelves of vintage collections of Russian literature novels also a cigar bar where him and his other men would sit and smoke as they discussed business.

"Da?" He said.

"I didn't know you would arrive early," I put out, facing the ground as I played with my fingers.

It's a habit of mine whenever I get nervous or feel uncomfortable.

I was startled when I felt cold hands caressing my cheek. "Nice seeing you too princess," Father said with his thick Russian accent. I chuckled a little then pulled father into a hug as I rested my head on his chest.

Listening to his calm heartbeat with my eyes shut and sighed. "I missed you," I whispered. "Missed you too."

"Obviously." I teased.

He chuckled and his chest vibrated against my ears. Father gently pulled me away and pressed his lips on my forehead. "How was it?" I asked curiously. His body became stiff. "Terrible. But I'll deal with it." He says with his jaw clenched and frosty gaze.

I nodded my head back and forth and tried to avoid eye contact. "But what happened?"

"Fucking Italians." He snaps then paces back and forth. "Fucking ruined everything!" Suddenly the door burst open to find mother worriedly facing father.

She turned towards my direction then gave me the 'look'. I bit the inside of my cheek and walked out the office, closing the door so that they can have their privacy.

The package...I curiously pulled my eyebrows together then rushed downstairs. Wondering what it is.

Maybe it's Katina or one of my family members from France.

I finally reach the door and one of the maids, Nuna, hands me a perfectly wrapped box with a red bow on top and a card beside it.

I took the box and thanked her then rushed back upstairs, shutting my bedroom door. I placed the box on my bed then gently unwrapped it. I gasped when I saw the logo Victoria's Secret.

Removing the cover my jaw dropped when I saw a very revealing red lingerie.

My heart was rapidly pounding against my chest. I was cold and hot wondering who bought me this.

And it's a perfect size, a little too creepy if you ask me.

I pick up the card and flip it over.

I hope you like your little gift RED.


Reading each word over and over again I start to question who this person is and why did they call me red?