
Devil’s Daughter

Devil’s Daughter starts off with a girl who grew up with not much freedom but still had the support and care from her parents. Her dad is known as the devil since he is the most brutal man in the crime world. When Lorraine is soon to turn 19, slowly entering her rebel phase she interacts with Raphael Romano the son of her father’s enemy. She slowly starts to know how brutal and scary the mafia lifestyle is but slowly adapts to it, but then Raphael slowly seduces Lorraine, knowing that she’s the easiest prey to crush her father's empire. As they both get to know each other they develop unspoken feelings. One is a dark obsession to crush their innocence and the other is a lustful craving, wanting to see their vulnerable side. Lorraine starts to come to the realization that she needs to end things before blood will end up in her hands.

Nickybombbingdsnce · Urban
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13 Chs

Chpater 1

POV - Lorraine Lebedeva

"Miss. Lebedeva." Dante greets me as I step out of the limousine replying with a small smile I fix myself and make sure my makeup is okay.

I've decided to wear my tight red leather dress that reached just above my knees and slightly exposed my breast, with black heels.

"Are you sure Mr. Lebedev is alright with this?" He questioned fear written all over his face. Chewing the inside of my cheek I nod.

He clears his throat and gently rubs my shoulder before escorting me into the club.

So I lied. Father would never let me out at this hour. But since he's out of the country and will return in two days, today is my chance to enjoy my freedom. And because it's Katina's 20th birthday.

Sometimes I hate being the daughter of a mob boss. To be more explicit, the devil. My father is inferred to be the most brutal, cold-blooded, abhorred, selfless man in the mafia world.

I could carry on with the names but it would take forever. He is the leader of the Russian mob. Рыцари крови

The grand don of world crime bosses is Semion Lebedev of Russia.

The rumors I've heard about him sounded pathetic to me. Maybe it's because I'm his daughter and I haven't seen that dark side of him, only the loving side.

But it can be overwhelming sometimes. Wherever I go, whatever I do, I always need protection. I never get my privacy nor freedom.

I'm not complaining that he cares for me and just wants me to be safeguarded. I know how dark and horrifying the mafia world can be. You need guts to be involved in that type of world.

You need to bury your humanity and amass a brutal equivalence.

But he needs to understand that I can take care of myself.

As soon as I entered the club I'm greeted by the smell of strong alcohol combined with sweat and loud music filled my ears.

I start to feel the adrenaline rushing through my blood.

The club looked amazing with dimmed neon purple and blue lights that automatically changed, a big chandelier hanging in the middle of the club. Above it, it's the dance floor. And a bar near the dance floor. On the stage, two strippers are pole dancing -

One's dressed in pink lingerie with 5-inch pencil heels as her black jet hair is tied in a high ponytail while the other is wearing just a transparent thong and black duct tape covering her nipples.

When we reached the VIP section I was caught off guard when someone wrapped their arms around my body and embraced me into a tight warm hug.

"Bitch!" The person squeals. Immediately I know who it is. "Birthday girl!" I say, wrapping my arms around her waist.

Seconds later Katina pulls back from the hug and locks our fingers together.

She looks beautiful as always, she has wavy light brown hair with highlights and beautiful jade eyes with her toned skin and plump, pink lips.

"Finally you get to breathe." She giggles.

I giggled as well and pecked her cheek. "I missed you," I say with a warm smile. "I missed you too. I'm so glad your father is out of the country."

Rolling my eyes she escorts me to our table and I see two guys sitting there.

"Lora this is Nathaniel and that is Christopher." She introduced me to her friends.

They are both Attractive, Nathaniel has dark long hair and baby blue eyes with cream white skin and Christopher has blonde curly short hair, brown eyes, and olive-toned skin.

"Hi," I said, avoiding eye contact. "It's nice to meet you, Lora," Nathaniel says as he takes a sip of his drink telling by his accent he is probably an Australian or British.

"Nice to meet you as well Nathaniel." When I turn to my side I notice that Christopher and Katina are flirting with each other.

I playfully roll my eyes and take a seat beside Nathaniel. We both share a look and I immediately break eye contact.

I start to bite the inside of my cheek as I wander my eyes around the club. The music was so loud that you could feel it by each beat.

Minutes later Katina approaches us with drinks. She places it on the table and everyone randomly picks a drink.

I took a drink that has a small umbrella and two colors that blend, Purple and blue.

"Cheers to the birthday girl," Christopher says as he brings his glass to air waiting. We all clink our glasses together and yell cheers followed by laughter.

For half of the night, we were all talking and making jokes. It turns out Christopher is the goofy one and Nathaniel is the quiet one and they are cousins.

"Oh, come one that's just ridiculous." Katina laughs and shoves Christopher. "Fucking serious." He said as he leaned back in his chair.

"You're a wild dude," I say before taking a sip of my cocktail. It's sweet and tastes like rum. I kind of like it that I had two extra glasses, I don't know if I'm drunk but right now I'm a bit hyped.

"What about you Lora?" Kat questions and all eyes on me now. "What?" I assert, biting my lip. "Craziest place you've had sex?" She says with a goofy smile.

I gulp as I start to play with my fingers. "I-"

"I haven't had sex before," I mumble as I avoid eye contact, I could feel my cheeks burn. I probably look stupid.

"Shit, seriously?" Christopher lets out with a shocked face. I nod, taking another sip. Nathaniel clears his throat as he ruffles his hair a bit before standing up.

"I'll be back." He said and walked away. The atmosphere around us becomes awkward but quickly changes when Kat starts to squeal like a little girl.

"My fucking song!" She said excitedly. "Come on, let's go dance." She said and dragged me out of the VIP section.

Shortly we reached the dance floor and I felt someone wrap their hands around my waist. I turn around and I find Kat moving against me as her hips sway side to side; following the beat of the music.

Giggling, I leaned my head on her shoulder and began to follow her movements.

My body was hot and I could tell my makeup was a mess because of all the sweating.

I let go of Katina and began to dance freestyle. Letting my body take control, closing my eyes I bit my lower lip as I moved my hands from my hair to my collar bone then the valley of my breast slowly moved it to my thighs and lowered myself before getting up.

I felt Katina grip onto my hand then spun me around. I giggled then accidentally bumped into someone. "Crap, I'm sorry." I blurted out.

Looking up I was greeted by gorgeous hazel eyes. My eyes lowered and gulped as I saw plump lips, I stepped back and clenched my thighs together.

Holy fuck. This man's body is-

Indescribable, his jet black hair is all messed up which makes him more attractive, he has bristly eyebrows, defined cheekbones, a concrete jaw, Titan's shoulders, and has masculine perfectly toned skin with a scar on his right cheek...

He screamed danger and looked so familiar.

"Non c'è bisogno di scusarsi." He said licking his lips. [ translation: No need to be sorry. ]

"Sorry I don't understand Italian," I said giggling.

Why the fuck am I giggling?

"But you do sound hot," I said with a low voice as I let my fingers crawl on him.

Why did I say that!?

His jaw clenches and his body becomes stiff. I licked my dry lips then the music changed into a more sexual slow song.

Grinning, I find myself pressing my back against his, warping my left arm around his neck. I began to move on him.

I hear him groan, closing my eyes. I continue to sway my hips side to side each time I move against him. I could feel his hard dick pressing in my inner thighs.

"Mi stai tentando." He groans, leaning in his lips brushes my neck and I suck in a breath when he gently bites my neck. [ translation: You're tempting me.]

A small moan escapes my lips as he places his hands on my waist then grips on it before pulling me closer.

My back hitting his chest, his fingers slowly rubbing my thighs causing my body to shutter, goosebumps forming from head to toe.

I gasp when his tongue is in contact with my hot skin, he sucks on my neck gently and I feel my lower regions throb, hot and wet. I bet my lace thong is damped.

"Have a good night Miss. Lebedeva." He whispers in my ear. I shiver at how deep his voice is with his Italian accent - wait.

I immediately sobered up.

That's when it hit me, how does he know my second name?

I quickly turn around and watched him as he slowly disappears into the crowd.