
Detective Alliance : Sherlock Holmes and Batmam

The world's two greatest detectives team up to solve a complex case that has stumped them both. When a string of seemingly unrelated crimes occurs in both London and Gotham City, Sherlock and Batman find themselves investigating the same case from opposite ends. As they work together to solve the mystery, they realize that they are up against a diabolical puppet master who is pulling the strings behind the scenes. Along the way, they face challenges such as Moriarty and the Joker teaming up, a visit to Arkham Asylum, and the trail of the Hound of the Baskervilles. With their combined skills and resources, can Sherlock and Batman uncover the truth and stop the mastermind behind the crimes before it's too late?

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25 Chs

Chapter 18: The Moriarty-Joker Team-Up

Sherlock and Batman knew they had to act quickly to stop the combined threat of Moriarty and Joker. They had already caused enough destruction and chaos in London, and if they continued, the consequences would be disastrous.

Sherlock suggested they split up to cover more ground. He would investigate Moriarty's operations, while Batman would focus on Joker's activities.

Sherlock started by examining the crime scenes where Moriarty's men had struck. He was meticulous in his observations and analysis, looking for any clues that might lead him to Moriarty's hideout. He traced the movements of Moriarty's henchmen and identified patterns in their behavior.

Meanwhile, Batman was using his stealth and combat skills to take down Joker's henchmen and gather information about his plans. He knew Joker was a master of deception and misdirection, but he was determined to unravel his scheme.

One night, Sherlock received a message from Batman. He had discovered a warehouse where Joker was keeping his weapons and supplies. The two detectives decided to join forces and investigate the warehouse together.

As they arrived at the warehouse, they saw a group of Joker's henchmen guarding the entrance. They knew they had to be careful and avoid a confrontation. Sherlock used his disguise skills to infiltrate the warehouse, while Batman kept an eye on the guards.

Inside the warehouse, Sherlock found a hidden room filled with monitors and high-tech equipment. He realized that Joker was planning a massive attack on the city using a network of bombs planted all around London.

Just as Sherlock was trying to gather more information, he heard a sound behind him. He turned around to see Moriarty, who had entered the room unnoticed. Moriarty smirked at Sherlock and revealed that he had been expecting him.

"You're too predictable, Sherlock," Moriarty said. "I knew you would come here."

Sherlock tried to reason with Moriarty, telling him that his plans would only lead to chaos and destruction. But Moriarty was beyond reason. He had teamed up with Joker to create the ultimate chaos in London, and he would not let Sherlock or anyone else stand in his way.

Suddenly, Batman burst into the room and engaged in a fight with Moriarty's henchmen. Sherlock and Moriarty watched the fight unfold, sizing up each other's abilities. Sherlock realized that he would have to fight Moriarty to prevent his plans from coming to fruition.

The two men circled each other warily, each looking for an opening. Moriarty was a formidable opponent, but Sherlock was determined to stop him. Finally, they clashed, and the fight was on.

Their battle was intense and brutal, with each man fighting with all their strength and skill. But in the end, Sherlock emerged victorious. He had managed to outsmart Moriarty and take him down.

As the fight ended, they heard a loud explosion in the distance. They realized that Joker's attack had begun, and they had to act quickly to stop it.

Together, Sherlock and Batman raced to stop the bombs from detonating, fighting their way through Joker's henchmen and defusing the bombs one by one. Finally, they managed to stop the attack, and London was saved.

Sherlock and Batman looked at each other, nodding in mutual respect. They had worked together to stop Moriarty and Joker, and they had succeeded. They knew that they would always be allies, no matter what challenges lay ahead.