

Jin Long/Long Jin was raised in a small city living the life of a peasant but everything changes when he discovers his true identity and the main reason be was raised in exile. Follow his journey as he transforms from an ordinary peasant to the most powerful being among the gods.

Starbrand29 · Sci-fi
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7 Chs


Early the next morning Long Jin left their home before sunrise and headed to the dojo, on his way he encountered many spirit masters making their way to the academy, turns out he wasn't as early as he thought he was.

This was the ideal time for spirit masters to arrive at the dojo before the city woke up and became chaotic, he arrived at the academy at around the same time a carriage made of red and gold with phoenix designs arrived at the gate.

There were only so many people this carriage could be dropping off and at first he expected it to barge in trampling over people however despite the carriage belonging to the Feng family it didn't over play its hand,

It walked slowly behind the rest of the people and waited patiently for the young spirit masters to enter the dojo before it slid to a stop. If it was the Bing family carriage it would have trampled over any and everyone.

Instead this carriage took it's time and waited, after it screeched to a halt two people walked out of the carriage it was a teenager and a young girl, they were both dressed in blue and white with the teenager having a badge on his right chest.

The badge had three stars on it as well as the badge of the spirit master association, this signified that this spirit master was at the third rank aka the spirit manifestation realm, this made him a sort soldier and yet he looked to only be roughly fifteen years old.

He seems regal like Feng Lei except his hair was red instead of purple, thos should be Feng Lei's famous genius brother Feng Yanoth a rank 4 fire phoenix spirit soul. it was said he was the best spirit master of his age.

Even in his higher classes there werent many that could match up to him. He was naturally talented and many expected his sister to be the same way,

They entered the academy freely where they were greeted by stares from everyone, this was the way with anyone from the big families, Long Jin decided to pretend nothing was happening and he simply proceeded to the main square where new students were gathering.

Feng Lei walked closely behind him but she said nothing, when they arrived at the square it appeard like the two of them had walked in together and because of that he got a few angry looks from some big family kids.

However he wasn't slightly moved he just moved to the side and waited for their instructor to arrive, a few minutes later their instructors arrive, the lead teacher approves of their time management and he tells them that time management is a trait that is highly valued in the Haungdi dojo.

The instructor them introduces himself as Meng Luo and he will be in charge of class one of the dojo, thr conditions of the dojo aren't that difficult actually, as long as you don't break the rules of the sect and keep improving yourself then the dojo will do it's best to aid you along your cultivation path.

He then tells them that every year there are a fee of them that arrive at the dojo thinking themselves high and mighty compared to their fellow students, he tells them that royalties and privileges end outside the gates of the dojo, once inside the dojo walls everyone is on equal standing.

If one is found attempting to mistreat their fellow students because of their responsibility in the outside world there are two possible punishments, the first one is the easiest and its expulsion, that person will be expelled from the dojo forever and they wouldn't be able to join again even from another city.

The second punishment is that the culprit and their family are taken to the imperial capital city to face judgement from the imperial family themselves, cases like those have a 99% death rate, and on extremely rare occasions one can be expelled from the domain land and once you are expelled from one family domain then all the other domains will deny you entry as well.

Living by yourself in the domain land for just one week is enough to ensure your death, that message brings home the severity of breaking the rules of the dojo. He then explains to them about the dojo,

There is only one Huangdi dojo in all of Huangdi domain, however to help all the citizens of the domain the Huangdi family expanded the dojo across the entire domain, in every major city of Huangdi domain exists a branch of the Huangdi dojo like the one in Fengbao city.

The teachings of the dojo are the exact same throughout all its branches, the branch dojo will train you from when you are ten years old until atmost eighteen years.

Every student can spend atmost eight years in the branch dojo however its not a must that everyone must spend all those eight years in the dojo, like some already know the dojo's rankings are based on the strength of the individual.

There will be mandatory cultivation evaluation tests three times a year and during this tests the teachers will examine your comprehension and cultivation levels and there will be specific standards required to be achieved for one to continue as a student at the dojo.

For them to be admitted as students means they have achieved their first milestone, he then tells them that the first qualification to remain a student at the academy is that one needs to discover and awaken their innate ability.

This is a unique skill that is born from the contract between a spirit master and a spirit soul, these skills are inborn and unpredictable but if it's not properly studied and comprehended then it will affect the future of a spirit master.

He tells them that they are aware spirit masters aren't taught fighting skills, they can be taught martial arts to strengthen and harness their body's full potential as well as help them master their abilities however fighting skills aren't taught to a spirit master, the main reason is because they are all different.

The instructor tells them that there is no single battle skill that can be accepted by all spirit master to be used efficiently to display their true prowess. As such every spirit master is tasked with creating their own fighting skills.

The shortcut to learning and developing these skills is actually the innate technique that comes with a spirit master when they awaken their spirit soul, all the knowledge a spirit master needs to develop efficient fighting skills that fully Express their full power lies within that very skill.

If a spirit master learns their inborn skill to its fullest then they can easily create enough skills to protect themselves by unleashing their full potential. He then tells them that learning these skills isnt something easy and in most cases a spirit master can only learn a single skill for each level they breakthrough.

He then tells that they are all in the spirit nurturing phase of their cultivation, their main responsibility is to absorb as much spirit power as they possibly can to grow their spirit soul to it's true form, this means that at present they are safe within the dojo however in four months they need to have awakened their innate ability or they will be kicked out of the dojo.

He then tells them that present they will be learning together however in four months during their first assessment they need to showcase their ability otherwise they will not stand a chance against their opponents in the duels.

From there he explains that the dojo uniform must be worn at all times when inside the dojo, the dojo will have no identification badge to identify studnets so each student needs to head to the Spirit master association in the dojo and tecieve their spirit master badges which will operate as identification within the dojo.

He tells them that the dojo has already registered them within the spirit master association and a such they are eligible for a small contribution each month to help them with their cultivation, he then says that classes will be scheduled as theoretical classes in the sunrise morning until lunch time.

After meals students will attend combat classes where you will be taught in the ways of combat martial arts for a few hours, in the evening students will be free to practice on their own this will be the schedule for the first four months after which students will be able to select which classes they would like to attend and which classes they would like to drop.

He then leads them to a class room block where they find exactly sixty seats to accommodate the sixty of them, the class is divided into three columns, the first column to the wall on both sides has one seat and the middle column has three seats.

Long Jin found himself a seat the wall so he wouldn't have to seat by anyone else not because he feared or hated them but rather because he wanted to keep a low profile, however as if in a weird twist of fate Feng Lei came and occupied the seat right before him,

Now originally he hadnt noticed that she was sitting there and perhaps Feng Lei similarly didn't notice who was seating behind her but as Long Jin was preparing himself for class someone came up to him and asked him to leave his seat and go somewhere else.

Long Jin was no pushover regardless of the fact that he looked just like a regular kid, despite the long hours he had worked and trained with his father Long Jin never developed out of context muscles, he always remained athletic regardless of just how much his strength was increasing.

His father had said that it had something to do with his natural composition and they would know better when he awakens his spirit soul and elemental disposition, when he awakened the three eyed Liger with a golden elemental attribute their confusion was solved.

Metal didn't get bigger the more it was refined but rather got smaller, because of this the smallest purified metals are normally the strongest and the same skill was carried over to Long Jin, the process of cultivation and training was like he was refining himself.

While the Liger always empowered its hosts to gain impressive physiques, the golden Liger simply purifies but doesn't make a spirit master bulge, the difference is that this small purified metal is always ten times stronger than the others.

Because of that Long Jin was well aware that he could take just about anyone in his class he just didn't want to show it to them, however when someone asked him to vacate his seat for no apparent reason he was confused,

In that confusion as he didn't leave his seat it attracted everyone's attention to him, Feng Lei in front of him turned back to look at him and she too seemed surprised to see him there, she had known there was someone behind her seat as she came in but she hadnt taken much care to find out who it was.

The person threatening Long Jin wasnt someone simple, he was Wang Die from the Wang family which was a respectable family second only to the Feng family in Fengbao city, however in reality the Wang family and Feng family were on equal grounds and they just let the Feng family remain the leaders of the city out of respect for the Feng family ancestor.

Because of this they were highly respected not only in Fengbao city but also in the imperial capital where they are even more powerful than they are in Fengbao city. Wang Die was the youngest genius in the family who had awakened the family's salamander spirit soul with the fire element.

The salamander was the only spirit soul that had a definite elemental affiliation as the salamander only awakened the fire element, however they could still possess unique innate abilities, because of its consistency the salamander is one of the strongest spirit souls which makes the Wang family special.

There was a circulating rumor that the Wang and Feng families intended to merge their two families through a marriage ceremony between Feng Lei and Wang Die, However none of that mattered to Long Jin. He had chosen his death because he liked it and that was long before Feng Lei came to seat before him.

Because of that Long Jin said he wouldn't be moving and that caused an incredible tense atmosphere within the class, a fight wasn't far from happening amd everyone could sense it, suddenly a teacher enterd the class, it was Meng Luo who said that there will be no fighting within class.