

Jin Long/Long Jin was raised in a small city living the life of a peasant but everything changes when he discovers his true identity and the main reason be was raised in exile. Follow his journey as he transforms from an ordinary peasant to the most powerful being among the gods.

Starbrand29 · Sci-fi
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7 Chs


A voice breaks him out of his concentration, it was the spirit master who was saying that Long Jin had just passed the test, he marks the statement that dantian is formed on the card and sends Long Jin for the last test.

Long Jin and Long Bei move forward to the final location, there they find a group of people already waiting, long Jin found Feng Lei and Bing Shan in this group and another child he didn't know. He was the fourth to arrive and theybhad to wait,

Bing Shan looked at Long Jin with fierce eyes before his father took his attention away, although he was willing to defend his son's actions, this was Huangdi dojo and they didn't care about status here.

If one caused trouble during the ceremony they would be instantly disqualified, and that was his son's speciality. Before long they are joined by another child and his parent, this family is also famous.

The father was Yu Guimo a spirit master of the medicine department. He was similarly a spirit king with the Jade serpent and his spirit soul with a rank 3 bloodline, he led the Alchemy association in Fengbao city as well as being a rank 5 alchemist.

He wasn't as proud or on invasive as the Bing family but he was someone you didn't want to piss off, his son wasn't popular and was mostly unknown except when he moved with his father, his name is Yu Zhuli.

Next the five of them were led to a different room, inside the room were five cushions placed in a circular way with each a substantial distance from the others. There was a spirit master standing at the center of the room and he told the parents to watch from the next room.

He then told the kids to take a seat on a cushion, Once everyone was seated he told them that the room they are seated in is called an elemental chamber, inside this room all twelve elements are equally represented.

It is the ideal elemental awakening chamber for any spirit master, he then tells them to close their eyes and try running their spirit power once again but this time they should focus on finding an element that attuned with their body and drawing it inside themselves.

Once they find this element it will ignite their spirit soul allowing it to awaken and start growing. Long Jiu instantly starts running his spirit power and just like thr spirit master had said he felt alot of elements in the environment, he concentrated on all of them feeling their resonance with his body.

Suddenly he felt one of them surge into his body, this element was bright gold and the moment it entered his body it was coated on all of his bones, his meridians got a layer of gold as well and inside his dantian the golden mist dispersed as the dantian became a golden space.

Located in this space were several floating islands made entirely of gold and these golden islands were making a circle around him, the islands were connected by golden platforms and at the center of the islands was a central platform connecting all of them.

This platform was designed in the form of a dragon head and at its center was a golden egg that was pale gold, Long Jiu was standing right next to the egg when all of a sudden there was a reverberating roar all around him.

This roar seemed to come from deep within his bones suddenly an illusory form of a cross breed between a tiger and a lion took form around him, it was a massive Liger of about 3 meters long and 1.5 meters tall. It had white fur with golden stripes in it, it had three eyes two normal and a third on its forehead and all eyes were gold and red. it also had massive wings attached to it's back gabsorbed the regal look.

After it manifested it then shrunk down to the size of a kitten and began to purr, the whole formation of the dantian then lit up with golden light in the form of a spirit ring, an illusory spirit ring took form behind his body as the same ring appeared on the head of the kitten, the ring surrounded the 3rd eye so it seemed like the third eye was the egg at the center.

After the spirit ring and contract were formed the platform stopped glowing, suddenly one of the mountains started radiating golden light, and the first notch appeared on the spirit ring, the notch took the form of a golden crystal and he made no efforts in changing it.

The crystal was like two prisms joined at the base so it was sharp on both ends and big at the center, the kitten ran to the top of the mountain and started absorbing all the golden light of the mountain.

Suddenly the mountain started drawing light from him to keep it glowing and his spirit form in his dantian started absorbing energy from the outside, the energy would then be transformed into the golden energy needed to keep the island glowing.

Long Jin opened his eyes to find he wasn't the only one radiating elemental power, his entire body was coated with gold energy and he could feel his skin had hardened significantly, he had a gold spirit ring behind him with similarly gold notches he then understood what had happened to him.

Long Bei had given him a preview of what different elemental awakening appeared like, what along Jin had awakened was the golden skeletal framework a top notch ability of the metal element, this meant he had awakened the gold sub set of the metal elements.

Gold was known for its strength and power, because of this spirit masters that awakened the golden framework were incredibly strong and highly durable, in addition to that gold was as both hot amd bright as the sun so he wielded little of the fire and light elements.

This was his elemental ability, all spirit masters awakened an elemental ability that they shared with their spirit souls, to be exact this elemental ability was obtained from their spirit souls, the ability awakened by the spirit soul was random but always had the spirit masters element as a base.

Long Jin's spirit soul was the three eyed golden lion, it was an I credibly rare spirit soul that rarely appeared in the Huangdi domain, it was the main spirit soul of another domain's super family and even there it only appeared in the royal family and nowhere else.

The fact that Long Jin awakened it was a miracle in itself but it was a very powerful spirit soul, it awakened in the elements of light, fire, metal, earth, time, creation/life and destruction/death elements the innate ability provided was always along the lines of the elements related to the spirit soul.

He looked around realized that his sight had greatly improved, he could feel heat gathering in his bones as his body absorbed the metal elements, although he couldn't mobilize the light and fire elements, he had great immunity to them and they could also be used to temper his body.

He looked to his right where Feng Lei the princess of the Feng family was sitted, she too was in deep concentration and she seemed to have manifested her spirit soul as well. As expected it was a Phoenix but this phoenix wasn't red, it was made from purple energy and as it flew around her it sparked with lightning.

This was the lightning Phoenix, the rarest of all phoenox types that only exists in legends, the phoenx was native to the elements of fire, ice, wind, lightning, space, time, light and darkness. Her innate skill would probably have something to do with these elements. She had a purple spirit ring with gold notches.

The innate ability was always a fusion of more than one element, and he was quite curious to find out which ability she would awaken, to his left was Yu Zhuli, he too had awakened his spirit which was a white snake with jade eyes, this was the white jade phosphorous snake.

This snake could only awaken a single element and that was one of the fusion elements of water and wind, this meant Yu Zhuli had awakened the mist element. With a jade blue spirit ring and white notches It was a rare occurence for someone to awaken that element and it was impressive.

Next to him was Bing Shan who had awakened the ice element as expected and his spirit soul was the Snow-ice wolf with a pale blue spirit ring with white notches and the last person in the room was unknown guy who had awakened the earth element with the berserk Bear as his spirit soul with a brown spirit soul with yellow notches

The spirit master registered their elements and spirit souls on their cards before sending them to obtain their uniforms, he told them that their registration was done and they had now become students at the Hunangdi dojo. He told them classes would begin thr next morning.

With that they were escorted out and headed directly to get the dojo uniforms, the uniform of thr Hiangdi dojo was blue and white and it always looked good when Long Jin saw the studnets wearing it on the street.

He never expected that one day he too would wear it, that day when he returned home his father staged a celebratory feast for him, it wasnt much given their standing but it was enough for him. His father prepared him his best meal and they ate it together.

That very night his father gifted him a weapon he had been crafting for a long time now, it was a spear with a golden shaft and red-gold spear heads, thr weapon looked ridiculously expensive like the kind his father couldn't afford let alone forge.

Long Jin ofcourse asked how his father was able to get him a weapon of that grade and his father told him that he had a friend who owed him a favor so he requested the friend to make him a golden spear.

Long Jin asked how his father knew to make that exact spear since Long Jin hadn't awakened his ability yet, his father tells him that Long Jin had great strength gth during his younger training days that there was only so many elements he could awaken.

It either had to be metal or earth, if it was earth the spear would still work fine for him and if it was metal the was only one variation in the metal element that fit his strength and that was the gold element so he chose to take the gamble.

Long Jin was impressed, he then asked how much his father had to pay to have the spear made, his father reminds him that the spear was a favor from a friend and Long Jin says that after awakening the metal element his sense regarding metals is second to none.

He says that he can sense the quality of the metals utilized to forge thr spear as well as thr quality of the forging performed on it including thr level of spirit power used to strengthen it, and it's not something an ordinary blacksmith can pull off.

He says that the spear is at least of demigod rank if not higher, as such the only people who can forge that level of spear are either transcendent spirit masters or nirvana spirit masters.

Long Jin says that there are so very few spirit master blacksmiths let alone one with a cultivation that deep, long Bei simply laughs as he is impressed with Long Jin's analysis of the spear, not so long ago Long Bei had made the same conclusion when he first recieved the spear.

He couldn't tell Long Jin the exact origins of the spear but Long Jin was right there was only so many people that had the expertise to even forge a spear close to this quality, the only thing was Long Jin was wrong about this spear, the spear was a divine weapon and it could only be forged by the gods.

It was rare to see a spear of that grade in the domain lands, the only explanation is that this spear came from thr lands beyond the domains. Only transcendent families had the capabilities of obtaining treasures of that level.

There was no way he could reveal all this to Long Jin good thing he had a way out, he knew someone who could forge a weapon close to the rank of the spear, he then told Long Jin that he wasn't always a Fengbao city blacksmith.

He says that when he still lived in Huang city he had a teacher who taught him forging, it just so happens that this teacher is at the spirit transformation realm as well as a rank 9 blacksmith and his teacher owed him a favor.

He then tells Long Jin that the origin of the spear isn't important but what's important is making sure Long Jin doesn't waste the soear and actually use it to achieve something good.