
Chapter twenty

Femi slid his hands under her short dress, as he caressed his way up, he could hear her moans intensifying. He loved the rhythm of her tone and the way she intoned with every of his touch.

He took her increased moan as a cue and slipped a finger inside of her, thrusting deep and fast. She pulled him closer pleading with him not to stop.

"Please Femi don't stop please"

He continued thrusting while using his thumb to circle and and rub gently against her clit.

"Ahhhhh!" Omotola thought she would faint as a result of the pleasure. She had to admit that even though she hated him, he was really good at pleasuring a woman.

She felt  her muscles contracting involuntarily, her legs began shaking. She grabbed at his shirt for support as she released a rapid stream of undilated urine.

Femi smiled proudly at the sight. "We haven't even started and you've had an orgasm" He teased.

"Don't gloat yet. You haven't even started satisfying me yet. Now stop talking and put your dick inside me" she grabbed his manhood and Femi lost it immediately.

He tore her panties and rammed inside her like a wild animal, she screamed and called his name begging him not to stop. He gave her orgasm upon orgasm till he finally shuddered in both exhaustion and exhilaration

It was after they lay cuddled up in each other's arms that omotola regained consciousness. She has been swimming in the euphoria of sexual gratification that she almost forgot how much she detested this man infact men in general.

She recoiled in disgust, she wanted to push him away and get away from his filthy body but remembered that she has a mission to accomplish. She will have to bear being cuddled up with him till she achieves what she wants.

"Babe, what about the money I begged you for. You promised me you would send it today. I really need it to start that business I told you about" She started in her most feminine seductive and yet pleading tone.

"Sweetheart, I don't still understand what you need a business for, if you start this business, it means you'll be leaving my side and I want you by my side everyday"

"My leaving your company doesn't mean we can't see each other. It has been my dream to own my own butique,  please make it come true"

Femi sighed. Apart from wanting her by his side for spontaneous sex, she was also competent at her job and he doesn't want to loose her.

"You're a valuable asset to my business and I also don't want to lose you" He said.

"I knew it, so I'm just a tool you're using, right? You want to use me as your sex object and business tool at the same time. I should have known better"

She removed his arms from her and was about leaving the bed when he pulled her back.

"Come on babe, you know I care about you, I'm not using you"

"Then why can't you do this one thing I ask you? You know how important this is to me"

"I'm sorry, I'm just being inconsiderate. I'll send it to you now" He picked up his phone and made a transfer.

Omotola's phone beeped, Sha picked it up and saw a five million naira alert. She was shocked, because it was way more than what she asked for.

"Wow! Babe I asked for just two million. This is just too much"

"Well this is just the tip of the iceberg, You'll be getting even more if promise to be a good girl"

She cringed at his remark. This was one of the reasons she hated men like him with so much passion. Men like him who saw women as objects to be bought and sold. He was already trying to turn her into a good girl with his money.

She masked her disgust with a broad smile and a hug. "Thank you so much love, I promise to be a good girl"

"That's my girl" Femi pulled her closer. He sent the money because he still wanted her and didn't want to lose her yet. He wasn't saturated with her. He will keep her as his side chick and fuck her at will. She was a jewel and he would keep her.

"It's already late, I think you should go home to your wife" Ọmotola suggested. She wanted him to leave badly.

"Ooooh! How many times have I told you not to mention my wife when we're together, it spoils the fun"

"She's still your wife and you have to perform your duties as a husband. Or don't you care for her at all?" She asked wishing she had some super powers to teleport him out of her sight.

"Well I do, just that I'm having such a good time with you"

Femi meant it when he said he still cared for his wife. As a matter of fact, he would never divorce her for another woman. They are good together as a couple especially for business.

It dawned on him that he was only fooling himself when he promised her  fidelity. He obviously isn't a one woman man. There were lots of beautiful women out there to be sampled. Why would a billionaire like him choose to punish himself by sticking to one woman?

Ifeoma would just have to accept the fact that he can't be faithful. He will try his best to do right by her as a husband but he will definitely always have a side piece.

"Well, I insist you go home to your wife. It's almost late"

"This one you want us to leave, are you going to see someone else? Cause I don't understand why you want me to leave"

"Because I am a woman and I feel for your wife. I wouldn't be happy if my husband comes home late every night  because he's so busy smashing another woman"

She said it with so much compassion that Femi was moved. She was right. he doesn't have to make Ifeoma unhappy because he's seeing someone else. Hel'll have to learn to be discreet and considerate.

They cleaned up, got dressed and checked out of the hotel. He drove her to her house. When they got there, he parked in front of her gate and kissed her.

"Should I walk you in?"

"There's no need. I'm not a baby. You've tried by bringing me here."

"Well, You're my baby. I just hate to see you go"

"we'll see tomorrow at the office and I promise yoy an early morning quickie on the office couch."

"My dick is hardnnig at the thought of it"

She saw the bulge in his trousers. She hated him but she couldn't resist his sexual prowess. Not only was he huge, he knew exactly how to use it.

She rubbed it gently and winked at him. "Tell the mighty iroko to go to sleep for now. I'll see it tomorrow" She said but she didn't stop rubbing.

"It's not easy but I'll tell it. You turn me on so easily. I want to listen to you but I don't think this thing will comply, it seems to have a mind of its own.

"Fuck it!" Omotola exclaimed as she unzipped his trousers and took him in her mouth. Filling her mouth  with all of him. She took him deep even to her throat, wrapping his cock with the moisture of her tongue and lips.

"Damn! You're really the goddess of blow job. I have never experienced it in this form before. Please don't stop, continue. Arrghh"

She stopped and looked up at him. "Well I have a better idea. She climbed him on the driver's seat and took him Inside of her.

"You're so fucking wet" He groaned as she bounced on him.

She couldn't understand how she could hate someone and yet be turned on by the same person.

She guessed it's been a while since she had good sex. Since her ex left her, she hasn't been with another man so her body naturally responded to it's lustful desires.

Femi moaned and groaned as her warm receptacle throbbed and grabbed at his cock, she took him into a mindless rapture. He couldn't contain the ecstasy, he released inside her without warning.

"Oh my God babe, you were too sweet, I couldn't help it"

"It's okay, I just wanted to satisfy you and I achieved it" She moved back to the passenger seat and pulled down her dress,

"I have to go now love, good night"

She kissed him of the cheek and stepped out of the car before he could blink. Femi sat in the car breathing heavily, he was still trying to recover of shivers he just felt.

When he finally relaxed, he looked around and said aloud to himself "life is good mehn!" He started his car and zoomed off. He felt like he just won a contract worth millions.


As omotola stepped outside the car, she couldn't help feeling like she had just won a lottery.

Five million naira was just enough to kick start her plans. What a foolish man, she would teach him a lesson. Just as her ex had destroyed her, she would destroy him in return.

Infact he was already a finished man, he doesn't just know it yet. She laughed out loud as she climbed the stairs leading to her tiny apartment.

She got to her door and brought out the key to open it only to discover that the door was opened.

Panic seized her, didn't she lock the door before leaving the house? She wondered.

She couldn't vividly remember locking the door. She was in such a hurry in the morning as she was already running late for work.

She rembered she had  forgotten on different occasions to lock her door twice while rushing off to work. This was just one of her silly mistakes.

She shrugged and walked in. She nearly fainted at the sight of femi's wife and two men.

She was sitting on her old couch. Sipping wine from a glass while the two men who looked like they worked as bouncers stood behind her

"Who do we have here? It seems like the whore is back"

Ọmotola had no pity for this woman, she heard from her collegues how she snatched Femi from her best friend. She also deserves whatever was coming for her.

"You broke into my apartment, it's a crime. I can call the police and have you arrested"

She was scared, she knew what people like Ifeoma does to people like her but she tried her best to hide it.  She wouldn't let this husband snatcher intimidate her.

Ifeoma bursted into a loud and irritating laughter. "You'll call the police, and tell them what?"

"That you are a burglar who broke into my apartment" She answered in a surprisingly firm voice.

"You seem to have forgotten your place, you're a nobody.  I hold all the cards here and those who own all the cards in this country controls the power including the police, you stupid girl"

"What do you want?" Ọmotola asked, her voice was shaking now.

"You know what I want but the reality is that you won't give it to me easily so I'm going to make you"

"What do you mean make me?" I

Ifeoma signaled to one of the men who descended on her, landing successions of slaps on her face till she fell on the floor. Her eyes were immediately blinded by tears. She was to shocked to even say a word.

"Don't you dare open your filthy mouth to talk back at me, you wretched whore. I can make you disappear from the earth without a trace so you better tread with caution"

She bent down and when they were the same level, she held her hair and raised her face to meet hers.

"You know what I want, just do it and we won't have problems. I won't be this merciful next time"

She spat on her and left with her men.

Ọmotola laid on the floor sobbing. She held her face with both hands, the sting from the slaps intensified. Her head began to ache.

Amidst the pain and humiliation, all she could think of was her sweet revenge. They had no idea what was coming.