
Chapter twenty one

"What do you mean by she's not coming to work?" Femi asked impatiently

"She didn't say why but I told her not to resume tomorrow if she doesn't come here now. I'm very sorry sir. I'll find a replacement immediately" Obinna said

"No, it's okay, don't replace her yet. I'll tell you when to replace her"

"Okay sir" He left and Femi wondered why she didn't show up at work.

He knew she would leave sooner or later when she opened her butique but it was too early. He called her number severally, it was switched off.

He settled down to work but could barely concentrate, Something was off and he had to find out.

At noon when he was a bit free, he ordered his driver to take him to her house.

On getting there, he simply barged in without knocking. He found her lying wrapped up on her couch.

The sight of her horrified him.

"My goodness! Ọmotola what happened?" He rushed to her side. Her fair face was red and swollen. There were bruises and finger marks on her face.

Who could have done this to her?

"Femi what are you doing here?" She managed to ask. She didn't want him to see her like this. That's why she didn't show up at work and switched off her phone.

"Who did this to you?" He asked ignoring her question. All he could think off was laying his hands on the unfortunate soul that scarred his jewel.

"It doesn't matter. I'm fine now. Please give me some days off work. Once I recover, I'll resume" She knew he wouldn't dare replace her though.

"I'm not leaving here until I know who did this to you" Omotola knew he was determined to find out. Not that she cared if he knew or not.

"Trust me you don't want to know"

"Just give me the damn name!" He shouted which threw her off balance at first.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you but please tell me. I deserve to know. You're hurting me by not telling me" He quickly apologized in a calm tone.

"It's your wife" She said quietly


"She knows about us. She came here yesterday with two men and beat me up"

Femi stared at her. He was completely dazed by the information. How did she find out and why would she do such a thing. He was lost in a state of delinma mixed with anger.

"Babe, please do not let her know. She'll kill me. We need to stop seeing each other"

"Nonsense" He muttered rising on his feet in anger. Ifeoma has no right to meddle in his affairs like that. She was his wife but she'll not control him. Never!

"Femi please. Don't do what you're thinking. She'll kill me. She said so herself"

"She can't do nothing and I'll handle this"

"Babe please" She pleaded.

"She will not harm you, I promise. Just trust me on this one. I'll handle this. Just let me put her in her place. I'll call a doctor to come check you and make sure you're alright. I'll be right back"

He bolted out before she could say a word.


Ifeoma's pov.

I was in a meeting with my entire staff when Flora signaled me that my husband was waiting for me in my office.

I was excited because I thought it was one of those spontaneous visits where he comes to have sex in the office or comes just for the pleasure of just seeing me.

I excused my employees only to meet an angry Femi in my office.

"What the hell were you trying to do assaulting my employee?"

This was the first time I have ever seen him this angry. But his anger wasn't what bothered me, what triggered me was the fact that he was trying to defend that gold digging prostitute.

"You mean you actually came all the way here to defend that whore?"

"She's one of my staff and you had no right. This should be the first and last time this ever happens"

It was at that point I knew my life was over. I have made the worst mistake by snatching a chronic cheat from my best friend thinking he was madly in love and would change because of me. I was at the brink of tears. I couldn't believe what was happening.

"Femi what went wrong with us? What did I actually do to deserve this? You're cheating on me with that nobody and you still have the guts to stand before me and admit it, even to the extent of defending her?"

Tears were streaming down my cheeks. I couldn't control it. Femi has finally ruined me.

"Look, I'm sorry. We'll have this conversation again but I don't want you  assaulting her. She did nothing wrong"

His voice softened and I could tell he was a bit moved by my  tears. He came close and tried putting his arms round me but I moved away

"You love her don't you?" My heart beat increased expecting to hear the worst.

"No I don't. I love you.  I'm sorry for coming here to talk to you like this. Please let's talk about this at home tonight"  He kissed me on the cheek before leaving.

I stood there staring into space. The tears were still streaming down my cheeks. I  wiped them off and went back to my meeting. I masked my pain with a broad smile. Some of them even teased me about my husband's presence giving me a special glow.

I laughed and agreed with them. I couldn't let them sense that all wasn't well with Femi and I. I knew some of them already detested my marrying my best friend's husband and were secretly waiting for the marriage to end so they would laugh me to scorn.

As I went on with the meeting, I kept thinking of what would happen if Femi left me for her. I would be a laughing stock and it would eventually affect my business. I can't let it happen at all. I just can't.


When I got home later that evening, to my surprise Femi was already home. There were rose petals from the living room trailing up to our bedroom. The room was decorated with balloons, ribbons and flowers.

There was an I'm sorry sign written on some of the balloons. On the bed were  gift boxes which I know will be filled designer bags, shoes and hairs.

Femi went down on his knees holding out flowers. My heart nearly melted at the sight but I remembered Jasmine. Wasn't this the same trick he pulled while he was busy fucking me?

I walked up to him, collected the flowers and smiled sweetly at him.

"Babe I'm sorry, I know I haven't been much of a good husband to you. Please find a place in your heart to forgive  me"

"Stand up" I held his hand and helped him on his feet.

"Femi I don't want gifts, I don't need all of these"

"Then what do you want? Tell me and I'll get it for you" There was a gleam of genuine concern in his eyes and I knew all hope wasn't lost yet.

"You, I want all of you. That's all I need"  I said squeezing his hand

As soon as I said that, the little gleam in his eyes vanished. He removed his hand and went to sit of the bed. There was a worried look on his face.

I was alarmed once again and went to sit beside him

"What's the matter sweetheart? Did I say something wrong?"

"No, it's not you at all. The problem is me"

"What do you mean?"

"The thing is I don't think I'm a woman kind of man" He stuttered, avoiding my eyes

"What?" I stood up. I completely lost it at that moment.

"Yes, I love you but I can't be with only you. I think it's my nature. That's just who I am"

"Are you saying you want to marry two or more wives?" I marvelled at the audacity of this man to stand before me and say spew trash in my face.

"No, to be honest. I love you, I really do and will never leave you for another woman. Other women are jut fuck bodies"

I stood and withI all the power I could muster, I slapped him hard across the face. He held his face in shock.

"What was that for?" He asked

"You must be mad or something. How dare you? Do I look like Jasmine to you?"

"I'm just being honest with you. I wasn't honest with Jasmine. I pretended instead of being myself. I don't want to do that with you"

"But you promised me you would be faithful?" I was crying and shouting at the same time.

"Yes I did and that was my mistake. I thought I could change but I thought wrong"

I ,, clenched my fists so tight. I was so livid that I could have stabbed him if a knife were placed in my hand that moment. I moved back slowly and ran out of the room,

I heard him call my name but I didn't answer. I needed to be far away from him at that moment before I do something I'll regret. I ran out of the house, into my car and drove off.


I parked my car in front of the a club. I sat there crying till tears refused to drop and my head began to ache. I finally stepped out walked in to the bar and asked the bartender to pour me some shots.

I took it all in one glup and asked for a refill. The music was loud and I could hear the voices and laughter of happy people and those who pretended to be happy. I glupped down the second short and asked for another one.

The bar girl looked at me someway. I could sense her reluctance. "Madam I think you should take it easy"

"Are you okay? I said you should pour me a short or do you want me to ask your manger?" I shouted

"No ma, I'm sorry, I'll pour it" She stuttered.

As I drank the third short, I thought of my life. I wondered if it had all been worth it. I jeopardized my beautiful friendship with Jasmine just to get married to her trashy husband.

I smiled at the irony because I thought I had secured a good thing by snatching Femi not knowing I snatched her problems. I took her problems from her and took it upon myself.

As I took the tenth short, I thought of walking away but I knew it's not going to be easy. The circumstances in w,hich I married Femi makes it difficult to walk away.

Everyone would be waiting to say I told you so. My family who warned me are waiting. Jasmine is waiting, my employees and everyone else are a waiting to mock me and see me suffer.

The thought of it made my stomach turn. I ran into the rest room and threw up. As I made my way back to the bar, my feet became wobbly, I could hardly move, my vision became blurred and my head throbbed. I could feel a heavy blanket of darkness covering me. The more I resisted, the more it descended with such a greater force till I succumbed.


The first thing that greeted me as I  opened my eyes was  the resounding pain in my head. I held my head as I sat up, the memories of last night came flooding back. I wondered how I got home.

Femi walked in holding a tray of food. He was clearly angry which made me upset. He had no right whatsoever to be angry at me. I should be mad one not him.

He dropped the tray beside me and sat down.

"Eat and take this painkiller for your headache. The nanny is around and is taking care of Ethan. Take enough rest as you can. I'll check up on the company for you"

I didn't say anything. I was too sad and angry to talk. I simply picked up a slice of bread and began eating.

He stared at me. I knew he was deciding whether to bring up the subject or not.

"What you did last night was total irresponsibility on your part" I kept quiet.

"Thank God someone who knew you called me immediately. You're an elite and should act as one. Under no circumstances should you go out and get yourself drunk to the extent of passing out. If someone had taken shots of you and posted on social media do you know what that would do to our business?"

He was right. I shouldn't have gotten myself drunk but he was not in the place to tell me anything about responsibility.

I ignored him and continued eating.

"Aren't you going to apologise at least?"

I looked at him in  flabbergastation.  This man had a lot of temerity. The nerve of him to ask for an apology.

I kept quiet. I just wanted him to leave so I could eat and so back to sleep which seemed soothing than being awake. My life has become a baggage of sadness that I prefer sleeping to being awake.

He finally took the hint and stood up.

"Since you don't want to talk to me, I'll be on my way. I'll call you later. Have a lovely day. He kissed me on the cheek and turned to go. It was then my mouth became loose.

"You're going to check up on her aren't you?" I asked

"No, I'm going straight to the office.

"But you'll go later"

"No". He said and left the room but I knew he was lying. I was no fool.