
Chapter nineteen

I started smelling dead rat the day I walked into my office and couldn't find my usual flowers accompanied with a love note. At first I shrugged it off.

He had a lot to deal with as regarding his companies lately and it's only natural that it skipped his mind. I asked him when I got home and he apologized saying it will never happen again.

It wasn't until after three days of not receiving flowers that I became worried. I could understand one day but three days cannot be overlooked. I called him several times but he did not pick nor return my calls.

When I got home that evening, he wasn't home and didn't return until past ten.

"And where do you think you're coming from by this time?" I asked, I was alarmed but I feared to accept what my heart was telling me.

"I had work to do" He replied nonchalantly as he made his way into the bathroom. I stood in front of him, blocking his way.

"Are you kidding me? What type of work kept you from calling or even returning my calls?" I don't know why but my heart was pounding loudly in my chest.

"The kind of work that pays our bills" He replied. I bursted into laughter. Did he think I was Jasmine?"

"And what's that supposed to mean? Are you feeding me? Do I look like someone you picked up from the gutters or something?"

"Look I don't have time for all these. I had a long day at work and I need to rest. Why these interrogations?

"Because you've been acting weird lately. You do not send me flowers anymore, do not bother to call me and now this?"

"Are you accusing me of something?" He asked.

"Femi are you cheating on me?" The question finally came out

"Wow! I knew it. So just because I have been recently having rough days due to stress from work, you decided to tag me a cheat?"

"Because your actions points to that direction. If you were having a bad day at work, you would communicate with me. Femi I just hope you're not cheating on me because if you are.."

"Are you threatening me?" His voice was hard. I knew I had pushed his buttons.

"Call it whatever you like but don't you mess with me. I am not your ex wife" Though I sounded daring and ruthless, inside I was scared and weak. I just hoped my fears weren't true.

"It's like you have forgotten who I am. No one, no one ever threatens me. Not even you. I am Femi, a multi billoniare and I do what I want. If you can't deal with it, you can leave. Now get out of my way"

There was this malicious gleam in his eyes, one that I have never seen seen before. It was so real that it threw me off balance. I unconsciously staggered out of his way. He hissed at me and walked into the bathroom.

I ran downstairs to the living pacing round like a mad dog. Femi can't possibly be cheating on me. No, he can't. I can't go through everything just for another woman to come reap where she did not sow. Never.

I didn't care it was late already, I called Rita.

"Babe, I was literally having a dream where I and Drake hooked up before your call came in. Do you have any idea what time it is" I nearly chuckled at her funny remark when I remembered my problem.

"Babe I think Femi is cheating" I dropped the bomb without warning

" Damn! I knew there was trouble in paradise but that's not what I was expecting to hear. Are you sure?"

"I don't know for sure, he has been acting weird lately and when I confronted him this night, the response I got increased my suspicion"

"Relax girl, first of all, you're not going to make a decision based on mere suspicion. Do your findings and be certain before you take an action okay?"

"You're right. I'll do my findings but I just hope it's not true because I might lose my mind if it's true".

"Hell no you won't. No one is going to make you lose your mind. You're more than all of that. Now if you don't mind, I have to get back to my lovely dream. Good night and don't let that bother you"

She hung up the call and I sat on the couch till I slept off. Femi did not bother coming to look for me and it was then I knew that there was trouble in my paradise.


I hired a private investigator to help Snoop around husband and get me the details of who he was seeing.

The following day, the details were submitted to me. Her name was Omotola and she was his secretary. I looked at the picture attached, she was a beauty to behold and I wasn't surprised that she had dug her gold digger claws into him.

She was a nobody from a poor background who managed to climb up the social ladder through her beauty.

I became lost in my thoughts. Was I not a fool for thinking a womanizer like Femi would change because of me?

For goodness sake, he has been cheating on his wife with countless of women before meeting me.

Had I allowed my desperation for a man cloud my sense of reasoning?

Would the same date that befell Jasmine also befall me? Maybe this was payback for what I did to her.

"Godforbid" I said out loud as I jerked out of my thoughts. I need to do something. I called Rita and begged her for us to meet up at a restaurant for lunch.


"That bastard. You should dump him " Rita spat after I told her about my findings.

"Just like that? What will people say, I'll become a laughing stock. Even Jasmine will jubilate over my downfall"

"Who cares what people will say. Your happiness is what matters. You've had your fun with him. Dump his ass like the loser he his and move on"

I stared at her unbelievably. She was the reason for my predicament. If I hadn't listened to her and gone after my heart, I wouldn't be having this current heartache.

"I knew I shouldn't have listened to you in the first place. You are full of shit and so is everything that comes out of your mouth"

"Wow! So it's my fault now, right? I knew you never had the guts to be a bad bitch. You're now acting like I forced you to snatch him from your bestie"

"How did I ever become friends with someone like you? Do you have a heart at all?"

"Don't you dare" She was flaming in controlled anger. "Don't try to act like a saint. You're not any better than me. A girl that snatches her bestie's husband is worse than the devil" I felt like hot coals of fire were being thrown at me.

She stood up and left me and I knew it was over between us. I would never speak to her again. I had lost the two closest friends I had.

I stood up and left the restaurant as well. Now that I had no one to talk about my problems with, I had to think on my own and act fast.

That omotola girl wants to destroy my life but I'll not let her. I'm not Jasmine. I'll fight for what's mine and make her disappear.
