
Chapter eleven

"I don't know what to get Femi for his 35th birthday, it's really hard getting a gift for a man who has everything"  It was Sunday and Jasmine was at my place  She chattered on but I wasn't listening. I was chatting with Femi

I MISS BEING INSIDE OF YOU, he texted me and I smiled at my phone.

"You're not even listening to me, why are you smiling at your phone" She moved to playfully collect the phone from me, I quickly hid it behind me. My heart skipped at the thought of her discovering it was her husband.

"I'm so sorry dear, what were you saying again?"  There was no way she would know because Femi used a different phone and number to chat and call me during the day. We do not talk at night when he's at home because his wife doesn't know of the phone

"Who are you chatting with? Has the anonymous man revealed himself?" She asked

"No, I don't know how he got my number, he has been chatting me anonymously, he wants us to go on a date, he wants his identity to be a surprise" I was equally surprised at house skilled and effortlessly I lied these days. I guess I have unravelled the bad bitch in me after all.

"Are you serious? This is so exciting, when is date?"

"I'm not going. He has to reveal his identity before I agree to anywhere"

"You're kidding right?"

"No I am not"

"You're definitely Kidding, look you're going on this date whether you like it or not. You're not going to miss out on the opportunity to find true love" The way she was genuinely concerned about me nearly broke me but I brushed it aside. It is what it is.

"I'm not going to meet some random stranger, what if he's a serial killer or something?" I said enjoying my cooked up story

"Don't be silly. You're going to meet him in a public place. Infact let's go to your closet  and pick up your dress, you're meeting him tomorrow" She said with a note of finality as she dragged me up to go to the closet.


"You heard me, let's go pick up a dress, you're going on a date tommorow. So you better text him now that you've argreed to meet him"

"Don't I have a say in in this?"

"No you don't, you better text him before I take that phone from you and do it myself"

"Okay okay. I'll text him. You're such a bully you know that, right?" I laughed while I pretended to send a text.

"I'm doing this for you. I'll bully you into finding your true love if I have to" She said turning to browse my wardrobe

My phone beeped. I CAN'T HELP IT ANYMORE. I'M ON THE WAY TO THE APARTMENT. MEET ME THERE NOW.  He has to be joking, I said to myself.

BUT YOUR WIFE IS WITH ME, YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE WITH THE KIDS, WHO DID YOU LEAVE THEM WITH? I texted back frantically. I wanted him too but we have to be careful to avoid raising suspicious. Jasmine already trusts him now. I don't want her snooping in on him like she used to do before to avoid being caught.

"What do you think of this dress" She brought out a dinner black dress.

"It's cute but I don't think I want to wear it for the date, that's what I wore on my first date with Uche the scumbag"

"Ewww! We don't want any bad omen from this dress. Let me look for something else" She turned back to continue her search in preparation for the imaginary date.


"Damn! I hate this" I exclaimed.

"What's the matter?" She asked.

"Ayomide just texted me that there's an error with the app we're making. It's from my own end and I need to go rectify immediately. My MacBook is at the office. I need to and fix it immediately. We're getting close to rounding up this project"

"Awwwn! I'm so sorry dear. But hope it won't affect your date tommorow?"

"No it won't, haven't you found a dress yet?" I asked.

"I'm sort of confused of which one you should wear between this yellow and blue dress.

"I think the blue dress, is perfect, I'm sorry but I have to go, don't worry, I'll fill you in on how the date went" I said in quickly. I really wanted her to leave so I could go be with Femi.

"Alright then, be good. I'll be expecting your call, let me go meet my man and the kids at home. I can't wait for you to have yours" She winked at me before hugging me.

"Very soon dear, very soon" I hugged her back and she left the house. I quickly dorned on a little white dress, tied up my briads and applied a white dress before zooming off in my car.

# # # # # # # #

Femi kept pacing round the house and checking his wrist watch like a man whose wife was in labour, he couldn't wait to have her, since the first time they had sex, all he could think of was her. He has never experienced this with any other woman apart from Jasmine but it's just that she was better than her, she was smarter, ambitious and adventurous unlike his boring wife. He wasn't sure he could have enough for her

When she finally walked in a skimpy white dress, He couldn't help but admire how sexy and hot she looked. She knew what fits her perfectly. He scooped her in his arms kissing her hungrily.

"My God I've missed you" He said as he carried her to the dining table and sat her down.

"Here, I got you this" He held up a plate of ice cream.

"Ice cream?" She looked at him puzzled.

*Yes, I'm going to lick it off you"

"Oh, I see" He opened the the ice plate and spoon fed her some of it before placing it down and tearing her dress like a wild animal.

"My dress!"She exclaimed. She looked pleased and horrified at the same time and he loved it

"Don't worry love, I got you another one" He said as he unclipped her bra. He scooped some of the ice cream and plastered it all over her boobs neck and stomach then proceeded to lick it off her.

"Oh God Femi! You're something else" She moaned and that's one of the things that drives him crazy about her. He loved the way she moans and how vocal she is in bed.

"Yes babe, just like that, I love it when you suck my tits like that" He sucked even harder driving her to heights unknown. He knew exactly what she wanted so he tore her panties, scooping some of the ice cream again, he rubbed it all over her inner thighs, he licked and teased. She begged him to fuck her already but he wasn't going to give in easily. He loved it when she begged.

"F*ck me already Femi, f*ck me please"  She screamed. He was glad he got a whole house for them. She was free to scream as she like

When he finally got to her core, she was soaking wet for him, he rubbed some ice cream there and licked it off.

"Damn! You're so good at this, where have you been all my life?" She asked

"I've been close to you but you've refused to notice me" He replied dipping a finger inside of her

"Femi please, I want you inside me now"

"Beg me again" He knew he was driving her to the edge but he loved it

"Please f*ck me. I beg" He was so turned on by her pleas that she flipped her around and entered her from behind pounding her hard and fast.

"Oh yes! Harder babe, f*ck me better than you f*ck her" He knew she was referring to his wife which only made him more excited, he rammed her harder and deeper till she screamed and peed all over him. The sight of her undilated pee all over the his manhood and on the floor made him cum immediately.

"Oh! You're my heaven, he said as he held her tightly.

# # # # # # # # #

Jasmine got home and was surprised to the their baby sitter at home.

"Where's Femi?" She asked as her children rushed to hug her

"He said he had some urgent business to attend to, he said he called you severally but you didn't pick" She brought out her phone and saw three missed call. He had indeed called but she hadn't known it since her phone was on silent.

"Thanks for helping out on such notice, I'll take it from here. I really appreciate your effort"

"No need to thank me, it's my job and I love staying with your kids, they're adorable and make it easier for me"  Jasmine smiled at the compliment.

"Thanks dear" The sitter left and she called Femi back but he didn't pick. "Well maybe he's busy" She told herself thinking of how Ifeoma had to run off to work too.

"All these business tycoons, they are always about work" She said to herself thanking God that she doesn't have to work so hard. How lucky she was.

She prepared dinner for the family still no sign of her husband. She called him but no response. She had no choice but to eat with her girls. Ever since he has changed, he hadn't missed dinner. Or has he gone back to his old ways. She thought remembering what was said about a leopard.

No, he wasn't cheating. She said to herself. If he was, she would have known besides, she had access to his phones and there wasn't any suspicious thing so far. She was just being worried for nothing. He's a business tycoon and emergencies like these are bound to arise.

She prepared the kids for bed and when they had slept, she went downstairs to the living room to wait for him. It was lmost ten pm when he returned her calls.

I'm so sorry, babe, I just got off  from a meeting with Chief Adenuga and co. We met at the private club. Sorry I didn't take your calls. I'll be home soon. I'm on my way. I love you" He said and hung up the call. She leg out a sigh of relief.

When he finally returned, he explained the reason and details of the meeting and kept apologizing for not taking her calls.

"I understand, no need to apologise. This is money business we're talking about" She said. "Go take a shower and come to bed. I'll be waiting for you.

He joined her in bed, she moved to touch him but he held out his hand in protest

"Babe I'm tired, I just want to sleep, I a hectic day at work tomorrow. I promise to make it up to you tomorrow"

She was disappointed but she understood so she let him be. She perfectly understood him.