
Chapter twelve

"Hey babes! How was the date? Give me everything detail" Jasmine's voice buzzed excitedly over the phone. I lay naked under the sheets while Femi went to get me something to drink.

" it's literally the worst date of my life. Can you imagine who this man was?" I asked racking my brain to come up with something interesting and believable

"Just spit it out already, you know I'm not good at guessing" Femi walked in holding a bottle of wine and a glass. He kissed me on the cheek and poured me some

"He's obviously rich but he's a sixty year old widower. I felt so insulted babe" He was already kissing me on my neck and trialing down to my breasts.

"What? you don't mean it?" . I tried to signal him to stop but he didn't listen. He yanked the sheets off me, spread my legs and went down on me

"Oh!" I moaned at the feel of his tongue on me.

"What's that?" Jasmine asked confused

" I was so sad because I kept asking myself if my situation was so bad that I now attract old men"

"No don't say that. You're a beautiful and strong woman and it's only natural that everyone is attracted to you, even those who cannot have you" The sound of her voice over the phone added a different type of flavour to the ecstasy i was feeling so I dropped the glass of wine on the bedside table, pushed Femi on the bed and climbed him.

"Can you believe the old man was already talking of marriage, how lucky I was to have him. I felt like crying. I didn't walk on him out of politeness" I twisted and whined my waist over his manhood while he groaned softly at the pleasures I brought him.

"Oh my love, I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Don't worry it's just one of those things. I know your soulmate is out there somewhere. You'll surely find him" I continued to ride him, increasing my pace. She was feeling sorry for me while I f*cked her husband. What an irony.

"It's okay dear, I'm over that already. we move!" I said. Being a bad bitch do have it's thrills. Fucking a man while talking to his wife over the phone took me to another level of the heavens.

"That reminds me, You remember my husband's birthday is next weekend, I want us to plan a surprise birthday party for my husband. That man is the best and he deserves the best.

"Oh yes! He's the best" I said as my legs quavered in a mind blowing orgasm.

"You know what?  I need to go attend to the girls, I'll call you back so we can start the planning, bye" She hung up the phone and femi nutted inside of me . I came down from the mighty horse, he drew me closer.

"Wow! You're so good. Let's travel to Maldives and spend my birthday weekend together". I looked up at him in shock

"But your wife is making plans for you" I said not believing my ears.

"How many times have I told you to forget about my wife. She doesn't exist where you are"

"I know but..."

"No buts, get ready we're going to the Maldives next week" I took the hint of finality in his voice. Wrapping my arms around him, I couldn't help thinking how I have finally found my soulmate. It's so unfortunate that he's my best friend's husband but he'll soon be mine very soon.


"We can celebrate after I get back and besides we still have many more birthdays to celebrate in the future" Femi waited till after a forced lovemaking with wife. She disgusts him now. He had to think of Ifeoma to enjoy the sex

"Can't this business conference wait, I've made preparations already" She was clearly hurt by the news.

"Don't forget that it's these meetings and conferences that gives you the designers and and vacations" She kept quiet.

"Don't worry, I promise to take you to the Maldives for vacation when I return" Her face lit up. He knew exactly how to handle her


"Yes, just the two of us" He replied.

"Wow! That's even better than a birthday celebration. It's been a while we both went for a vacation together as a couple. I'm really looking forward to it" She hugged him and tried to initiate another round of sex but he couldn't risk another round of toture.

"Babe, please I'm tired, let's continue tomorrow. I need to sleep.

"But you're always ready for a second round. What's the matter?"

"Nothing, I'm just tired" She gave him a hard stare.

"Okay, I understand, goodnight"  She turned her back on him pretending to sleep. Normally he would have reached out to her but he equally turned his back on her. If only she knew how much he doesn't care


Femi and I went to the Maldives on Thursday and returned on Sunday. It was the best weekend of my life. I saw different sides of him. He was sensous, gentle, calm, rash, rough and so possessive. I couldn't have enough of him. We made love on the beach, in the swimming pool, in the toilet of restaurants and shopping malls. He got me lots of designer bags, shoes and dresses including a diamond bracelet and necklace. I felt like a princess.

Before leaving, I told Jasmine I was traveling to check out the house I building in the village and she totally bought it. I felt sorry for her but immediately I stepped foot in Maldives, I forgot all about her. I was happy and that's all that matters. It was I and my soulmate against the world. No one else matters. Not my best friend, not her kids. No one. Just me.

When it was time to go I felt like crying cause I was literally living in heaven and didn't want to return to earth. I was almost done with my project and will soon be launching my new app in about a month so I had work to do which would be much easier with Femi by my side

We returned to Nigeria and kept seeing each other once a week in the secret apartment but it wasn't enough. We both wanted more. He once told me his intentions of divorcing his wife. I was pleased at the news because it was proof that he truly loved me. I told him to hold on a bit. I wasn't ready to face Jasmine yet. I needed a little time to prepare myself.


Finally the day of my launching arrived exactly one month after I returned from Maldives and it was a great success. It was a music streaming platform and I already have over five thousand downloads in one week. I had a small party to celebrate it's success. My family and friends were there to celebrate with  me. The love of my life was there with his wife. I had never been so jealous my entire life. Seeing his wife holding his arm, parading herself like his queen made me want to tear her apart. That should be me not her. He doesn't love her, he loves me. Femi made eye contact with me several times, he was also uncomfortable by her side. Maybe it's time he divorced her after all.

I felt sick and dizzy, I have been having symptoms of malaria for some days now but I passed it off as stress from work. I promised myself to rest a bit after launching my app but  seeing my man and not able to claim him openly made me sick to my stomach, I dropped my glass of wine and rushed to the toilet. I started to throw up before I could open the toilet seat. Jasmine saw the way I rushed out of the room and followed me. She held my hair back while I threw up.

"So sorry dear, I wanted to ask  if you were okay, you looked kinda pale"

I wanted to drag her far away from my sight. She was the cause of my sickness.

"I think it's malaria. I've been having the symptoms for some days now" I said instead. I felt so weak to even talk.

"You should go to the hospital, let's leave, I'll take you there"

"I can't leave my party. I need to be here. Don't worry, I'll go after the party. It's just malaria, I'll be fine. Just take me to my room, let me lay down for a while,"

She simply nodded and led me to my room where I lay down and slept for about twenty minutes. The last set of guests left three hours later and they were my parents. They wanted to know if I had any man in my life yet.

"Yes ma, I have a man" I said wishing he wasn't someone else's husband.

"Praise the Lord" My mother lifted her hands in worship.

"Who is he, when will you introduce him to us?" My father asked

"Very soon dad, I'll bring him to you and mum very soon" I said wishing they would just drop this marriage thing. The thought of Femi going home with his wife pierced my heart. I did not want to talk about him or anything that would remind me that he belonged to someone else.

"I'm very proud of you my daughter, your father and I are so proud of your achievements and it would make us happier to see you finally get married"

"Ah! Mummy you've started again. I'll soon get married. Don't worry you'll see my man very soon. So how are you people doing?" I changed the topic immediately. When they left, I felt even worse and decided to go to the hospital.

After series of tests, the doctor called me into his office. He was beaming excitedly and i wondered what he was so happy about.

"Congratulations ma'am, you're pregnant" He handed me the test results.

"What?" I snatched the paper from him. lo and behold it was there. It was then I rembered my period was four days late. I didn't think of it because I never imagined being pregnant. It's not like I was careful with Femi. I wasn't just expecting it. The doctor was talking but I wasn't listening. I rushed out of his office into my car. I was breathing heavily. What does this mean for me and Femi? Well there's only one way to find out. I brought out my phone and called Femi.

"Sweetheart please meet me my house. We can't meet at the apartment because it's far and what I want to tell you is urgent. Just come to my house immediately" I cut the phone before he could reply and drove home.

He was waiting for me by the time I got home.

"Femi I'm pregnant" I didn't even wait for us to get inside.

"You're kidding right?" He was smiling but my heart was pounding. I didn't know what he meant by that question.

"No I am not. I just came back from the hospital. The doctor confirmed it"

"Oh my God, this is good news" He swept me off my feet and carried me inside. It was then I knew that he was truly mine

"So you mean you're carrying my baby?" He asked as he placed me gently on the couch.

I nodded, I couldn't speak, tears of joy were already flowing down my cheeks. He wiped them off.

"Come babe, don't cry. This is great news. I love you and I'll be here for you. I've been meaning to ask you but I don't know if you're ready yet?'

"What is it?" I asked, my heartbeat returned to normal when I knew that all would be well.

"Will you marry me?"

I was stunned by the question. Yes I wanted him all to myself but I never expected the question so soon. "Yes Femi yes, I'll marry you"  I hugged him tightly.  I thought my heart would burst open from the joy I felt. Everything I have ever wanted in life was finally coming in place.