
chapter ten

The following day at work, I was more productive due to the excitement of meeting Femi later that evening. I had made up my mind to go see him. What's the worst thing that could happen? I had already betrayed Jasmine thrice. It would be foolishness not to go on with it.

I had thought of everything Rita told me, she made sense now. What if I and Femi were soulmates? Would I allow my fear of Jasmine deter me from finally finding true love? In life one has to take risks to attain success. I had taken the risks in my career and look where I am today, I ought to probably take the same risk in my love life.

It was barely four pm when I packed my stuff and left the office. I called Rita before leaving.

"Hello babe, I never wanted to do this but I guess I've turned into a bad bitch. I'm meeting Femi this evening. Wish me luck"

"Woaw! That's the spirit girl. I wish you all the happiness and luck in the world"

"Thanks babe. I'll talk to you later"

"Hey! I also want you to know that whatever comes out of this, it's entirely your decision"

"I know, I know" I said as I savoured the meaning of her words.

# # # # # # # # #

When I got to the apartment, I met one of his security guard who led me in.

"Oga Is not yet around but he told me you'll be coming. He should be around any moment from now" He said and left me alone in the living room.

I sat on the couch, berating myself for coming so early, I looked desperate. He should be the one waiting not the other way round.

"Hope I didn't keep my angel waiting for too long. I couldn't dare behold your face empty handed so I got you these" I turned around and there he was standing with a bunch of rose Flowers.

"No you didn't, I just got here myself. Thanks for the flowers" I said before collecting the Flowers. My hands slightly brushed his and I felt little waves of electricity all-over my body. I hope he doesn't realize the magnitude of effect he has on me.

"How was work today?" He asked as we both settled into the couch facing each other.

"Great, and yours?" He was smiling a seductive type of smile. I lowered my gaze. I couldn't look him in the eye cause i was so nervous and excited at the same time. I could literally feel the aderaline building up within me.

"I had a wonderful working experience today knowing fully well that I was going to see you today. Work has never been better" I couldn't help blushing this time around. He has a sugarcoated tongue and knows how to say things that would make a woman melt.

"To be honest, I was really pained when you returned the money I invested in your project. I donated that money not just because I wanted to get to you but because I loved your work, I believed in what you were doing and wanted to support you" It was the first time a man genuinely cared and complimented my work and growth. It really made me wanna tear up

"Thank you but I had to return the money, I was confused and was still trying to figure out..."

"What this is all about?" He said cutting me off.

"Yes and I thought you were doing it just to get laid"

He held my hand. "If I was doing this to get laid, I wouldn't go through all of these. I've been having sex with different women, but I've never gone through the stress of buying a house for us to meet up, I've never sent them diamond necklaces or flowers everyday. Since I kissed you, other women have become unattractive to me. All I can think of is you"

"But you're married to my best friend"

"That's the only regret I have and I'm not going to let it stop me from experiencing the good thing that God has given me"

"What if she finds out?"

"I don't care, I'll choose her over you anytime" My heart skipped at that remark. Did he really mean what he just said? If he did then I'm definitely the luckiest woman on earth right now

"I've been dying to really kiss you again since the last time, can I?" I simply nodded not trusting myself to speak.

He began kissing slowly and tenderly, the muskiness of his rich perfume filled my nose turning me on even more. I expected the rough and rash Femi I was used to but instead he was gentle and calm. He kissed me on my forehead, my nose and trialed down to my neck. When he got to my soft spot, I couldn't help letting out a moan. He withdrew and looked me in passionately in the eye.

"I want you, all of you" His eyes were pleading and I loved the fact that he kept asking my consent before going further.

"I want you too" I said in a husky tone. He lifted me with his strong arms up the stairs to the bedroom and gently laid me on the bed before taking off his clothes. My jaw dropped at the sight of his maleness, I've never seen anything like it before. My core ached badly just at the sight of it. I moved to take of my clothes but he stopped me.

"I'll unravel you myself" He said in a sexy husky tone that brought me goose bumps. He began taking off my clothes, bit by bit and didn't stop praising my body.

"My goodness! Look at those boobs, God really took out time to carve yours" He said before diving in to suckle on them. I moaned helplessly as his mouth savoured my entire body, The feeling of his skin on mine was heavenly. I ran my hands all over his muscular body, drawing him closer and urging him to become one with me.

I was already dripping wet and my core throbbed badly that I thought I would faint from the ache. When he moved to carress my inner thighs, I couldn't hold it any longer.

"Femi" I moaned helplessly.

"Yes love, what do you want? He asked looking deep into my eyes.

"I want you deep inside me" I whispered.

"Not yet love, just hold on, I'm all yours. Just be patient" He teased and moved to spread my legs apart kissing my legs up to my inner thighs till his mouth got my core, he licked, suckled and fingered till began screaming and begging.

"Femi please, put it in already"

"Just a minute" He teased back

"Now!" I saidas a matter of urgency. He finally listened slipped it in, each thrust deeper than the last. He was finally becoming one with me, completing me and making me whole"

" Oh Femi! Love me Femi! Love me" I said as he made love to me.

"I'm all yours babe, take all of me" He would reply. I've never experienced anything like it before. It was so sweet and pure, when I came, I felt like my soul has been deposited to the high heavens. I held him tight not wanting it to end. I didn't want to return to earth. I loved where I was.

When he finally shuddered and collapsed against me he said, "I think I'm madly in love with you"

"I'm afraid but I feel the same way too" I replied and he kissed me with so much passion, I thought I would melt.