
Der Alchemist von Harry Potter

Albert has never had any big ambitions. He has always thought of himself as a salted fish. He was reborn and turned on the panel cheat sheet. This is the proper way to become a winner in life. When Albert was planning to make a salted fish with a goal, the Owl sent an invitation from Hogwarts, and he realized that he had traveled to the world of Harry Potter novels. Now, Albert is considering how to be a dreamy salted fish in the magic world. I saw that the fic was posted more times but not until the end only until about chapter 60. https://novelvice.com/novel/the-alchemist-of-harry-potter/ PS: The original story has over 1000 chapters.

Arion_Sturmklinge · Book&Literature
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100 Chs


Zwei Tage später fuhr die Familie Anderson zur Charles Street. Alberts Großeltern lebten in der Charles Street 21.

Die Andersons nehmen sich jedes Jahr Zeit, um die beiden älteren Menschen zu besuchen. Während der Sommerferien blieb Albert immer ein paar Tage dort.

"Papa, ich bin gekommen, um dich zu sehen."

"Albert, komm her und lass mich sehen!" Lukas ignorierte seinen eigenen Sohn völlig, trat vor und starrte seinen Enkel an. "Herb erzählte mir, dass du einen Brief aus Hogwarts erhalten hast. Wenn es etwas gibt, das Sie kaufen möchten, können Sie es mir sagen ..."

"Papa, ich habe Albert mitgenommen, um In der Winkelgasse in London Dinge zu kaufen", sah Herb seinen Vater hilflos an, räusperte sich und sagte: "Ich habe dir immer noch ein Geschenk gebracht."

"Ich bin kein Kind. Ich brauche keine Geschenke", starrte Luke seinen Sohn an, nahm Alberts kleine Hand und sagte: "Komm hinein und sag mir, welche Magie du gelernt hast."

"Luke ist seit einigen Tagen aufgeregt, wie ein Kind", sagte Sansa, Alberts Großmutter, zu Herb. "Er hat mir noch nie davon erzählt. Ich wusste erst vor ein paar Tagen davon. Ich habe Niya schon lange nicht mehr gesehen. Niya, hast du mich vermisst?"

"Mein Bruder lässt mich seinen Zauberstab nicht anfassen, er bewacht ihn immer, als wäre ich ein Dieb", berichtete Niya sofort ihrer Großmutter von ihrem Bruder, anstatt ihr zu antworten.

"Herb, schau dir Tom an. Lass ihn nicht herumlaufen", holte Daisy das Paket im Auto ab und bat ihren Mann, die Katze in den Katzenkäfig zu stecken, damit der Typ nicht aus dem Katzenkäfig weglief, sobald er aus dem Käfig kam.

"Kann Albert wirklich Magie gebrauchen?" Sansa brachte das Paar hinein und fragte raus. Sie interessierte sich auch für diese magische Sache und fand das sehr interessant, aber sie erwartete nicht, dass ihr Enkel ein legendärer Zauberer werden würde.

"Ja, er kann den Zauberstab zum Leuchten bringen, und er übt jeden Abend heimlich im Zimmer", hielt Niya die Hand ihrer Großmutter und sagte, was Albert nicht erwähnen wollte. "Er sagte auch, wenn ich den Zauberstab nehmen würde, würde ich das Haus definitiv in die Luft sprengen."

"Mama, du weißt nicht, wie gefährlich dieser Zauberstab ist. Lass es mich dir sagen..." Herb nahm den Katzenkäfig und folgte ihnen und sprach über seine Erfahrungen in der Winkelgasse.

"Albert denkt, dass es gefährlich ist, Wahllos Magie auszuprobieren", fügte Daisy hinzu, dass sie die Geschichte der Magie gelesen hatte und wusste, dass ein Teil dessen, was in der magischen Welt passiert, und sie hatte ein gewisses Verständnis für die magische Welt.

"Nun, Daisy, die Dinge sind nicht so schlimm, wie du denkst."

"Nein, Mama, selbst in der magischen Welt dürfen Kinder nicht so leicht einen Zauberstab nehmen", war Daisy völlig auf Alberts Seite, sie wusste, dass ihr Sohn sehr zuverlässig war.

"Woher weißt du das?" fragte Herb neugierig.

"Wenn du all diese Bücher liest, wirst du es wissen", sah Daisy ihren Mann vorwurfsvoll an, "kannst du dich um Albert kümmern? Er ist unser kostbarer Sohn."

"Keine Sorge, Albert hat uns seit seiner Kindheit nicht mehr beunruhigt", kannte Herb den Charakter seines Sohnes sehr gut. Es war wahr, dass Albert ihnen nie Sorgen machte, also wenn er dagegen war, dass Niya den Zauberstab benutzte, dann musste es wahr sein.

"You should all have some snacks," Daisy said as she took the food parcel inside the room.

After being imprisoned all the way, when Tom was released from the cat's cage, he started running around. Sansa and Daisy went to the kitchen to prepare desserts and black tea, meanwhile Luke was listening to his son and grandson talking about Diagon Alley. Their missing parts complemented each other.

Luke, of course, knew that the portrait of a wizard was moving, and he also knew Dumbledore.

He put the chocolate frog that Herb brought into a large glass bottle and placed it in the living room as a decoration.

"I even wrote to Dumbledore at that time, asking why I didn't receive the invitation letter," After so many years, Luke was relieved as he stated his own story, "It was because I didn't have any ability to cast spells. I was eleven at that time. The so-called squib, me, was sent away by my family for 1 year and was handed over to an ordinary distant relative to be raised."

"How can they do this?" Herb was puzzled and angry. He felt that his family had done too much.

"The squib is a shame to a wizard's family," Luke whispered, "They will hide this secret as much as possible, and even pretend that there is no such person."

"That's sad," Niya comforted.

"After so many years, I have put those things aside, and have cut connections from the family over there," Luke picked up Niya and put her on his lap, and said with a smile, "However, Albert became a wizard a bit strangely. I remember when Herb didn't receive the invitation letter, I gave up completely."

In the small talk, Albert showed them new magic, such as the glowing spell, the repairing spell, the cleaning spell, and the unlocking spell. These were the four magics he currently mastered, thanks to the promotion to level 2 Blood of the wizard.

Although he was not yet an expert in it, it was quite surprising to see the cracked teacup slowly being repaired and the tea poured on the table being dried without warning.

"I want to do that too," Niya looked at her grandfather coquettishly and whispered, "I want to learn magic too, Albert is too cunning, he even hides his wand."

Luke looked at his grandson and asked him for his opinion. He knew that Albert had his own opinion, and he would not decide on some things at will.

"You can only do what I tell you," Albert looked at his sister, and he was actually very curious about whether Nia had this talent.

"I will, I promise," Niya nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

"You promised so quickly, yet earlier, you were not listening to me at all," Albert stared at his sister and said seriously.

"I promise!" Niya quickly retorted.

"Say it with me first, the fluorescence flickers."

"Fluorescence blinks," Niya hurriedly followed, she knew it was a spell.

"Read it a few more times slowly. Don't read it wrong, otherwise, no one knows what will happen," Albert said, "I will lend you my wand later, don't jab with it, don't use it at people. Don't chant the curse, even if you don't use magic, you can't lose your temper."

"I see," Niya said a little impatiently.

"What did I just say?" Albert asked suddenly.

"Don't jab with your magic wand, don't..." Niya shuttered, pursed her lips, and complained, "I am not you, how can I remember so many things?"

"If you can't remember, then I won't give you the magic wand," Albert said seriously.

"But... well, you already said it," Niya compromised.

Watching Albert eat Niya about to fight to the death, the Andersons all laughed, kids always like to be naughty and Niya was no exception.

However, Albert had a way to manage her mischief.

After Niya crammed his words, Albert gave her his wand.

Niya took the wand excitedly, but after being glared at by Albert, she calmed down, chanted the spell obediently and tried to use the glowing spell, but the spell did not succeed.

"Take a deep breath, concentrate, and try again," Albert stretched out his hand on Nia's shoulder and said softly.

Luminous spells were one of the simplest spells. If it cannot be used, it probably means that Niya may not have the talent to become a wizard.

"Fluorescence flickers," Niya tried several more times, but none of them succeeded.

"You are anxious, don't worry, the more anxious, the easier it is to fail," Albert stroked his sister's hair and turned his head to look at his grandfather.

Luke shook his head, Albert actually knew what it meant.

"Am I not talented enough to be a wizard?" Niya cried and looked very sad.

"I don't know either," Albert comforted, "Perhaps, it's because you are still young."

"No! Albert always likes to lie. I must not have the talent to be a wizard," Niya dropped the wand and ran away.

Albert picked up his wand with a helpless look, looked in the direction where Niya ran, and prepared to catch up.

"I'm going to find Niya," Luke stood up and walked in the direction of his granddaughter. He understood Niya's current mood.. He was the same when he found out he was a squib.