
Der Alchemist von Harry Potter

Albert has never had any big ambitions. He has always thought of himself as a salted fish. He was reborn and turned on the panel cheat sheet. This is the proper way to become a winner in life. When Albert was planning to make a salted fish with a goal, the Owl sent an invitation from Hogwarts, and he realized that he had traveled to the world of Harry Potter novels. Now, Albert is considering how to be a dreamy salted fish in the magic world. I saw that the fic was posted more times but not until the end only until about chapter 60. https://novelvice.com/novel/the-alchemist-of-harry-potter/ PS: The original story has over 1000 chapters.

Arion_Sturmklinge · Book&Literature
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100 Chs


Die Andersons wussten nicht, wie Luke Niya tröstete und es schaffte, die verspielte Enkelin wiederherzustellen.

In den nächsten Tagen gingen Herb und Daisy beide wieder zur Arbeit, während Albert und Niya weiterhin in der Charles Street blieben und ihren Sommerurlaub genossen.

Albert teilte die Geschichte der Magie und anderer Bücher mit dem alten Paar und führte die Magie vor ihnen durch. Er gab auch ein Vermögen aus und bat Wezeek, ein Zauberschach zu bestellen. Er wollte Lernen, wie man Schach spielt.

Zuerst war Niya von Wizard Chess überrascht, aber sie mochte dieses Spiel bald.

Natürlich war das Ergebnis, dass niemand mit Albert Schach spielte, weil seine schachlichen Fähigkeiten alle deutlich übertroffen hatten.

Zaubererschach war eigentlich das gleiche wie Schach, aber seine Figuren waren alle lebendig. Normalerweise benötigen Sie ein Passwort, um die Teile zu befehligen, was eher wie das Kommandieren einer Armee war.

Wenn man danach greifen würde, würde die Schachfigur die Hand mit ihrer Waffe durchbohren.

Gewöhnliche Menschen können sie auch benutzen, weil sie maßgeschneidert wurden.

Die Schachfiguren scheinen selbstbewusst zu sein, und sie jammerten und beschwerten sich immer und sagten: "Willst du Schach spielen? Schicken Sie mich nicht dorthin! Schickt einen Bauern und opfert ihn. Es spielt keine Rolle."

Alberts Studie ging sehr schnell voran. Während dieser Zeit erfüllte er auch die Aufgabe "Lukas's Regret" und sammelte 1.500 Erfahrungspunkte.

Er hatte 30.000 Erfahrungspunkte gesammelt. Obwohl der Erfahrungspool groß zu sein scheint, war er eigentlich nutzlos.

Je höher das Fähigkeitsniveau, desto schwieriger ist es, die Fähigkeit zu verbessern. Später kann es nur Erfahrungspool- oder Fähigkeitspunkte zum Upgrade verbrauchen.

"Albert, bist du sicher, dass dieses Blatt schweben wird?" Niya schaute immer wieder auf das Blatt, aber es antwortete nie.

"Ich denke, die Geste ist falsch", war Albert ein wenig deprimiert. Beim Wirken eines Zaubers war auch seine Handgelenkbewegung sehr wichtig. Manchmal kann eine falsche Bewegung oder eine nicht standardmäßige Schreibweise dazu führen, dass die Magie fehlschlägt. Das einzige, was Anfängern in der Magie leicht fiel, war, Fehler zu begehen.

In Abwesenheit eines Lehrers konnte er es nur langsam erkunden oder die Erfahrung im Erfahrungspool nutzen, um die Fähigkeit auf Stufe 1 zu verbessern und direkt zu meistern.

Albert entschied sich für Ersteres und zog Letzteres in Betracht, es sei denn, er konnte es wirklich nicht beherrschen. Er kümmerte sich nicht viel um einen schwebenden Zauber und es war nicht anders, ihn zu meistern, als ihn zu lernen.

"Es stellt sich heraus, dass Magie wirklich nicht so einfach zu erlernen ist", bewunderte Niya Alberts Geduld. Sie erkannte, dass es ihr in diesem Bereich eindeutig fehlte, nicht, dass sie auch in den anderen besser war als er.

"Natürlich ist es, als würde man Mathematik lernen. Es muss Schritt für Schritt getan werden", schob Albert seine Schwester auf eine Schaukel und tröstete sie beiläufig: "Gib nicht bis zum Ende auf."

"I hate it. I'm tired of such comforting words," Niya curled her lips, but she was still very happy.

Actually, Niya guessed that she might not really have the talent to be a wizard. After talking to her grandfather last time, she didn't care about it.

When there were no people in the park, Albert tried another floating spell. This time, he succeeded. After chanting Wingardium Leviosa, the leaves successfully floated in the air.

This time, Albert noticed that someone was looking here, so he put away his wand, followed his instincts, and stared at the guy who was looking at him. The other party was a teenager yet slightly older than him.

"Do you want something?" Albert raised his eyebrows, looked at the boy, and asked. Albert was not at all afraid of the opponent in front of him. His karate was upgraded to level 2, even without using a wand, he could beat ordinary people to the ground.

Albert learned karate when he was eight years old. It was aimed at those bear kids who liked to make trouble. After he made three children cry at school last time, everyone in the school knew that Albert Anderson was someone not to mess with. [EN: 'Bear kids' is used to refer to kids who like to bully others, bad kids. ]

For this reason, Daisy was called by the teacher, but she still stood firm on Albert's side and called her husband over as well.

The husband and wife gave full play of their lawyer skills, leaving everyone speechless.

No way, all three children were older than Albert. They can beat others but are embarrassed to be beaten?

In the end, the matter was settled.

At that time, Albert officially accepted this new family.

"You are a freshman at Hogwarts, right? Don't try magic in this kind of place. You will be discovered. Ordinary people are afraid of the power of magic," The boy looked at the leaves floating in the sky with surprise. He didn't expect to see a freshman who was just about to enrol, and the other party managed to make the leaves float.

"Thank you, I will pay attention," Albert felt that the other person was not malicious, he thanked him and then got ready to leave with his sister.

"I'm Gabriel, Gabriel Truman, a student at Hufflepuff house, and I live nearby," Gabriel Truman shook hands with Albert kindly, "You are a freshman, right? Hope you can come to Hufflepuff house."

"Hufflepuff?" Albert asked questioningly.

"Oh, I guess you still don't understand the four colleges and the sorting ceremony," Just as Truman was about to say something, he saw an owl flying towards this side and threw a letter at his feet.

"How come there are owls now?" Truman picked up the letter questioningly, opened it in front of Albert, his expression froze, and his face suddenly turned ugly.

Niya also noticed the change in atmosphere and quickly hid behind Albert.

"What's wrong?" Albert also felt something was wrong, and asked tentatively.

"I am fired," Truman's face was full of doubts and anger, and he seemed to be going crazy any time now. He didn't understand why the Ministry of Magic would send a letter saying that he had been fired for using the Levitation Spell in front of Muggles.

"That's right, it's you, it must be you," Truman saw Albert and suddenly figured out what was going on. He rushed madly at the new student in front of him but suddenly felt that the world was spinning. He realized that he was being hit down by the freshman kid in front of him.

The next moment, Truman felt a pain in his wrist and he hissed due to the burning sensation.

"Calm down, things are not as bad as you think," Albert had guessed the reason from Truman's words, and how the hapless guy was expelled from the school.

"I didn't use the Levitating Spell at all," Truman roared very angrily, "I didn't even wear a wand."

"I know, I used that spell," Albert reminded him calmly, "Maybe, we should write to the school and explain the situation. If necessary, I will testify it to them. Don't worry, they will not fire you, we'd better write a letter now, one by one, and explain the situation to the principal. Do you have an owl?"

"No," Truman was a little depressed when he mentioned it.

"Brother, it's Cella." Niya pointed to the owl flying here.

"It seems that Cella knows we need it. The owl is really a magical creature.." Albert couldn't help but sigh.