
Depraved Reverend

With his Three Fundamental views crooked, a demon is born. An old story about a time traveler who is constantly reborn. An eccentric world that grows, cultivates and uses Gu. And a peerless great demon that freely acts to his heart’s content. FanFic Synopsis: Alex an avid reader of Reverend Insanity and a big fan of the protagonist Gu Yue Fang Yuan dies and get’s reborn in the Gu world. Having inherited the protagonist’s 500 years’ worth of memories, what will he do? Will he walk the same path as the protagonist? Or will he create his path? P.S. I do not own the cover.

NewWhite · Others
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75 Chs

Chapter 9 - Before the Awakening Ceremony VII

When Mother Shen passed by Fang Zheng's door, she saw that the lights were still on behind the door. Noticing that she scoffed.

'Once I become Concubine Shen, the first thing that I will do is kick out this useless brat. It's already so let yet instead of sleeping he is still awake. Does he think that the oil used for burning the lamp is free? Such a wastrel… humph… Just you wait I will take care of you once I become your elder brother's concubine.' Mother Shen thought to herself as she passed by Fang Zheng's room.


Inside Fang Zheng's room.

Fang Yuan's and Fang Zheng's rooms were side by side. Right now, Fang Zheng had his ear plastered to the wall trying to make out any sort of noise that could indicate what was going on in Fang Yuan's room.

He had heard from the servants that tonight Fang Yuan would be taking Shen Cui's virginity and make her his concubine.

While trying to eavesdrop on his brother and Shen Cui, Fang Zheng recalled the conversation of his Uncle and Aunt that he had overheard today.


"Fang Yuan might have A-grade talent, so we should treat him even better." (Uncle)

"I know, he is the hope of our clan. *sigh* They are both twins, yet Fang Zheng isn't good at anything! If only he was half as good as Fang Yuan." (Aunt)

"Hmph, don't mention him, he's useless anyway." (Uncle)

"How about after the awakening ceremony we... disown him?" (Aunt)


Recalling the conversation, he overhead between his Uncle and Aunt, Fang Zheng was filled with hatred, hatred towards his own elder brother. Because none of this would have happened if his brother didn't exist! Shen Cui would have also been serving only him then.

'Your brother may be a prodigy and he also might be A-grade talent. But his personality is too cold. In comparison, I prefer warm and gentle people like you more. But you and I, are both pitiful people being played by fate.' This was what Cui'er had said to him a while back.

This meant that compared to her brother, she liked him more, yet now here she was being made to serve her brother.

Feng Zheng was discontented. He was sad, angry, and pained.

At first, he couldn't hear anything but soon he was able to Shen Cui moaning from pleasure and calling out Fang Yuan's name, which caused his heart to be filled with jealousy and rage, yet even though he hated to admit it he couldn't stop himself from becoming aroused listening to Shen Cui's moan, after listening to it for a while he found himself having an erection.

Every time he heard Shen Cui moan, he felt pain in his heart and a hollow sensation in his chest, yet despite that he couldn't stop himself from taking off his pants and masturbating while listening to Shen Cui, who was moaning and calling out Fang Yuan's name.

Fang Zheng ejaculated within a few moments, his minute amount of spunk sprayed on the wall, from where it trailed downwards to the floor. After ejaculating once his member didn't get hard again. Fang Zheng stood there with his head lowered and his right hand holding his limp member which still had drops of white glob dripping off its tip to the floor, he could still hear Shen Cui moaning which signified that Fang Yuan was still hard, tears started rolling down his cheeks as he looked at his limp member which wouldn't get hard again.

Fang Zheng stood there the whole night, head lowered with his right hand clutching his limp member and face drenched in tears as he listened to Shen Cui's moans which didn't stop until much later that night.


Standing in front of the Master's bedroom, Mother Shen knocked on the door.


Once she got permission, Mother Shen entered the room.

She looked up and saw the Madam sitting in front of the mirror naked drying her hair which was wet. Even though the Madam was ten years older than her she had properly maintained her figure, her breasts were about as big as Mother Shen's, which was a D cup, and she had a square-shaped big ass. Her excellent assets were connected by a slim waist which nicely enhanced her overall figure.

When the Madam noticed Mother Shen eyeing her figure her lips curled up in a smile and she beckoned Mother Shen to come towards her side, handing over the towel to help her dry her hair. Mother Shen stepped forward and took the towel from her hand and started drying her hair. As she was drying the Madam's hair, she reported the progress between Shen Cui's and Fang Yuan's relationship. When she was about done with her report, Master stepped into the room from the bathing area, like the Madam he too was completely naked. Master froze for a moment when he noticed Mother Shen in the room, she immediately bowed to greet him acting like everything was normal. Once he acknowledged her greeting, she glanced at his penis briefly before resuming to dry the Madam's hair. Master came to stand in front of the Madam, standing on the side of the mirror and listening to Mother Shen's report along with Madam. Mother Shen noticed that as soon as Madam heard Master coming into the room she immediately wrapped herself with a towel to cover her nudity and after that when she saw her husband naked she shoot a glance at his penis and a look of frustration and disgust flashed by her eyes.

When Mother Shen saw this, she sighed in her heart. It can be said that this couple in front of her had everything, except for children of their own and the reason why they didn't have any children is that…

'Madam can be considered a beauty in her own right. Yet such beauty is left sexually unsatisfied every night… In a sense, both of us are alike as I too am left carving for more, but in my case, it is because of my incompetent husband and his toothpick like a penis but for the Madam, it is because her husband got injured while out on a mission assigned to him by the clan.'

Thank you ygrekks, Yuri_Magato, Atanu and Gringee for the power stones.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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