
Depraved Reverend

With his Three Fundamental views crooked, a demon is born. An old story about a time traveler who is constantly reborn. An eccentric world that grows, cultivates and uses Gu. And a peerless great demon that freely acts to his heart’s content. FanFic Synopsis: Alex an avid reader of Reverend Insanity and a big fan of the protagonist Gu Yue Fang Yuan dies and get’s reborn in the Gu world. Having inherited the protagonist’s 500 years’ worth of memories, what will he do? Will he walk the same path as the protagonist? Or will he create his path? P.S. I do not own the cover.

NewWhite · Others
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75 Chs

Chapter 10 - Before the Awakening Ceremony VIII

'Madam can be considered a beauty in her own right. Yet such beauty is left sexually unsatisfied every night… In a sense, both of us are alike as I too am left carving for more, but in my case, it is because of my incompetent husband and his toothpick like a penis but for the Madam, it is because her husband got injured while out on a mission assigned to him by the clan. He was attacked by an enemy clan member, the enemy did his absolute best to try and kill Master and as such he attacked relentlessly due to which he was nearly beaten to death, but somehow, he managed to escape, as the enemy was unable to kill Master in his rage, he attacked Master's virility thereby destroying his manhood's roots. Although the medicine hall's elder personally moved and saved him, his aptitude dropped down to C grade, and more importantly, his manhood was irreparably damaged.'

Mother Shen thought while recalling what she saw when she stole a glance at Master's penis. It only had the size and thickness of a child's pinkie finger, also there was only one ball in the sack instead of two and there was a big ugly scar around the penis which seemed to not have healed properly even after such a long time and was secreting a little bit of pus. Compared to that her husband's penis was a lot better, at least it had the size and thickness of an adult's pinkie finger, but it was also smelly.

While drying Madam's hair, Mother Shen glanced at her face. She saw that the Madam would continue to occasionally keep glancing at Master's penis and every time she did the frustration visible in her eyes continued to grow and by now there were also tears appearing in her eyes. Mother Shen felt quite bad for her Madam. When she was young Mother Shen, had a few flings and as such even though she was never sexually satisfied fully, she had played with and experienced a few dicks before she had married her incompetent husband. Madam on the other hand had only been with one dick in her whole life – her husband's.

'It was said that the accident happened right after Master and Madam had gotten married, the clan sent him on the mission the same morning he got married, as such it is safe to say that the Madam must have never experienced what a blissful marriage feels like, she must have not even gotten a chance to play with Master's dick to her heart's content before the accident.' When her thoughts reached this point, a light went off in her head. 'That's it! That's the reason why she is so frustrated… As she had never once enjoyed a blissful marriage, she doesn't even know what it feels like to be sexually satisfied but now as Master is injured, he can no longer fulfill her sexual needs, even though he tries his best, but with his pinkie dick it's just impossible, which causes her to take care of her needs by herself, as such she is frustrated most of the time as she can't take care of it properly.'

After understanding her Madam's problems Mother Shen felt even more sorry for her. For the Madam to be able to endure for such a long time Mother Shen came to see her in a new light and the respect that she had for her increased. Because, unlike the Madam who could endure it, after Mother Shen married her husband and found out that he could not satisfy her in bed, Mother Shen would sneak out occasionally to find a random wild man to have sex with and satisfy her thirst, it is only by doing this that Mother Shen was able to hold on until now. That's the reason Mother Shen's admiration towards the Madam increased was because if she was in the Madam's position, she wouldn't have been able to endure it and definitely would have tried to hook up with some guy to satisfy her cravings.

"Okay. That's enough Mother Shen you can go back and sleep now." Madam said

"Then Master. Madam. This servant will leave now."

Mother Shen bowed towards the couple and excused herself. Before leaving the room, she couldn't help but sneak one last glance at the damaged penis and shook her head.

While she was closing the door, she heard the couple talking and eavesdropped.

"Dear let's go to sleep to." (Master)

"Okay. But first please put on your clothes." (Madam)

"Why is there need to wear clothes dear? Let us enjoy each other's warmth." Master said while chuckling.

"Enjoy each other's warmth? And what can you do even if you enjoy my body warmth? Can you get hard again? Have you forgotten already? Just now in the bath, you insisted that I suck you, my hand had just barely touched your penis and yet you had immediately let it out. Thank goodness I was able to doge it or it would have landed on my dress!!" Madam said through clenched teeth, clearly, she was upset about it.

"Hey, don't be like that. It was because your hand felt so good that it came out. And besides only a little bit came out and you even evaded it." (Master)

"Only a little bit came out? You!!! What little bit? It was just a single drop that you shot out and it immediately became limp after shooting it out and on top of that, it was so stinky. Your penis too, it's starting to stink again just like it did when you were injured, yet you insist that I suck it. Let me tell you that I will never suck it until you do something about that awful smell." Madam exploded.

'No wonder Madam kept sending frustrated and disgusted glances at Master's penis.' Mother Shen thought.

"You!!! Fine." Master spat out.

Not wanting to get caught eavesdropping Mother Shen quickly walked back to her room and laid on her bed.

'I wonder how Young Master Fang Yuan's cock is? I hope it is big and can satisfy both me and my daughter. Right, I will ask about it tomorrow from Shen Cui. Hehe…'

Thinking so Mother Shen fell asleep.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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