
Demons of Edo: The Angel of Black Apple

The mobile simulator became her whole reality.

Bisa · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Special Power

He squinted. 

"Why are you helping me?"

"I'm not helping you, I'm helping myself. A man entering a woman's room is a forbidden thing, if anyone finds out it could ruin my reputation, I might even be forced to marry you."

He continued squinting at me. 


I walked around him as he made a beeline for the open window. 

"HIMIKO!" The sound of my brother's voice rang out. 

I hurried to the stairs. 


"You're there? Thank goodness… I thought… nevermind."

It was dark but the glass I lit was still lighting the place up. Brother looked scary though engulfed by darkness with only his face gliding through as if he had no body... He drew closer.

"You thought what?" 

Close enough to see the mess.

"It's nothing… huh? What's this mess?"

Hmph. Fine be that way.

"I tripped and fell." I hurriedly put my things back inside the chests.

Brother helped me. 

"Seriously, you're so clumsy."

Together we put the things up and I stored them in my shelves downstairs. 

"By the way, that guest couldn't decide on what to receive as a reward from Father, so he'll continue to reside in the castle for the time being."

"I see."

Brother turned to leave.


He stopped. "What?"

"...When I first fell in the pond, why didn't you tell me there was someone who saved me?"

Brother fell silent, he opened his mouth but no sound came out for a while. 

"That person… he was a hanyo that held you hostage after saving you in order for his buddies to escape, he made a shameless request so I didn't think it was worth mentioning it, it was better for Father to handle him, and knowing you… you'd probably feel obligated to do whatever he says." 

Then why did Father leave it to me?

"I'm… not stupid."

"I didn't say you were." 

I pursed my lips and squinted. It sounds like it...well, the younger me could be gullible but...Fine! I'll let it slide.

"You should go now brother."

He nodded. 


As he left the room, I sighed. 

What was the request that person made that brother wanted to shield me from him? He didn't say much to me… or to Father…

When I turned around and headed upstairs Hotaru was watching me with folded arms. 

I nearly jumped out of my own skin. 

"You…" I pointed at him. "Your eyes!"

He covered one of his eyes. 

"O-well… shit! They do that sometimes at night alright?!" 

I had never heard of such a thing but it made sense since he's a hanyo. A child with a human and demon parent.

"Why are you still here?!"

"Because I had a question." 

Hearing Brother's story about him, my respect for him decreased. Still… he saved my life… I regret not telling Brother he had been here.

"What's the most valuable thing here?"

"The most valuable thing?"


"Well, that's subjective."

He squinted. 

"Sub- wha?"

"Subjective. What's valuable to me wouldn't be valuable to you. Moto fief is valuable because it's a large family full of capable warriors, a tight knit family that welcomes outsiders and has "charm casters" that can enchant tools and weapons. But if you had to ask its the spirit of cooperation. What's the most valuable is the bond between everyone, doing their part to help and protect those they care about."

Hotaru looked utterly disgusted.

"So… you're saying there's nothing valuable here."

"You could probably steal some of our weapons, but they're not the most valuable thing here."

"I see." 

"But, like I said. Since you saved me, if you need something, you can just ask for it, my Father will be more than willing to help or do anything you ask."

"That so?" It sounded like I was losing him. His mind seemed preoccupied so I doubt he got what I said. Everyone's reactions to his gifts probably made him think that way but it's truly not the case.

"So what you're saying to him, the most valuable thing here is you."

Did he hear nothing I said? He'd be better off raiding the workshop for the items worked on by the charm casters but as someone ignorant it'd be uselsss- he wouldn't know any of its functions without explanation and some of them could only be used once. Wait, if he actually considered this that means he's actually intelligent! Eh...


"There are a lot of guards here… and your Father, the Lord of this place is willing to do anything I ask just cause I saved you."

You're wrong. This is just courtesy.

"Well… any parent would be(actually not true)- I mean, to my Father, I suppose... my brother would be more…"

He stepped forward. 

I backed away suddenly feeling intimidated.

"You're right! The truth is, I have a special power."

He raised a brow.