
Demons of Edo: The Angel of Black Apple

The mobile simulator became her whole reality.

Bisa · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs


I don't know what they decided on in the end in terms of reward (Father's), I returned to my room feeling a bit jittery but for the most part relieved that my gifts were accepted. 

Though I was still bummed out, Brother didn't want my ring. His words came back to mind and I nodded. Strengthening our allies?

He's right. The same recurring problem in the game was that new clans that settled in would still die due to their dwindling numbers. All the blessings went to the older clans because they survived the longest, the new clans always came close to the blood moon so giving it to them would be a waste as they didn't have enough time to earn any experience to level up their blessings.

But...if it was equipment that was different!

It was time to pay attention to the Nomura clan. Even though the head lost to Father once upon a time, they were still fearsome warriors. Fur and animal skin clothes were also pretty expensive, showing the former wealth of their village.

Recalling the few glimpses I saw of their fashion sense, I began to sew with the extra fabric I had lying around. I ended up working into the dead of the night and put up my things to move downstairs. I had to wait for the blood to return to my legs. I have a bad habit of sitting badly when focused...

The worst thing about being in these times is that there was no electricity, but it was fine since I memorized the positions of everything. I carried a box downstairs to store my unfinished work.

(My bedroom was the attic, but the room below was like a storage room for my things.)

I stumbled and the tower of boxes I was carrying, toppled like the tower of babel. 

I couldn't even begin to make out what had spilled or not but what I could make out was something pale within the darkness. 

I squinted. 

"Are you gonna get off of me or what?" I saw a glint of two round red things and I panicked. Eyes?

"Wha-huh?! Is someone there?!" I retreated back up the steps and ran to bring over a glass decoration, I channeled mana into it and it lit up like a christmas tree. 

The guest from today was lying there at the bottom of the stairs, he slowly sat up and shielded his face from the glass's glow. 

A face I never thought I'd see again. "What the -(ah, I'm supposed to be a proper lady)how did you get in here?!"

My quarters were usually guarded.

"What is this place?"

"It's my room." 

"What? The most guarded area in the castle is your room? And here I thought there was some hidden treasure…" 

My face twitched. I was beginning to understand Uncle Jiro… I thought he was being rude but perhaps it really was his intuition. "Did Father not already give you everything you want? Why would you even entertain the thought of stealing?" 

"Tch." whatever reward he got must've been disappointing for him to go this far.

In olden times, a man entering a lady's room was seen as something scandalous it could disgrace me! What if I was forced to marry this scoundrel??

Judging from this guy's origins he must be a peasant, he wouldn't understand how bad this looks.

"What's with that look?"

"...You shouldn't be in here. You could get in trouble with my household otherwise." I walked over to my semi circle window and opened the small glass shutters. "You can leave through here. You're more likely to get spotted if you leave back where you came from."