
Demons of Edo: The Angel of Black Apple

The mobile simulator became her whole reality.

Bisa · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

The Most Valuable Thing

He raised a brow. 

"I can make people fall for me!"

He had been listening seriously for a second when the realization dawned on him.

"You're pulling my leg."

"I was born a girl, and I have these things called lips…"


"And should I feel threatened, these lips will move."

His eyes widened sarcastically, his anticipation dimming. "Uhuh."

"If they touch you, you'll get cooties."

He tilted his head at me, eyebrow twitching.

"How old are you?!"

I thought he'd be dumb enough to fall for it but it looks like the disease called cooties was universal. 

"And you'll fall in love with me!" 

He rolled his eyes. "Who was the one talking about a man walking into a woman's room was a disgraceful thing?"

"No one will know!" I approached him hoping him to be ,"the unexperienced with women" type but as I made kissy faces he face palmed.

His fingernails were long for a guy, I realized, the tips sharp and pointed as if meant to tear and slash should he be separated from his sword maybe...that's when the panic seeped in and I realized, approaching him was a huge mistake.

 So I kicked him in the nuts and booked it. What was Dad and Bro thinking anyway letting a Hanyo inside the castle?! No matter how himan he looks he's still a hanyo.

The guards should have been right around the corner but instead I saw Hotaru there. 

"Where- what did you do to the guards?"

"Ya damn bi-

I ran away before he could finish his sentence. 

Needless to say he was fast. He was on me in seconds, I ducked, dived and threw clumps of dirt around. 

"What do you want from meeee?!"

It was apparent reinforcements weren't coming to my secluded side of the court, so I ran around back to my room, locked myself inside and channeled energy into my door knob. (Like I said, Himiko was ahead of her time. Everyone uses slide doors...well I still personally prefer slide doors but knobs make you feel more secure...)

I heard a buzz, the door shook for a couple of seconds before ceasing. Good. He got electrocuted. 

"...T-the hell?" He sounded frazzled.

My lips couldn't help stretching. "Can't we just talk this out?"

". . ." I saw his silhouette on the other side and backed away. 

Seeing that he said nothing, I thought perhaps he was considering it. 

My door flew open, I stumbled onto my butt and scrambled towards my bedroom door when he yanked me back by the hair and I twisted around, not joking this time, my hands balled into fists.. I prepared to swing and try for an eye or Adam's apple when my lips brushed his face. 


I remember words, I once heard when I was young. Something an old priest said in passing. 

"Well she's the reincarnation of the Angel so perhaps…"

Of course back then before I had recalled my memories. I didn't know what Angel he was referring to but I'm inclined to mean he meant me regardless. It was never brought up again.

The land of Black Apple was one of the top 17 Kingdoms(on the top ranking board, as players quit my ranking went up so I can't really say I'm a bad ass) blessed by the heavens, suitable for human inhabitation. 

In a world where the land was overrun by demons… no place was safe. Even these Kingdoms weren't sometimes. Weaker demons fled to human inhabitations to grow stronger and hide from the stronger, more vicious demons. 

I figured Hotaru might be one of them. Thus I was able to forgive him.

That morning, we had breakfast with my family (Brother mainly, as Father and Mother typically have their meals elsewhere) as if nothing had happened. Hotaru was scarfing down his food.

"So, have you thought of what you wanted to ask yet?" I asked Hotaru.

His eye twitched at me "...No."

Brother looked up from his meal. "Perhaps you should jog your memory, what were you hoping to gain by ambushing our carriage?" 

"A lot of things…" Hotaru paused to think. "Your money, your carriage, your lives…"

Brother's expression was unreadable but his tone said it all. "Well, we can give you a carriage and money."

"Ah, I don't need one. What I'm looking for is a treasure, a treasure that can make me strong."

Meaning that he and his comrades wanted different things huh? Is he splitting up from them? I'd be pissed if my comrade split off from the group and came back with treasures for themselves. Well maybe he doesn't plan on returning...

"My Sister already gave you a weapon."

"Are you perhaps looking to become a full fledged demon?" I asked him out of curiosity.

Hotaru stopped chewing and he just stared at me, as did my Brother.

Hmm? Did I ask something odd? I had asked while leaning forward, but now I met my brother's stunned gaze and leaned back.