
Fairy Tail

Year X777, Fiore Kingdom, Magnolia Town, East Forest…

A boy that looks like a twelve year old was lying down on the grassy ground with closed eyes, seemingly asleep. A few moments later, his eyelids twitched and then slowly opened. He looked around cluelessly with a confused look in his eyes. Then suddenly-

"Ugh, my head!" The boy clutched his head as memories came swirling in one after another, giving him a massive headache. This continued on for another 8 minutes before stopping abruptly, like it never happened.

"M-My name is Zach. Zacharius Arcanix." Zach muttered to himself after the massive headache

Zach then raised his head, releasing it from his clutch. Now remembering everything, he looked at the ring on his right hand's middle finger which had 'ZA' written on it. This was his father's gift to him before he was sent away. He then resolutely said, "Right, my father Daemon is in danger. He sent me away to escape and get to safety. I-I need to get stronger so that I can help him."

He then stood up and was about to start walking when he heard something behind him. "Vee, Master, vee!"

He then turned around to look behind him and saw a little creature that had a body structure like a fennec fox with a bushy brown fur, a white-colored mane, a fluffy tail, and two long ears.

"Eevee! I'm so glad you're still with me." Zach then rushed towards Eevee and hugged her. Having a companion made him feel a little less lonely now. After hugging Eevee, he then put her on top of his head. Eevee immediately made herself comfortable atop her master's head.

Having done that, he then stood up and started walking aimlessly, trying to find ways to get stronger faster with his partner on top of his head.

3 months later…

"Eve, turn to Leafeon! Bind it, we're ending this!" Zach ordered Eevee as he dashed towards the Forest Vulcan and punched at it.

"Elemental Demon's Fire Punch! Die, big monkey!" Blue flames covered Zach's arm and blasted it towards the Forest Vulcan, leaving it on its final breaths.

"You littl- gah!" The Forest Vulcan finally dropped down after a long 30 minute fight.

Zach and Eevee also collapsed to the ground from exhaustion. This was their hardest fight ever since they arrived 3 months ago. A Forest Vulcan tried to [Take Over] Zach when he was sleeping, but luckily, Eevee was alerted and woke her master up, leading to this hard-fought battle.

Eevee transformed back to her normal state and crawled to her master's side. She then lied down exhaustively and said, "Master, I'm hungry."

Zach patted her partner's head and said, "Don't worry Eve, I'm hungry too. This battle made me hungry. Let me catch some meat for us."

Zach lifted up his exhausted body to find some wild game. 10 minutes later, Zach came back with 20 wild chickens in hand. After arriving, there was already dry wood ready to use. Zach and Eevee had already done this many times, where one of them catches food and the other setting up the place to cook.

Eevee then started a fire while Zach plucked the chickens' feathers and seasoned it with the spices they found in the forest.

Having done that, Zach pierced it with a stick and yelled, "[Culinary Demon's Smoke Style: Chicken Smoking]", let it roast near the fire and waited.

While Zach and Eevee were cooking their food, a boy that looked like a 10 year old and a little old man was walking through the East Forest of Magnolia. The boy suddenly stopped and sniffed the air, after that, his stomach grumbled which prompted the little old man to laugh.

The little old man whose name was Makarov Dreyar just found this boy called Natsu Dragneel a while ago when he was returning from a guild masters' meeting. He found him burning a piece of meat through his breath and immediately thought of him as a kid with a high potential. Eventually, he came to know that this boy called Natsu uses Dragon Slayer Magic, a Lost Magic. Makarov then invited Natsu to join Fairy Tail as a mage.

Both Makarov and Natsu were on their way to the guild when he saw Natsu stop and then heard his stomach grumble. Makarov chuckled and then asked, "Natsu, what's wrong, feeling hungry?"

"Jicchan, I smell somebody cooking food nearby, maybe they will share with us?" Natsu said with an innocent look on his face.

"Oh, sure. Let's just ask if they are willing to share." Makarov replied while smiling.

Natsu then lead the way, following his sense of smell to locate the place while Makarov followed behind, admiring Natsu's sense of smell.

Waiting for the food to get cooked, Zach and Eevee were sitting down on a log. Zach's and Eevee's nose and ears suddenly twitched at the same time. They both heard footsteps coming towards their direction.

*sniff *sniff… 'this smell, a person… and a dragon?!' Zach was alerted by what he smelled. He looked at Eevee and saw the same amount of graveness in her eyes.

"Master, should we run? I feel a very strong presence coming towards us, vee." Eevee asked Zach in a cute grave voice.

Zach thought for a bit and said, "Let's find out the situation first. Transform to your Espeon form first and teleport us if things get dangerous."

Eevee just nodded and transformed into her Espeon form and got ready to teleport at anytime.

Zach then stood up and got ready for a battle. He hollered, "Who's there? Come out!"

2 silhouettes emerged from the shadows under the trees. Moving forward, their faces became visible. They were Makarov and Natsu.

Zach and Eevee both tensed up when they felt Makarov's strong presence but Zach's sharp eyes were trained on Natsu. He asked, "You, why do you smell like a dragon?"

Natsu also looked at Zach but with perplexed eyes. Natsu said, "You smell weird. I haven't smelled someone like you before."

"I asked you a question." Zach said flatly.

"Oh, that's because my father is a Dragon." Natsu answered with a big smile on his face but then became sad as if he remembered something.

Zach noticed that, but he didn't care. He then asked, "So, what do you guys want?"

This time, it was Makarov who answered, "No need to be so tensed boy, we didn't come here to fight..."

When Zach and Eevee heard that, they visibly relaxed but still didn't let up their guard.

Makarov patted Natsu's back and said, "Natsu here smelled your food and got hungry, so we came to ask if you can share some of the food you're making. Well, this is embarrassing, I didn't expect that I would be asking a kid for food, haha!" Makarov laughed, trying to hide his embarrassment.

Zach thought about it for a moment before he nodded and said, "That's no problem. If you guys are here for a meal, we can share." Zach then put aside 5 whole chicken for the two of them.

Eevee, still in her Espeon form, nodded her cute little head and sounded out a resigned voice, "Esp..."

Natsu then cheered up and sat down on the log nearby, opposite of Zach and Eevee. Makarov followed and started looking around. As his attention was on Zach earlier, he didn't notice the dead Vulcan nearby. Makarov was stunned and thought, 'A Vulcan?! Did this kid defeat it?!' He then looked at the kid, this time with a serious glint in his eyes.

As the food was now done, they all started eating silently… except Natsu, who was eating ravenously. Natsu finished his 4 whole chicken in a blink of an eye. He then looked at the remaining ones near Zach and looked at him with puppy eyes. Zach noticed but just glared at Natsu before outright ignoring him and guarded his food.

Makarov, who saw that, chuckled silently and gave his own roasted chicken to Natsu who happily accepted it without any embarrassment.

Makarov then turned to Zach who was eating silently and asked, "So, what's your name kid? My name is Makarov Dreyar and this is Natsu Dragneel."

"Zach. Zacharius Arcanix." Zach said without turning his head.

When Natsu heard Zach's name, he stopped eating, looked up, and stared at Zach with shining eyes. "S-So cool! Your name is so cool Aniki!"

'A-Aniki?!' Zach was astonished when he heard Natsu call him that.

With a slightly red face due to the sudden praise, Zach looked at Natsu and said, "W-Well, thank you. My father gave me this name."

"Really?! Then we are the same! My father gave me my name too, hahaha!" Natsu laughed happily when he heard that they had something in common.

While Natsu was laughing, Makarov interjected as he looked at Zach seriously. "So Zach, did you defeat that Forest Vulcan over there?" Asked Makarov while pointing at the big, green-colored primate.

"Mm." Zach grunted while nodding his head.

Makarov's eyes flashed a mysterious light as he thought to himself, 'He's already so strong despite his age. This kid also has a keen nose like Natsu, is he a Dragon Slayer too?'

Makarov continued, "How did you do it boy, this Forest Vulcan is a strong monster you know? What magic do you use?"

"…" Zach just stared at Makarov and didn't answer his question.

"...it's fine if you don't answer my question." Makarov said with a helpless expression. "Anyway, what are you doing in this forest by yourself, kid?"

Zach continued staring at Makarov for a while before replying, "I want to get stronger."

"Oh, then why don't you join a mage guild?" Makarov said with a smile that if anybody else saw it, they would think that he was trying to swindle a kid.

"A mage guild? What is that?" Zach asked with a confused expression on his face.

"A mage guild is where strong mages gather to do missions and earn money. A mage can only be called a full-fledged mage when he/she is in a guild. Mages in a guild can get stronger faster by doing missions. And when you are deemed to be strong enough by the guild, the guild master may promote you to be an S-class mage, which takes on very hard missions that normal mages can't. Any mage in a guild can invite anyone to join their guild, but they would need the guild master's permission before it is approved..." Makarov explained eloquently.

When Zach heard Makarov say 'get stronger faster', his eyes shined with a resplendent light. Zach then looked at Makarov with a gaze filled with expectations.

When Makarov saw that, he smirked but didn't disappoint and continued, "...and luckily for you, I am the guild master of the strongest mage guild in this kingdom. Its name is… Fairy Tail!"

Zach muttered 'the strongest' in a small voice then looked at Makarov with a resolute face. Zach then said, "Jii, will you let me join your guild?"

"Hoh? But I don't know what magic you use, how am I gonna let you in my guild?" Makarov said playfully in a teasing voice.

"I… I'm a Demon Slayer." Zach said hesitantly. Not sure if it was ok to trust the old man.

Hearing Zach's answer, Makarov smiled as he thought to himself, 'Demon Slayer, huh? I found a Dragon Slayer and a Demon Slayer. What a strange day. I've never really heard of a Demon slayer though.'

In front of the Fairy Tail guild building, 3 people were standing by the gate, while one of them had a fox on top of his head.

Eevee had already returned to her original form, which greatly surprised Makarov when he saw that happen. Makarov didn't ask anything as he knew that there were a lot of different species with mystical abilities. He only asked Zach for her name which he answered proudly. After that, Zach and the others finished all of their food. They then started walking towards the Fairy Tail guild in Magnolia.

"Zach, Eevee, Natsu, Welcome to Fairy Tail!" Makarov said loudly while pushing the big door of the guild.
