
First Mission

After Makarov opened the door, what they saw was… chaos. Beer cups were flying, tables were broken, Magic was being fired, etc. There were people fighting everywhere, chaos was all over the place. When Makarov saw the state of the guild, his face darkened to a scary point. He just went to a meeting and comes back to find the guild on the verge of breaking down.

"YOU BASTARDS!!!" Makarov bellowed and suddenly grew in size.

Everything stopped at that moment. All mages in fairy tail looked back and saw a gigantic and furious Makarov coming over towards them. All members then sweatdropped so much that it was flooding.

"M-Master, y-you're back early, huh?" Gildarts Clive, a man with a shoulder-length slicked back brown hair said while stuttering.

"Hrmm?! I came back early because I feared something like this would happen. Looks like all my fears came true after all." Makarov said in a growling voice while looking at Gildarts from up above.

"You kids seem to need some discipline." Said Makarov with a malevolent smile on his face. All the guild members' faces then turned purple from fear.

After that scene, the guild was now back to normal. Makarov was now standing on the guild's counter rambling about Zach and Natsu, below him were exactly those two. One had jet black hair and eyes, and a fox on top of his head. The other one had pink hair and a scale patterned scarf.

"Listen up, Fairy Tail! We have two new members in our guild, make sure you guys take care of them well." Makarov said to the crowd before him.

All the fairy tail members nodded repeatedly with fearful faces which made Makarov smirk. After that, the crowd dispersed except for the kids, 2 girls and 1 boy. One of the girls had scarlet red hair, while the other had brown. The boy had spiky black hair and was surprisingly half-naked.

"Welcome to Fairy Tail, my name is Erza Scarlet." The girl with scarlet red hair said formally.

"Hi, I'm Cana Alberona! Nice to meet you." the girl with brown hair said cheerfully with a big smile on her face.

"I'm Gray." And lastly, the boy with spiky black hair that was half-naked.

Zach just nodded his head coolly, while Natsu was practically beaming. Natsu was so happy to see other kids his age and was the first to introduce himself.

"Hello everyone, I am Natsu Dragneel." Natsu then proceeded to shake Erza's hand and waved back at Cana. But when it came to Gray, both of them surprisingly showed some hostility towards each other.

Natsu looked at Gray with a condescending face and said, "Oi, Why are you naked?"

"Haa?! What's that have to do with you? You pink bean sprout!" Gray looked back at Natsu with a tick mark on his face.

"Did you just call me a 'pink bean sprout'? You exhibitionist!" Natsu's eyes were on fire after hearing what Gray called him and fired back his own insult.

"What's your problem, sakura-chan?!" Gray leaned his head forward to face Natsu.

"You wanna fight, hentai-chan?!" Natsu also followed and now, they were headbutting each other.

Zach, Erza, and Cana were all speechless towards this display. Both of them just met and now they were butting their heads against each other.

As it seems like the both of them won't stop, Erza approached Natsu and Gray, and raised her iron hand… which came swinging down as a karate chop towards their head.

""Ouch!"" Natsu and Gray both said at the same time while holding their heads and looked at Erza begrudgingly.

Erza then looked at the two sorry figures while putting her hands on her hips and righteously said, "Guildmates should not fight. We should all be friends."

Gray shivered when he saw Erza while Natsu said with shining eyes, "You're Erza right? Fight me!"

Gray looked at Natsu with a horrified expression and whispered, "Y-You idiot, s-stop now if you don't want to die!"

When Natsu was about to reply, Erza beat him to it. "Hoh? You want a fight? That's fine by me." She then looked at Natsu with a demonic expression while cracking her fingers.

When Natsu saw her expression, he got a chill crawling up his back and thought 'I'm dead!'

After that, there was no suspense. Natsu got a one-sided beating and was now so fearful of Erza that he swore in his mind to never fight her again, until he gets stronger.


When all of this was going on, Zach just watched them with an interested expression. He was even conversing with Eevee on Telepathy.

『Eve, this guild is pretty interesting, isn't it?』 Zach said telepathically to Eevee who was resting comfortably on his head.

『It's just noisy, Master』 Eevee said lazily.

『Haha, that's true. But compared to before where we need to be vigilant every time, this place is pretty safe.』 Living in a forest full of monsters could be pretty straining to the mind.

『Mn.』 Eevee just grunted cutely in response to her master.

Now that Erza was done disciplining Natsu, she and the others turned their attention back to Zach. Seeing that his turn was up, Zach introduced himself, "My name is Zacharius Arcanix. You can call me Zach for short."

After the introductions, Erza volunteered herself to be Zach's and Natsu's guide. She explained everything about fairy tail from the request board to the name of the members up to the forbidden second floor where only S-class mages can go.

After an hour or so from hanging out, Zach was now standing before the request board, looking for suitable jobs. From the board, he saw requests of all kinds:

-Pet Care: Take care of Mrs. Hogwash's pet cat for 25,000 Jewels.

-Teacher: Teach my kid how to use Magic for 30, 000 J.

-Hunt: Please help my village hunt a Ferocious Wolf for 50,000 J.

-Monster Subjugation: Capture a Hodras for 67,500 J.

-Bandit Extermination: Exterminate a bandit tribe at X outside of Magnolia for 300,000 J.

There were many requests to choose from that Zach was not sure on what to take. He looked at the Bandit Extermination request and was thinking of taking it when a tall guy wearing tribal clothing who Zach recognized as Nab Lasaro suddenly talked to him. "Your name is Zach right? Are you thinking of taking that Bandit Extermination request?"

Regarding Nab's question, Zach just nodded his head.

Nab continued, "I advise you to not take that request."

"Why?" Zach asked as he looked at Nab.

"I know you are strong. As Master Makarov stated that despite your age, you have already defeated a Forest Vulcan, but humans and monsters are two different things. Monsters can be defeated with pure strength alone, but fighting humans is much more complicated than that. You need to use your wits, watch out for traps and more. So if you have never even fought a human before, I advise you against it." Nab said wisely while still looking at the request board.

Zach contemplated Nab's words for a moment before nodding and said, "Thanks Nab. I'll follow your advice."

To which, Nab nodded while smiling broadly.

After hearing Nab's words, Zach looked at the request board again. After a few moments of consideration, he finally chose a suitable request to take.

-Monster Hunt: Eliminate a pack of Blood Wolves(10) near the North Gate. 130,000 Jewels

After finally picking up a request to his liking, Zach took the flyer and went over to Makarov who was sitting down at the guild counter drinking a big mug of beer.

"Jii, I'm taking this job." Zach said as he showed Makarov the request flyer.

Makarov looked at the request and said while touching his moustache, "Monster Hunt, huh... well, why not?"

Zach just nodded and went straight towards the door. As Zach and Eevee were about to go out, Makarov hollered to Zach and tossed out a small pouch, "Zacharius, catch!"

Zach turned around and caught the pouch tossed by Makarov. Zach looked at Makarov, clueless.

Looking at Zach's clueless expression, Makarov instructed, "That pouch is a Magic Item called 'bag'. Use your Magic power to open it."

Zach willed his Magic power onto the bag. When he saw what was inside, he was surprised. There were about 200,000 J or more inside the bag.

Seeing Zach's surprised expression, Makarov knew that Zach already saw what was inside. He continued, "There's about 220,000 J in there. That's for the Forest Vulcan that you have subjugated. I took it upon myself to settle a request about a Forest Vulcan for you. I also already deducted the cost for the bag."

Zach looked at Makarov for a moment before nodding and said, "Thank you." He then started moving again, now towards the North Gate.


Passing the North Gate, Zach was now outside Magnolia. He then started looking around and ran towards a direction. After running for about 10 minutes, Zach arrived in a dry prairie. He knelt down and put Eevee on the ground.

Zach smiled as he rubbed Eevee's face intimately with his thumb and said, "Just like old times, Eve."

"Vee~" Eevee smiled as she savored Zach's caress.

Zach closed his eyes then touched the space between his brows with two fingers and said, "Clairvoyance!"

Zach immediately saw everything in a 5-kilometer radius. He spotted all kinds of fauna: Deers, snakes, frogs, tigers, etc. He spent half a minute or so and finally spotted a pack of Blood Wolves.

"Eve, I see 4 Blood Wolves east from us, about 3.4 km." Zach opened his eyes and told Eevee what he saw. He then touched Eevee's forehead to transmit what he saw.

Eevee nodded her small head and transformed into her Espeon form. She touched Zach with her paw then teleported to a place near the wolves where they can be hidden.

After the teleport, they arrived in a very bushy place. They slowly sneaked their way towards the wolves without alerting them. After a minute, they saw 4 blood red wolves resting on a big boulder, licking their paws.

Zach and Eevee who were crawling side by side silently, looked at each other and nodded at the same time, as if they already knew what to do.

Zach took in a very deep breath while Eevee changed from Espeon to Flareon. Both of them then attacked at the same time.

"Elemental Demon's Blazing Breath!" Blue fire came out of Zach's mouth and went straight towards the 4 blood wolves.

"Flamethrower!" Eevee in her Flareon form also threw out her own attack.

Seeing the two-colored flame coming towards them, the 4 wolves hastily scattered in different directions. But with Zach and Eevee's combined breath, 3 of them who were the closest were too late and got blasted from the flames. Seeing that it was the only one left and 3 of its comrades heavily injured and can no longer fight, the final wolf howled, "Awooo!"

Zach and Eevee came out after hearing the howl. Eevee looked at the blood wolf and said, "Master, it's calling the rest of the pack."

Zach nodded with a smile and said, "That would be better. We won't need to locate them ourselves. Let's finish all of them first. Eve, take out the heavily injured ones. I'll take on this guy." Eevee nodded and ran towards the injured wolves.

Seeing the little fox coming towards its injured comrades, the wolf tried to stop her but was intercepted by Zach.

Zach laughed demonically and said, "You're not going anywhere, wolfy."

"Elemental Demon's Fire Corkscrew!" Blue flames covered Zach's fist while his punch twirled.

Seeing the punch coming towards it, the blood wolf jumped back and dodged the flaming fist.

Zach grinned widely and laughed, "Hahaha, you're not bad to dodge my punch, but that's not all."

The fire twirling around Zach's arm congregated towards the tip of his fist and then he shouted...

"Discharge!" The blue flames suddenly discharged from Zach's fist and went towards the blood wolf like a bullet.

Taken aback by the sudden attack, the blood wolf was hit by the face. Feeling the pain from the blue flames, the wolf growled angrily, "Grrrr!" It then pounced at Zach and slashed its claws towards him.

Seeing the reckless move from the wolf, Zach ridiculed, "You stupid canine, what a reckless move!"

"Crystal Demon's Aegis!" A beautiful crystal then emerged out from Zach's left hand and formed a shield. He blocked the blood wolf's claws and striked with his right hand.

"Right hand Take Over - Sin Series - Lucifer(Pride)!" Zach's entire right arm changed to that of a Demon's. Black scales covered half of his arm and nails turned to sharp claws. He flattened out his right hand and thrust it towards the wolf's neck as it went through with no obstruction. With his arm inside the wolf's neck, Zach slashed it to the side to finish it off, ending the poor wolf out of its misery.

Blood splashed all over, dying Zach red. The remaining blood wolf fell down and died. Zach grinned demonically and said, "Now, we just need to wait for their reinforcements."

With how he was covered in blood and how he smiled, he looked like a Demon King waiting for his prey to come ignorantly.