
Is This Really Three Wishes...?


An old man with a long and stuffy beard was sitting down on a fluffy cloud, in front of him were multiple screens depicting different world situations. One of them was Earth which was full of peace with no major wars, the very definition of boring itself.

The old man looked over all of the screens one by one with an uncaring and bored expression on his face. There was no luster in his eyes due to how boring his job was. The man looked up towards the starry sky and shouted, "I'm bored! I want to quit this job! I don't want to be God anymore! I've already done this for over a million years already! I wanna be mortal! I want to have a life! And most of all, I. WANT. TO. HAVE. FUN!"

The old man now known as God sighed after venting out his frustrations towards the void. He then went back on overseeing the whole multiverse. A moment later, one of the screens blinks continuously with a red light. The one called God then looked over at that particular screen. He pointed at that screen and was immediately brought in front of him.

"A world on the brink of destruction, huh..." God looked at the screen in front of him, showing the world called Earth. He then pointed at the screen with his index finger, white light flowed out of his finger and then went towards the screen. God's expression then underwent a drastic change and said, "...sh*t, I shouldn't have done that! Let this world burn for My sake. It could have brought me a little fun otherwise. Well never mind, let's just bring this weird little guy's soul over here."



A nineteen year old young man that was not in education, employment, or training (basically a neet) was sitting in front of his laptop atop his bed, watching anime, playing games, reading manga and light novels while listening to anime opening songs with his headphones on.

"Yawn, I have been staring at my screen for 20 hours straight. Now, I'm sleepy as hell!" After hours and hours of playing on his laptop, the young man eventually got tired and was now sleepy.

Stretching his body that was surprisingly normal without any excess fats even though he was leading this kind of lifestyle, he stood up and went to the fridge to get a glass of cold water before going to sleep.

"Gulp, gulp. Khaaaa! That hits the spot." Bottoming up his glass of water, he then proceeded to his bed. Closing his laptop, closing an open bag of chips, and capping a bottle of soda, he put them all away before finally dumping his face on his favorite pillow.

"Finally time to get some Z's." The young man then went to sleep peacefully.

The outside was bright as it was still noon, a busy time. People bustling about, cars passing by, and animals roaming around. The sky suddenly darkened with huge dark clouds approaching fast. The people looked at the fast approaching thunder clouds and thought, 'it's gonna rain' in their head.

"It's gonna rain? But the weather forecast said that it would be sunny."

"Sigh, we really can't trust the weather forecast."

"Gotta find shelter soon or else it will pour on us."

Boom! Crackle!

A loud thunder exploded right in the ears of the people below which startled them greatly with how loud it was. The thunderclouds continued to sound out loud thunders but no rain came pouring down. It was like a dog that was all bark and no bite. Then suddenly-

A white flash of lightning came out of the thunderclouds and went straight down towards the ground. As it was approaching the people below, the lightning suddenly went off tangent and changed its course from the ground outside to an apartment with an open window, with a sleeping person. The lightning passed through the open window and directly struck the young man inside the room, accurately striking his heart with no hope of opening his eyes again.

3 seconds later…

Boom! Crackle!

The loud thunder came crashing down after the lightning came, waking up the people from their stunned state. The lightning was too fast for them to react, based on a light's travelling speed, no human could ever react to a sudden lightning strike.

The dark thunder clouds then went and suddenly dispersed, making it sunny again. Making it look like that the phenomenon before was just an illusion.

"W-What just happened?!"

"A ligh-lightning that was about to strike us suddenly bent and went towards another direction, that apartment."

"Hey guys, do you think… there's a person inside? If there is, is the person living inside that apartment fine?"

"R-Right, let's check it out."

The crowd then went and knocked on the door of that particular apartment. But, no one answered the door even after a few minutes. The crowd then located the landlord to open the door.

When the door opened, what the crowd saw inside stunned them to the core. They saw a young man sleeping with a smile on his face, there was even drool on it. The only flaw was the hole in his body on the left side, apparently the heart. It was such a peaceful sight that the crowd felt that light was shining on this sight right now.

-The next day-

Morning NEWS - A phenomenon appeared!

CNN - The man that angered the Gods.

BREAKING! - The name of the man that was smitten by God…

Avengers' Thor - I am sorry, I lost control.

After that, the name Sato Akira became famous for being the first human in history to prove that God exists. His name was immortalized and worshipped by countless individuals. Humans became caring to others, animals, and the world itself. Global warming was gone, many diseases eradicated, more trees were planted, and the world called Earth flourished for a thousand years more.



God was sitting down on a fluffy cloud and next to him was a young man sleeping in comfort on a fluffy cloud. God watched the young man for a moment before poking his cheek. The young man didn't react, so God didn't stop, he just kept poking… and poking… and poking.

"Mmn, 10 more minutes" The young man finally reacted but he just rolled over the cloud to the other side.

God complied and waited for 10 minutes before he started poking the young man's cheek again and said, "It's already 10 minutes, wake up Akira!"

"Alright fine, I'm up." With the persistent poking, Akira finally woke up with an annoyed expression on his face. He stretched his body for a moment before looking at the beardy old man.

"So, who are you and what are you doing in my house?" Asked Akira with an annoyed tone.

God just looked at him with lackluster eyes, ignored his questions and said, "I am what you humans call God and you are now dead."

Akira looked at this so-called God seriously for a few seconds before he nodded his head and said, "This is obviously a dream. Now, back to sleep. That explains why everything feels so weird." Akira then proceeded to lay back down the bed of clouds.

The old man's eyes which were lackluster now hinted a little amusement, amused by how this little guy reacted. After that, the old man… poked Akira's cheek again and again. Then God said, "This is not a dream. You have already died."

Akira, having his cheek being poked again and again, got annoyed and finally sat up and looked at the stuffy bearded old man and said, "Me, dead? The last time I checked, I was perfectly healthy and the last thing I remember was me sleeping on my bed. What, did you smite me with lightning or something?"

"Yes, that's right. I did smite you with lightning. That's how you died." God nodded his head as he answered Akira's question unemotionally.

"Uh… did you really?" Akira asked.

God just nodded his head and replied, "Your world was about to be destroyed because of minor wars and over plundering of resources. I did something to mitigate that, now the world called Earth will prosper for a thousand years."

'So, that something is killing me, huh?' Akira thought gloomily.

Before Akira could reply, God beat him to it and said, "And as compensation for using you, I'll grant you three wishes and a world of your choosing."

"Hoh? Now, that's nice. I've always wanted something like this." Akira smilingly said, but shouted inwardly, 'Cliché!'

"Okay, for my first wish, I want to have a hundred wishes!" Akira smirked as he looked at the old man.

God just looked at him expressionlessly and said, "Idiot."

Akira's face was then filled with black lines after hearing what was said. He just shook his head and said, "Fine, fine, I'll think about it. As for the world that I'm gonna choose… let it be FairyTail then."

After hearing that, God just nodded and said nothing.

Akira then started thinking and muttered to himself, "The strongest magic for me would be the 'Arc of Embodiment'. With just my imagination, I could obliterate Acnologia in one hit. Now, that would be too boring. Next would be a Slayer Magic but, there are already so many of them. Another magic that I like would be Take Over Magic, it would be so cool to become a demon, like Mirajane. Hmm… this is hard to choose, there's so much magic that would be so cool and useful. Hrmm… mmm… alright, let's do it like this."

Akira looked at the bored and unmotivated God in front of him and said, "I've decided on my first wish. I want to create a new magic called Demon Slayer magic with 8 types, not Dragon, Devil, nor God, but Demon. Accompanying that would be Take Over magic, which has the 7 Great Demon King souls…"

After hearing what Akira said, God just nodded.

'Hmm?! It worked?' Akira thought God would reject as his wish was obviously a 2-in-1 wish. 'Let's try pushing my luck!'

"...and Telepathy Magic…" Akira added.

God nodded.

"...and Clairvoyance…" Akira added once again.

God nodded.

"...and Telekinesis…" Another addition.

God nodded.

"...and, that's it for my first wish." Akira then smiled and hastily stopped when he noticed the old man's face became dark.

"Okay, granted." God said and nodded his head.

Akira smiled when it was granted and said ,"Now, let me think about my second wish."

Akira then started thinking and muttered softly, "What would be a good second wish… Requip Magic? No! Ice Make? No! Dark Ecriture? No! Wait… why only think of Fairy Tail, there are a lot of other anime out there. Haha, let's not base it on magic but innate. Let's see… Kagune? Maybe not. Geass? Hmm, too OP, don't want. How 'bout Rin's Demon power? It's just a repeat of my abilities. Let's think of a versatile one… ah, I got it!"

Akira then raised his head to look at God and said, "My second wish will be Meliodas' Dragon Sin of Wrath that is controlled."

"Alright, that's it. Wish granted." God said emotionlessly.

'Che! He beat me into it. Let's not push our luck anymore.' Akira sneered sadly.

Akira opened his mouth but stopped as he thought of something. He then looked at the bored old God and said, "Hey God, do you have any freebies included when going to the other world? Like something to look at my status or something?"

"Oh? So you want a status interface? That's no problem." God approved of the small request.

Akira then regained his smile and said, "As for my third wish, I have already thought about it ever since my first wish. And that is... a companion."

The beardy old man nodded and asked, "What companion?"

"Heh!" Akira smirked then said, "I want my companion to be…"

"...a changeable Eevee!"

God nodded and said, "If that is all then walk through this portal over here."

Akira breathed in deeply and stood up. He slowly walked towards the portal and stopped right before it. Suddenly turning around to look at God and said, "By the way, after I walk through this portal, erase all my memories about what happened here and about Fairy Tail. Just implant me any memories you want for my identity there." Akira then laughed and said, "A world where I know everything is no fun!"

He then jumped backwards and entered the portal while having a thought in his head, 'Here I come, Fairy Tail!'

Ehh... welp, here goes.

1st Chapter for my 2nd book. Enjoy!

Thanks for reading. Don't forget to add to library.

Wondering about my first book? It's [DxD: Twins of Gremory]. That one was a failure with only 10 chapters. I lost motivation when Webnovel blocked my 1st book.

Anyway, help this pitiful me by throwing some of your Divine Power Stones. Thanks!

Demonificationcreators' thoughts