
Demon Slayers: Library of Wonders

In the vast expanse of the cosmos, an unassuming soul, Ace Walker, stumbles upon an extraordinary inheritance – a dimensionless library housing countless worlds. From futuristic galaxies to medieval realms, anime-inspired landscapes, and beyond, this library holds the keys to an infinite array of realities. His journey unfurls as he steps through the thresholds of these fictional worlds, each with its unique wonders and perils. With every tale he explores, the line between reality and fantasy blurs, and he finds himself on a quest to uncover his own origins. Delving deeper into the library's boundless collections, the very fabric of the multiverse becomes his playground. But can he discover the secret that lies beyond the veil, or will he succumb to its boundlessness like his predecessors? ********* Patreon link: patreon.com/NexusPrimodius

NexusPrimodius · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter 55: Dreaming Demon

Chapter 55: Dreaming Demon


[Daki's Perspective] [After her Battle]

A sense of haziness enveloped her, that felt akin to navigating through an ocean blindfolded. The sensation persisted, yet she never felt the suffocation or panic of drowning.

Attempting to describe her experience was challenging; each time she thought she grasped the feeling, it slipped away like elusive mist.

"What was I doing before I was here?" She pondered, wracking her brain to unearth memories of her activities before landing in this peculiar place.

Abruptly, she found herself standing in a dilapidated village with shattered houses and lawless inhabitants. The sun showered its hot rays, comforting for someone and brutal to others.

"Where is this? And why am I here?" she asked herself, yet a strange sense of normalcy surrounded the situation.

Walking in the naked sun, she felt a bit unnatural, as if she shouldn't be doing that. But ignoring the sensation, something suddenly caught her eye.

A beautiful white-haired girl strolling by, accompanied by an equally unattractive and ugly boy with black spots covering most of his face.

She couldn't explain how, but an inexplicable connection seemed to link her to the white-haired girl.

She trailed them, seemingly unnoticed or perhaps ignored by those around her. Successfully following them, she discovered that both the boy and the girl resided in a dilapidated and filthy hut nestled in the corner of the village.

"You come again! Filthy vermin. Why don't you just die and leave me alone?"

"Shut up, bitch! Don't you ever get tired of it," the ugly boy retorted in an annoyed voice.

"Ignore her, Ume, okay?" the boy comforted the girl.

Curses rained down continuously from a woman, but the two children appeared unfazed, continuing with their activities.

From her perspective, the less attractive one seemed to deeply care for the white-haired girl.

From then on, she began observing them as they tried to navigate their lives. But the scenario of continuous fight persisted for several months as she delved into the lives of these siblings. Gradually, she learned that their starkly contrasting appearances masked a strong familial bond.

The prolonged quarrel finally boiled over after months of simmering rage. The mother's madness at last propelled her towards the unthinkable – attempting to end the lives of both her children in a frenzied frenzy.

Despite the boy's desperate attempts to calm her, she seemed too far gone. When her murderous intentions turned towards the white-haired girl, a cold gleam flickered in the boy's eyes. In a chilling act, he snapped and twisted his own mother's head, extinguishing her life right in front of his sister.

Unbeknownst to her, tears streamed down her face as she witnessed the scene unfold.

From that moment, the dynamics of their relationship underwent a significant shift. The brother grew colder and more distant, prone to easily angered outbursts. In contrast, the girl matured, despite her age becoming more social and manipulative towards others.

Utilizing her own beauty, Ume, the sister, easily manipulated any high-ranking individuals who arrived in her village with twisted desires, bending them to her will and steadily ascending the social ladder.

Those who grew too close, attempting to exploit her body, met their demise through one of her other manipulated victims, perpetuating a dark cycle.

In no time, she orchestrated a way for herself and her brother to escape the squalor of the village.

Observing their lives, she also learned that she felt neither hunger nor any other human needs. Additionally, no one could even perceive her presence.

Inevitably, the thought echoed in her mind, "Who... What am I?"





Observing the siblings who had transformed significantly since she first encountered them. It's been seven years since she began watching them.

Ume, the once young sister of the duo, had blossomed into a stunning and mature woman, her beauty rumoured to rival that of a fairy. She now held the position of head in the most renowned brothel chain across Japan.

She understood that, as a woman in this age, she could only attain a limited position. Therefore, she chose a path that provided her with the essential ability to control high-ranking individuals.

And also recognizing the impossibility of ending prostitution, she assumed the position to also save as many young girls as possible. Despite her manipulative tendencies, she couldn't bear to let other young girls endure such miserable lives.

Meanwhile her brother had transformed into a strikingly unattractive man, striking was his inner beauty in his heart, now captivating despite his exterior.

He had overcome insecurities about his looks and anger issues with the support of his sister, Ume though he was still a stiff and antisocial person.

Now his whole job was to protect his sister from any of her pursuers and anyone who tried to take advantage of her. Basically a bodyguard.

"She" found joy in the remarkable progress the sibling duo had made in their lives, yet an increasing sense of unease gnawed at her without a clear understanding.

She had attempted to communicate with them numerous times, but like a ghost in their world, she couldn't interact. Devoid of hunger, thirst, or any bodily sensation, she could only watch – a silent observer.





At midnight.

Ume, absorbed in reading a book about a story of a young girl with the flickering light from a nearby lamp, had her leisure time interrupted by a knock on her door. Setting aside her reading, she approached the door and opened it to find Kasumi standing there.

"What happened, Kasumi? You know how late it is, right?" Ume inquired, addressing the girl who had come to her door.

Kasumi was a pleasing looking girl with soft features and an oval face and soft brown eyes , but not enough to attract a head turning from most people.

"It's urgent!, Ume! The Emperor just announced the celebration of his son's 15th birthday, and you have been ordered to attend."

"That ugly, fat little shit?!" Ume frowned. Then she said, "Come inside first; we will talk there."

They both entered the room, and Kasumi restlessly asked, "What are we going to do now?! You know that the prince tried to forcefully take advantage of you previously. We were only able to get away because we were not in the capital, and the prince didn't have much influence there. But now, in the capital with the Emperor present, your safety…" She couldn't complete her sentence.

Ume cut in with a determined look, " Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to me, Kasumi. Trust me."

"How can you be so calm? You know the Emperor is present there, and with how much he dotes on his wretched child he would do anything for him."

"What can I even do now then, Kasumi, other than going there? Should I just run away and abandon years of all my effort like this? You know that little shit will easily bring an army here, claiming I didn't attend due to contempt towards the king."

Kasumi bit her lips at her friend's logical words and a few tears flowed from her eyes.

"Don't worry, Nothing will happen to me," Ume reassured, wiping away Kasumi's tears.

"Hmm," Kasumi nodded. She loved Ume and didn't want anything to happen to her.

Leaving the room, she suddenly paused, glancing back with a conflicted expression. In the end, she refrained from taking any action and simply departed.

The ghostly presence of 'Her' observed the interaction between the two, a growing sense of unease settling within her.





[Day of Celebration]

"Everything okay, Ume? You seemed tense," Gyutaro asked.

"Nothing, brother. I am okay," Ume replied. She knew her brother was a bit simple-minded, not grasping much of the political intricacies.

Explaining anything to him would only confuse him more, so she used the words he understood best.

"Brother,you can fight today, right?" She asked.

"Anywhere, anytime !" Gyutaro smirked.

"Good" She smiled and sat on the carriage while he rode on a horse.

The ghostly observer smiled at the sibling bond they had forged over the years. What started as an uncaring attitude had evolved into a distant but unbreakable and affectionate sibling connection.





At the Emperor Palace.

As the celebration unfolded at the Emperor's Palace, Ume glided through the large hall where hundreds of officials gathered, her practised grace capturing attention, even with her face masked.

Walking beside her was Gyutaro, his presence marked by a dangerous glint in his eyes. His appearance stirred discontent among some attendees.

"Tch, why does he get to walk with her divine figure!" one attendee couldn't help but remark.

"I think he isn't even her actual brother. Don't you see their faces?"

"I agree, looks like his mother messed around with a wild boar before he was born, haha."

Ignoring the snide comments, Ume continued her regal stride, seemingly unaffected by the gossip swirling around her and her brother. The masked allure of her beauty persisted, leaving a trail of admiration in her wake.

As for Gyutaro facing the derogatory remarks, his eyes remained fixed ahead, he had grown out from having been affected by such insults.

"Such grace! Ume sama is the true jewel of this celebration."

"Have you ever seen a more exquisite woman? Her beauty transcends the ordinary."

"Pity she has to be accompanied by that eyesore. What a waste of her presence."

Many of the attendees sang praises of Ume as she walked around the hall.

Reaching the podium, Ume suddenly came to a stop and looked back, her brows furrowing as she witnessed guards intercepting her brother. She spoke in a cold tone, "What are you doing?"

"It is the Emperor's orders! Only those performing on the stage are allowed to stand there," one of the guards explained.

"He's there for my protection, nothing else. He'll step back once we're on the stage," she replied, trying to apply pressure on them. But…

"What protection do you need in the Emperor's Hall? Do you think we can't protect you here?" a heavy voice suddenly sounded in her ear.

'Fucking Minister! I don't need your protection, but protection against you,' Ume thought, frustration simmering beneath her composed exterior.

"It's merely for the peace of my heart, Hidoki-sama. You know I can't feel calm without him. And I am sure you wouldn't want me to make a mistake during such a grand celebration, right?" Ume explained before giving a small bow to the voice . He was Minister Hidoki. The favourite minister of the current Emperor.

She knew she had to deal with him with care, knowing the rumours she had heard about him he was sadistic to the extreme, delighting in torturing those who fell into his hands and making them feel helpless.

Minister Hidoki frowned at her response, displeased with the way she answered him. He relished women grovelling at his feet, and her defiant gaze, even as she bowed, stoked anger within him. But, he knew when to rein in his emotions and now was not the time.

"Hmph, he can go, but if he tries anything, it will be on you." Minister Hidoki warned them before walking away.

"I am very grateful for your generosity, Hidoki-sama," Ume said, bowing. But in her mind, she added, 'Generosity my ass.'

She then gracefully walked to the stage, taking her seat in a poised position, holding a biwa in her hand. Meanwhile, Gyutaro stood at the back of the stage, a vigilant presence in support of his sister.

The stage was set, and all eyes were now on Ume as everyone waited for the Emperor to come.

Before long, loud trumpets sounded, and the guards announced the arrival of the Emperor, signalling a shift in the atmosphere. The attention of the entire hall focused on the grand entrance of the Emperor

The grand doors creaked open to reveal the entrance of Emperor Juro and his son, Prince Taro. The atmosphere in the hall shifted, and a tense silence settled among the attendees.

Emperor Juro, a man with a sinister countenance and a dark aura, entered with calculated strides. His extravagant attire struggled to conceal his ample frame, accentuating the imposing figure of his fat body.

Just like his name, he was the tenth son of his father, a weak son never meant to be Emperor. Unexpectedly, in a bloody ascension, he became the Emperor. No one knew how he had achieved it, but many speculated about the sinister methods he might have used.

Prince Tarō, his son, walked beside him, bearing a striking resemblance to his father. His villainous gleam and an unwieldy, fat body that required the assistance of two individuals to walk even straight.

Ume, seated with the biwa in hand, maintained a composed exterior, yet her hands clenched the instrument tightly as her eyes remained respectfully lowered. Gyutaro, positioned at the back, observed the scene with a guarded expression, prepared to intervene if the need arose.

Suddenly, the prince burst into mad laughter, exclaiming to his father, "Father, you've really brought the white-haired biwa girl for me! Haha, I knew you loved me."

"Of course, son, haha. Why wouldn't a girl you desire be present on your birthday? Haha," Emperor Juro responded, joining in the unsettling laughter that echoed through the hall.

Ume's heart turned cold at their mad laughter, but she quickly composed herself.

The prince, noticing her lack of reaction, approached the stage. Using his repulsive fat finger, he held her mask and said, "I knew you would come. After all, father promised me after I told him how you humiliated me the last time. Hehe."

"So why don't you take off that mask and let everyone see that beautiful face of yours." The prince said with his disgusting mouth.

A collective hush fell over the crowd, breaths caught in anticipation at the prospect of glimpsing Ume's face. Few had seen it in the last six years, and those who had, declared her the most beautiful girl in the land. Suddenly the cheers for the prince erupted from the crowd, eager for the unveiling.

Encouraged by the cheers, the prince revelled in the attention, feeling a sense of accomplishment as he eagerly gazed at the masked face, anticipating the reveal of Ume's beauty.

Gyutaro gritted his teeth in frustration as the crowd cheered, ready to intervene and take Ume away. However, Ume gestured with her hand, signalling him to calm down.

"But, Prince, the Emperor personally wrote a letter to me, to come and play the biwa at your birthday. Do you really want me to show my face to everyone and not just... you?" Daki said in her lustrous voice.

The prince frowned, hearing her answer and finding it quite logical. He thought 'Why should he share his "gift" with everyone else?'

"Hmm. You are right, biwa girl. No need to unmask yourself. But make sure to remove it when you meet me," the prince declared, earning a collective Tch from the crowd at the decision.

"The prince is quite stupid and gullible; he is easily played by her!"

"Shut up! Bitch, do you want to get us killed? If you want to die, go die somewhere else."

"Oh! S-sorry, my bad, my bad. I won't do that anymore."

"Better be that! Asshole,"

The celebration continued with even more grandiosity after the Emperor and Prince had made their entrance. Lavish feasts and an abundance of drinks were served, creating an atmosphere of opulence. Ume took centre stage, playing her biwa with mesmerising skill.

The haunting melodies filled the hall, captivating everyone and momentarily diverting their attention from the earlier tensions.

"Fantastic, Oiran! No wonder my son begged me so much for you. He seemed to be infatuated with you, and it seems it is for a good reason."

"Thank you for your praise, my Emperor," Ume replied with a sweet voice, but her face remained cold behind her mask.

"Hmm... my emperor?!... Indeed, I am your emperor and everyone's Emperor," the Emperor murmured under his breath before continuing.

"You have quite a sweet mouth there, biwa woman, and now I am thinking of wanting you for myself." The ominous tone in the king's words added a chilling undertone to the compliment, suddenly leaving the atmosphere awkward.

"Father, you are joking, right?" the prince interjected, a hint of disbelief in his voice.

"Of course, I am joking, son. Haha, what did you think?" The Emperor replied with a seemingly joking tone, but any discerning observer could easily catch the hidden meaning beneath the surface. But It appeared that the prince remained oblivious to it.

Ahem, ahem.

Suddenly, Ume coughed, capturing the attention of everyone in the room. All eyes turned towards her as she, without batting an eye, said, "I think there's something wrong with what you said, oh Emperor." The directness of her response caused many to gasp in terror, leaving a pregnant pause in the room.

"Oh! What did I say wrong, biwa woman? And remember, if I am not satisfied with your answer, you will be in grave offence. So, answer with the right mind. I will give you one minute to respond," the Emperor said in a cold tone, an evil gleam in his eyes. He detested being challenged or told he was wrong, and the threat in his words hung heavily in the air as a tense silence enveloped the room.

But Ume, without waiting, continued, "I don't need that much time; I am in my right mind now."

"Then say what you want. We don't want everyone to waste their precious time on some oiran," Minister Hidoki interjected.

Ume didn't even give a glance at him and continued her words to the emperor. "I can't be a gift to someone, oh Emperor. I am already someone else's."

"Who dares!!!" The prince shrieked, as if someone had fucked his mother right in front of him.

"Who dares to touch you, Oiran? Say his name, or else I would have you cut into pieces now," the Emperor said with a soured and angry expression, as if someone had spat in his deliciously prepared meal.

While Gyutaro raised his eyebrows at her declaration, a mix of surprise and frown flickering across his face. 'Why didn't I know about it?'.

"It's me!!" Suddenly, the door opened, and an entourage of men entered the hall.

Everyone gasped as they saw who entered the hall. Nobody would have thought the very Shogun would come in flesh at a seemingly small celebration for one of the king's sons added a layer of astonishment.

Ume smiled at the silence in the hall. Her plan had unfolded as intended and the Shogun had come.

While her business operated as a brothel, it was only in name. In reality, it served as the hub for gathering information throughout Tokyo, cleverly disguising its true purpose under the guise of a brothel.

With a deal that secured half of the rights to information, Ume had struck an agreement with the Shogun for protection. The strategic alliance allowed her to operate her information network under the safeguard of the powerful Shogun, ensuring both her business and her gathered intelligence remained secure.

And this protection extended to the influence of someone like a prince and Emperor.

Of course, she had also taken precautions. She had entrusted most of the files and information to Kasumi, instructing her to move them away or even burn them if a situation arose and something happened to her.

"Are you really doing this, Nobunaga?!" Emperor Juro said, gritting his teeth.

"Are you questioning me, Juro?! Do you really want me to remind yourself of who you are talking with?" The Shogun replied, raising his eyebrows as if provoking him to respond.

But seeing the Emperor's silence, even when provoked, brought a content smile to the Shogun's face.

"She is mine now!" the Shogun declared to everyone in the hall

Ume frowned at his over-the-top declaration but knew she had to maintain the act, so she refrained from saying anything.

Hearing the Shogun's declaration, anger erupted in the Emperor's mind due to the humiliation he felt. Suddenly, he took out a dark bluish seal from his robes and showed it to the Shogun.

Noticing the seal on the Emperor's hand, the Shogun's face immediately froze, as if someone had poured cold water on him.

While Ume frowned at the sudden change in atmosphere and focused on the seal that the kingtook out. Though it was quite far from her, she was still able to read some words stamped on the seal.


- x - X - x -

While observing all of it from the start, the ghostly observer suddenly shivered. She didn't know if it was from the cold or something else, but she knew with certainty that things were going downhill from here on.

- x - X - x -

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