
Demon Slayers: Library of Wonders

Anime & Comics
Ongoing · 1.5M Views
  • 84 Chs
  • 4.2
    27 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is Demon Slayers: Library of Wonders

Read ‘Demon Slayers: Library of Wonders’ Online for Free, written by the author NexusPrimodius, This book is a Anime & Comics Fanfic, covering ACTION Fanfiction, ROMANCE Fan Fiction, ADVENTURE Fanfiction Net, and the synopsis is: In the vast expanse of the cosmos, an unassuming soul, Ace Walker, stumbles upon an extraordinary inheritance – a dimens...


In the vast expanse of the cosmos, an unassuming soul, Ace Walker, stumbles upon an extraordinary inheritance – a dimensionless library housing countless worlds. From futuristic galaxies to medieval realms, anime-inspired landscapes, and beyond, this library holds the keys to an infinite array of realities. His journey unfurls as he steps through the thresholds of these fictional worlds, each with its unique wonders and perils. With every tale he explores, the line between reality and fantasy blurs, and he finds himself on a quest to uncover his own origins. Delving deeper into the library's boundless collections, the very fabric of the multiverse becomes his playground. But can he discover the secret that lies beyond the veil, or will he succumb to its boundlessness like his predecessors? ********* Patreon link: patreon.com/NexusPrimodius

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Sinopsis Awal Cerita: Shin Youngwoo memiliki kehidupan yang tidak menguntungkan dan sekarang dirinya terjebak mengangkut batu bata di lokasi konstruksi. Ia bahkan harus menjadi buruh di game VR, Satisfy! Namun, keberuntungan akan segera memasuki kehidupan tanpa harapannya. Karakternya, 'Grid', akan menemukan Gua Ujung Utara untuk Quest, dan di tempat tersebut, ia menemukan 'Buku Langka Pagma' dan menjadi player kelas legendaris. Ulasan Translator: Basis dari novel ini adalah game VR ( Virtual Reality ) yang disebut Satisfy, dikembangkan oleh ilmuwan terbaik di dunia Lim Cheolho dan para ilmuwan terbaik di dunia lainnya. Karakter utamanya dari cerita ini bersifat pemalu, mudah frustasi, penakut, egois, peduli dengan uang dan mudah merasa iri dengan orang lain. Karena sang Author membuat karakter dengan sifat demikian, ceritanya akan sedikit sulit untuk dibaca para reader pada awalnya. Namun, ketika sang tokoh utama bertemu dengan berbagai macam orang dan para jenius, ia secara internal menjadi dewasa dan kepribadiannya berubah. Jika karakter utama digambarkan seperti kanker sejak dini, saat ini ia dapat disebut sebagai orang dewasa yang matang. Namun, bagi para reader yang tidak membaca bagian-bagian awal dari chapter 90 ( atau volume ke-5 ) pastinya akan sulit untuk mempercayai tingkat pengembangan ceritanya. Pengaturan dasar dan alur ceritanya mirip dengan novel-novel VR lainnya, namun yang patut dipuji dari novel ini adalah pengembangan kontennya. Bagian-bagian awalnya tidak jauh berbeda dengan novel-novel lainnya, tapi di peringkat yang baru telah melampaui rata-rata pasar dalam beberapa tahun terakhir karena perkembangan dari penulisnya. Pada awal cerita, game berlangsung dengan sang karakter utama menggunakan kelas dari seorang pandai besi legendaris. Karakter utama memperluas konten game dan tingkat pengguna gamenya meningkat secara dramatis. Bakat tersembunyi, player baru di peringkat resmi, berbagai macam kelas yang dapat merusak keseimbangan game, semua ini menunjukkan bahwa sang tokoh utama tesebut dapat melakukan hal-hal yang mustahil sendirian. Tokoh utama tumbuh secara internal dan eksternal saat bersaing dengan player lainnya. Bahkan, jika reader membandingkan metode pertempuran yang sederhana dan tanpa dasaran di awal cerita dengan kemampuannya di masa sekarang, adalah hal yang mungkin bagi para reader untuk merasakan besarnya jarak sehingga sang tokoh utama tidak terlihat seperti karakter yang sama. Sedangkan untuk evaluasinya, ada begitu banyak kritikan cukup berat di awal cerita, namun popularitasnya meningkat pesat setelah itu. Seperti yang dijelaskan di atas, perbaikan dalam penulisan dan pertumbuhan tokoh utama menyebabkan terjadinya perubahan yang cepat dalam komentar-komentar tersebut. Namun, perilaku egois dan frustasi karakter utama tersebut seringkali menyebabkan banyak reader berhenti membaca bagian awalnya.

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Only You, My Dear Villainess

Victoria Yue is the only daughter of Yue's enterprise. She had been pampered since a young age by her parents and brother. Who knew the person Victoria trusted the most, Britany Xue, had brainwashed her that the cold-blooded CEO of Li's enterprise harboring a secret love towards her. With Britany Xue throwing oils into the fire, Victoria, who was normally a reasonable woman, had become a very jealous woman. She kept on bullying every girl that tried to get close to her beloved, Vincent Li. Vincent Li originally turned a blind eye for Victoria's behavior because of their family close relationship. Until, the day when Victoria did an impulsive act by preparing an assassin to wipe out his May Zhang. This act led to her destruction where she lost her family favors and her power as Yue's family. Depleted her desire to monopolize Vincent Li's love, she managed to gain a clear mind that Britany Xue was the culprit for her downfall. On her way to kill Britany Xue, with a mind of 1001 ways to torture her, she collided with a car. When she regained her consciousness, a fluffy little thing flying in a circle. VY: Who are you? Fluffy LT: A system, meow. VY: A cat? Fluffy LT: I'm a system, meow! With your current state, you are going to die within 2 hours if you don't finish your quest. VY: Wait, What? Fluffy LT: To regain your life fully, you must finish all of the quests I give to you, meow. The objective is a secret, for now~ this is the first quest: You have to exchange names with Aiden Wang, the CEO of Wang's company within 5 hours. I added 3 hours as a bonus because this is your first case, meow! VY: I must be hallucinating *Ignoring the Fluffy LT for 3 hours* Fluffy LT frustrated, then it cuddled with VY. Noticing it is not a hallucination and realization hits her, she only has 2 hours left, VY: !@#$%^%&* Thus, Victoria Yue, for the first time in her life, ran frantically out of the hospital wards without changing her clothes. Note: Pardon me for spelling errors or bad grammar. Inform me kindly if there are any typos. P.S : I made the cover myself

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I am trash! [BL]

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Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 1 :Demon Slayer


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Hey Guys , It is the compulsory 5 star review from Author . You guys should have already adapted to authors narcissism so mine nothing much. Its my first Fanfic , so don't be too much critical . Take it as a fun ride to enjoy


You have done a good job writing this fanfic. It's good for a beginner. Keep it up! You should make small details like: showing multiple povs, locations, and small movement he make. It is this thing that make the reading enjoyable. Also, make light comedy. It will keep the readers from being bored. Also, make the the obvious break. What I mean is: suppose you are writing a fight that the mc is about to win but at the last moment instead of finishing the fight add a third party's pov. Just a reminder, don't do it often it will annoy everyone.


It was interesting at first but then their was Yuki joining and the forced romance that suddenly came early on. I was kimda expecting something different but it felt that it quickly divulved into the usual oc fanfic.


Sorry friend, I stopped reading only at chapter 5 because I couldn't force it any more, I thought MC would go on an adventure and train on his own, instead of forcing you into an unfamiliar Hasira environment.There is no point , I thought MC would go on an adventure and train then meet them one by one, but instead you were put in Hasira while there MC wouldn't be taught anything other than being an errand boy for M Kill the devil then the MC will be tested and then other things, but is the MC obliged to do that? , What's the purpose of MC coming to this 2D world, isn't it to practice adventuring and other things? So you can't kill a demon without entering the hashira as if the hashira is important and special Moreover, I see indications of forced romance from yuki oc nonsense, It's better to just send MC to the world of Lookism, where MC can fight and get a perfect body too, rather than sending you to the DS world but it's like you're stuffing hard bread down MC's throat, really aw The beginning of chapters 1-3 is what makes this special and then it becomes ordinary


Posting this to help out a friend.... Pretty good introduction and excellent grammar (the latter part is pretty rare on WN). The story is still in its infancy, although the introduction of the MC and the library was flawlessly executed, as of chapter 3. Hope to see this continues and gain good popularity.


Quite good for a new one , I will readi it when more chapter are available. The starts is very promising


THERE MUST be more chapters! or i will explode in a pile of bored confetti, please don't make me self-detonate into a pile of bored confetti.


10/10 [img=güncelleme][img=güncelleme][img=güncelleme][img=güncelleme][img=güncelleme][img=güncelleme][img=güncelleme][img=güncelleme][img=güncelleme]


seems quite promising at a glance, the cosmic aspect seems, interesting to me, will have to look for updates, hope the author doesn't drop it


Don’t drop.


. . . . . . . . .




The literary aspect is nice also the story holds potential. Let's see how it would proceed, anticipating a bit more of character details and pov's but overall the reading experience is fun.


Better than webnovel average trash , but the characters sometimes not behave their personality


nice novel, but just need some corrections for the narrative quality to not let it feel like a summay


Good for a beginner, just need some more characters interactions , make them feel more real


It's good, tho I am not in the mood to read a harem fanfiction, I will try it after watching my 100 girlfriends.


Looks promising , hope that it goes beyond 100 chapters.


Synopsis In the vast expanse of the cosmos, an unassuming soul, Ace Walker, stumbles upon an extraordinary inheritance – a dimensionless library housing countless worlds. From futuristic galaxies to medieval realms, anime-inspired landscapes, and beyond, this library holds the keys to an infinite array of realities. His journey unfurls as he steps through the thresholds of these fictional worlds, each with its unique wonders and perils. With every tale he explores, the line between reality and fantasy blurs, and he finds himself on a quest to uncover his own origins. Delving deeper into the library's boundless collections, the very fabric of the multiverse becomes his playground. But can he discover the secret that lies beyond the veil, or will he succumb to its boundlessness like his predecessors? Or the author dies and ended the story.


I was told by the author that it is mandatory for 5 stars so here I am trying to make a summary about how good the fiction is and why it deserves a dive star rating in every category and I sure do hope that the amount of words I am typing at this moment are enough. 🤣


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